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Computational Science and Its Applications: ICCSA 2007: International Conference, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August 26-29, 2007. Proceedings, Part II

Osvaldo Gervasi ; Marina L. Gavrilova (eds.)

En conferencia: 7º International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA) . Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia . August 26, 2007 - August 29, 2007

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Efficient an Implementation Method Research of a Smart Card Atomic Operation

Eun A. Jun; Seok Won Jung; Jeom Goo Kim; Jong In Lim

It is important to write a data physically into a smart card with integrity. The EEPROM buffer design there is relationship which is close with a Smart Card life time. And, it approaches a file and against at the time when it controls a data the dependence degree is high very. Rankle and Effing suggested atomic operations which are based on the idea that when data is stored in an EEPROM, data must never be written only partially. Efficient designs and implementations of a writing process are suggested with atomic operation in two aspects, capability and processing time. In the aspects of the capability, a new cyclic structure of a buffer extends 8 times an EEPROM lifetime in average. A new cyclic record structure reduces about 30% of processing time to an EEPROM for backup. Suggested methods can be applied to design of T-money that is the traffic payment application of Seoul City. It is implemented to the S3C89V8 memory chip of Samsung Electronics.

- Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 07) | Pp. 113-121

Mobile Agent Based Intrusion Detection System Adopting Hidden Markov Model

Do-hyeon Lee; Doo-young Kim; Jae-il Jung

Mobile agent based intrusion detection systems distribute detection agents to prevent system from shutting down when an agent becomes breaks. Because in this system agents are distributed, it can reduce network delay and network load, and each agent can operate independently. Agents can also be easily added or deleted. In this paper we propose an enhanced design of mobile agent based intrusion detection system using Hidden Markov Model algorithm for detection. Hidden Markov Model algorithm is used to detect abnormal behavior pattern by analyzing log information. By adopting this algorithm to the mobile intrusion detection agents, detection performance can be improved.

- Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 07) | Pp. 122-130

Location-Aided Secure Routing Scheme in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

Do-hyeon Lee; Sun Choi; Ji-hyeon Choi; Jae-il Jung

This paper proposes a new routing scheme that uses geographical position information to minimize the number of intermediate nodes that make a routing path, and to guarantee reliability and security in route establishment process. To achieve this purpose, we first describes the , the , and three types of route request (RREQ) packet to select the closest node to the destination. The is then newly defined by adding a specific subfield to a routing cache to identify the misbehaving nodes. The suggested scheme decreases the number of hops to make up routing path in comparison with the existing one, and exclude malicious nodes from route establishment process.

- Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 07) | Pp. 131-139

A Design of Fair Blind Signatures Protocol Using PVNIOT

Jeom-goo Kim; Do-hyeon Lee; Jeog-bae Lee

The biggest problem for the oblivious transfer protocol is the rapid increasement of network traffic and computational complexity if the protocol is used as a sub-protocol compare to the case that when it is used as a standalone protocol. To fix such problems, in this paper, we propose a verifiable Non-interactive OT protocol that reduces the network traffic and computational complexity by preprocessing the necessary computations when the network traffic is low. The proposed protocol uses third root mechanism instead of square root mechanism that is used for the Fiat-Shamir signature mechanism and also uses 1-out-of-2 oblivious transfer based on <Type I> signature mechanism. We also analyze the proposed protocol by comparing to the Lein Harn, VNIOT protocols.

- Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 07) | Pp. 140-147

An Access Control Using SPKI Certificate in Peer-to-Peer Environment

Jeom Goo Kim; Do-hyeon Lee

Web service is giving an equal privilege to all user for sharing their resources. Under this situation, lots of vulnerabilities against the various attacks through the Internet are possible, more sophisticated security services are necessary. In this paper, we propose an access control scheme using SPKI (Simple Public Key Infrastructure). The scheme designates an access control by providing the certificate to users who request a connection for resource sharing and limits the resource usage of information provider according to the access right that is given to their own right.

- Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 07) | Pp. 148-156

Security and Test Environment for SIP

Geuk Lee; Seok Tae Kim; In Kyu Han; Chang Yong Lee; Seon Ho Park; Do Won Yi; Jung Min Oh

One of the most important parts in next generation VoIP is security management. When a designer develops a protocol stack based on SIP(Session Initiation Protocol), it is necessary to develop test scenario, test environment and adaptation test technology for security test of the system. In this paper, we design and implement security test environment and test program for SIP. This system also can be used as a fundamental system when someone develops a communication system based on SIP.

- Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 07) | Pp. 157-165

Simulation Based Nodal Analysis for Effects Based Operations

Gang Taek Lee; Dong Hwi Lee; Kuinam J. Kim

Today, EBO(Effects Based Operations) is recognized as the central operation concept and direction for the Korea Military development in the future. However, there is no targeting system to support EBO based on scientific nodal analysis, which is the central factor for EBO execution, in Korea Military. In this situation, this paper, the study on targeting methodology, suggests ’SBNA(Simulation Based Nodal Analysis) plan’ to Korea Military for the effective targeting using the current simulation model as a tool of nodal analysis.

- Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 07) | Pp. 166-176

A Stable Evidence Collection Procedure of a Volatile Data in Research

Yong-Ho Kim; Dong Hwi Lee; Kuinam J. Kim

I would like to explain a method how to get important data from a volatile data securely, when we are not available to use network in computer system by incident. The main idea is that the first investigator who collects a volatile data by applying scripts built in USB media should be in crime scene at the time. In according to volatile data, he generates hash value, and gets witness signature. After that, he analyses the volatile data with authentication in forensics system.

- Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 07) | Pp. 177-184

Intelligence Report and the Analysis Against the Phishing Attack Which Uses a Social Engineering Technique

Dong Hwi Lee; Kyong Ho Choi; Kuinam J. Kim

The hacking aspect of recent times is changing, the phishing attack which uses a social engineering technique is becoming the threat which is serious in Information Security. It cheats the user and it acquires a password or financial information of the individual and organization. The phishing attack uses the home page which is fabrication and E-mail, and acquires personal information which is sensitive and financial information. This study proposes the establishment of National Fishing Response Center, complement of relation legal system, Critical intelligence distribution channel of individual and enterprise.

- Workshop on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI 07) | Pp. 185-194

Energy-Efficient Distance Based Clustering Routing Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks

Young-Ju Han; Seon-Ho Park; Jung-Ho Eom; Tai-Myoung Chung

Clustering scheme enabling the efficient utilization of the limited energy resources of the deployed sensor nodes can effectively prolong the lifetime of wireless sensor networks. The most common technique in famous clustering schemes is a probabilistic clustering scheme based on a randomized cluster-head rotation for distributing the energy consumption among nodes in each cluster. Because most of those schemes utilize mainly the residual energy of each node as the criterion of cluster-head election, those schemes have demerit which the unbalanced energy consumption among cluster-heads is occurred. To overcome this demerit, we consider a distance from the base station to cluster-heads as well as the residual energy as the criterion of cluster-head election for balanced energy consumption among cluster-heads. Our scheme provides fully distributed manner by utilizing local information and good energy-efficiency by load balanced clustering scheme. Through simulation experiments, we showed that the proposed scheme is more effective than LEACH and EECS in prolonging the lifespan of wireless sensor networks.

- Workshop on Mobile Communications (MobiComm 07) | Pp. 195-206