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Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery: 13th International Conference, DGCI 2006, Szeged, Hungary, October 25-27, 2006, Proceedings

Attila Kuba ; László G. Nyúl ; Kálmán Palágyi (eds.)

En conferencia: 13º International Conference on Discrete Geometry for Computer Imagery (DGCI) . Szeged, Hungary . October 25, 2006 - October 27, 2006

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Computer Applications; Image Processing and Computer Vision; Computer Graphics; Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science; Simulation and Modeling; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Homology of Simploidal Set

Samuel Peltier; Laurent Fuchs; Pascal Lienhardt

In this article the homology of simploidal sets is studied. Simploidal sets generalize both simplicial complexes and cubical complexes, more precisely cells of simplicial sets are cartesian products of simplices. We define one homology for simploidal sets and we prove that this homology is equivalent to the homology usually defined on simplicial complexes.

Palabras clave: Boundary Operator; Simplicial Complex; Homology Group; Simplicial Cycle; Constructive Proof.

- Discrete Topology | Pp. 235-246

Measuring Intrinsic Volumes in Digital 3d Images

Katja Schladitz; Joachim Ohser; Werner Nagel

The intrinsic volumes – in 3d up to constants volume, surface area, integral of mean curvature, and Euler number – are a very useful set of geometric characteristics. Combining integral and digital geometry we develop a method for efficient simultanous calculation of the intrinsic volumes of sets observed in binary images. In order to achieve consistency in the derived intrinsic volumes for both foreground and background, suitable pairs of discrete connectivities have to be used. To make this rigorous, the concepts discretization w.r.t. an adjacency system and complementarity of adjacency systems are introduced.

Palabras clave: Euler Number; Section Lattice; Neighborhood Graph; Congruence Class; Intrinsic Volume.

- Discrete Topology | Pp. 247-258

An Objective Comparison Between Gray Weighted Distance Transforms and Weighted Distance Transforms on Curved Spaces

Céline Fouard; Magnus Gedda

In this paper, we compare two different definitions of distance transform for gray level images: the Gray Weighted Distance Transform (GWDT), and the Weighted Distance Transform On Curved Space (WDTOCS). We show through theoretical and experimental comparisons the differences, the strengths and the weaknesses of these two distances.

- Distance | Pp. 259-270

Chordal Axis on Weighted Distance Transforms

Jérôme Hulin; Edouard Thiel

Chordal Axis (CA) is a new representation of planar shapes introduced by Prasad in [1], useful for skeleton computation, shape analysis, characterization and recognition. The CA is a subset of chord and center of discs tangent to the contour of a shape, derivated from Medial Axis (MA). Originally presented in a computational geometry approach, the CA was extracted on a constrained Delaunay triangulation of a discretely sampled contour of a shape. Since discrete distance transformations allow to efficiently compute the center of distance balls and detect discrete MA, we propose in this paper to redefine the CA in the discrete space, to extract on distance transforms in the case of chamfer norms, for which the geometry of balls is well-known, and to compare with MA.

Palabras clave: image analysis; shape description; chordal axis; medial axis; discrete geometry; chamfer or weighted distances.

- Distance | Pp. 271-282

Attention-Based Mesh Simplification Using Distance Transforms

Susana Mata; Luis Pastor; Angel Rodríguez

Although widely used for image processing, Distance Transforms have only recently started to be used in computer graphics. This paper proposes a new mesh simplification technique based on Distance Transforms that allows taking into account the proximity of a mesh element to the focus of attention for adapting the approximation error which will be tolerated during the simplification process to the relative importance of that mesh element. Experimental results show the feasibility of this approach.

Palabras clave: Computer Graphic; Mesh Element; Distance Threshold; Distance Image; Polygonal Mesh.

