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Advances in Computer Systems Architecture: 11th Asia-Pacific Conference, ACSAC 2006, Shanghai, China, September 6-8, 2006, Proceedings

Chris Jesshope ; Colin Egan (eds.)

En conferencia: 11º Asia-Pacific Conference on Advances in Computer Systems Architecture (ACSAC) . Shanghai, China . September 6, 2006 - September 8, 2006

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Computer System Implementation; Arithmetic and Logic Structures; Input/Output and Data Communications; Logic Design; Computer Communication Networks; Processor Architectures

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Acceleration Techniques for Chip-Multiprocessor Simulator Debug

Haixia Wang; Dongsheng Wang; Peng Li

By exploring thread-level parallelism, chip multiprocessor(CMP) can dramatically improve the performance of server and commercial applications. However, complex CMP chip architecture made debugging work time-consuming and rather hard. In this paper, based on the experience of debugging CMP simulator ThumpCMP, we present a set of acceleration techniques, including automatic cache-coherence check, fast error location, and workload rerun times reducing technique. The set of techniques have been demonstrated to be able to make CMP chip debugging work much easier and much faster.

Palabras clave: Processor Core; Acceleration Technique; Cache Coherence; Function Calling; Virtual Address.

Pp. 509-515

A DDL–Based Software Architecture Model

Meiling Wang; Lei Liu

Dynamic Description Logic (DDL) can support both the static and dynamic knowledge representation, thus this paper introduces a kind of Software Architecture (SA) Model based on DDL, the purpose of which is to facilitate the description of each part of SA as well as the constraints between them. In addition, the model also supports the detection of the consistency problems existed in dynamic architecture. In the end, the mapping from SA to DLL is discussed, and an example of a complete architecture model of Pipeline-Filter style is described.

Pp. 516-522

Branch Behavior Characterization for Multimedia Applications

Chia-Lin Yang; Shun-Ying Wang; Yi-Jung Chen

Modern embedded processors employ dynamic branch prediction to reduce performance penalty caused by branch instructions. Existing branch predictor designs are all based on the behavior of applications on a GPP (general purpose processor). However, for an embedded system, such as smart phone, multimedia applications are the main workload. Therefore, in this paper, we perform detailed analysis on the branch behavior of multimedia applications. We believe that identifying important characteristics of the branch behavior of multimedia applications is important for designing a branch predictor for embedded processors.

Pp. 523-530

Optimization and Evaluating of StreamYGX2 on MASA Stream Processor

Mei Wen; Nan Wu; Changqing Xun; Wei Wu; Chunyuan Zhang

The characteristics of the stream architectures–stress locality, parallelism, decoupling of memory operations and computation–matches the capabilities of modern semiconductor technology with computer-intensive parallel applications and allow for high performance of compiler optimized code. This paper presents a detailed study of porting the fluid dynamics calculation with 2D Lagrange and Euler Method to a stream processor-—MASA.

Palabras clave: stream processor; scientific computing; Ygx2; 2D Lagrange-Euler Method.

Pp. 531-537

SecureTorrent: A Security Framework for File Swarming

Kenneth Wilson; Philip Machanick

SecureTorrent is a secure file swarming system based on BitTorrent. It provides access control, end-to-end confidentiality, and auditability, while maintaining advantages of file swarming. This paper presents an initial performance evaluation. As compared with BitTorrent, the performance overhead of encryption in most cases is negligible, at worst 15%. In a real-world higher latency network, the extra overhead of encryption would be significantly lower.

Palabras clave: Access Control; Content Distribution; Cache Proxy; Security Framework; Byzantine Agreement.

Pp. 538-544

Register Allocation on Stream Processor with Local Register File

Nan Wu; Mei Wen; Ju Ren; Yi He; Chunyuan Zhang

Emerging stream processors for intensive computing use local