- Distance | Pp. 283-294

Generating Distance Maps with Neighbourhood Sequences

Robin Strand; Benedek Nagy; Céline Fouard; Gunilla Borgefors

A sequential algorithm for computing the distance map using distances based on neighbourhood sequences (of any length) in the 2D square grid; and 3D cubic, face-centered cubic, and body-centered cubic grids is presented. Conditions for the algorithm to produce correct results are derived using a path-based approach. Previous sequential algorithms for this task have been based on algorithms that compute the digital Euclidean distance transform. It is shown that the latter approach is not well-suited for distances based on neighbourhood sequences.

Palabras clave: Short Path; Grid Point; Weighted Distance; Image Domain; Sequential Algorithm.

- Distance | Pp. 295-307

Hierarchical Chamfer Matching Based on Propagation of Gradient Strengths

Stina Svensson; Ida-Maria Sintorn

A modification of the hierarchical chamfer matching algorithm (HCMA) with the effect that no binarisation of the edge information is performed is investigated. HCMA is a template matching algorithm used in many applications. A distance transform (DT) from binarised edges in the search image is used to guide the template to good positions. Local minima of a function using the distance values hit by the template correspond to potential matches. We propose to use distance weighted propagation of gradient magnitude information as a cost image instead of a DT from the edges. By this we keep as much information as possible until later in the matching process and, hence, do not risk to discard good matches in the edge detection and binarisation process.

Palabras clave: Root Mean Square; Template Match; Edge Image; Search Image; Gradient Magnitude.

- Distance | Pp. 308-319

Elliptical Distance Transforms and Applications

Hugues Talbot

Discrete Euclidean distance transforms, both exact and approximate, have been studied for some time, in particular by the Discrete Geometry community. In this paper we extend the notion of Euclidean distance transform (EDT) to elliptical distance transform (LDT). The LDT takes an additional two fixed parameters (eccentricity and orientation) in 2-D and an additional four in 3-D (two ratios and two angles) in 3-D, instead of 1 for the EDT in all cases . We study first how the LDT can be computed efficiently with good approximation in the case where all parameters are constant. We provide an application to binary object segmentation as motivation for this work.

Palabras clave: Binary Image; Level Line; Priority Queue; Mathematical Morphology; Distance Transform.

- Distance | Pp. 320-330

A Composite and Quasi Linear Time Method for Digital Plane Recognition

Lilian Buzer

This paper introduces a new method for the naive digital plane recognition problem. As efficient as existing alternatives, it is the only method known to the author that also guarantees a quasi linear time complexity in the worst case. The approach presented can be used to determine if a set of n points is a naive digital hyperplane in ℤ^ d in O ( n log^2 D ) worst case time where D represents the size of a bounding box that encloses the points. In addition, the approach succeeds in reducing the naive digital plane recognition problem to a two-dimensional convex optimization program. Thus, the solution space is planar and only simple two-dimensional geometrical methods need to be applied during the recognition process. The algorithm is a composite of simple techniques based on one-dimensional optimization: Megiddo Oracle for linear programming and two-dimensional discrete geometry.

Palabras clave: Normal Vector; Side Length; Search Domain; Linear Programming Technique; Binary Optimization.

- Image Analysis | Pp. 331-342

Fusion Graphs, Region Merging and Watersheds

Jean Cousty; Gilles Bertrand; Michel Couprie; Laurent Najman

Region merging methods consist of improving an initial segmentation by merging some pairs of neighboring regions. We consider a segmentation as a set of connected regions, separated by a frontier. If the frontier set cannot be reduced without merging some regions then we call it a watershed. In a general graph framework, merging two regions is not straightforward. We define four classes of graphs for which we prove that some of the difficulties for defining merging procedures are avoided. Our main result is that one of these classes is the class of graphs in which any watershed is thin. None of the usual adjacency relations on ℤ^2 and ℤ^3 allows a satisfying definition of merging. We introduce the perfect fusion grid on ℤ^ n , a regular graph in which merging two neighboring regions can always be performed by removing from the frontier set all the points adjacent to both regions.

- Image Analysis | Pp. 343-354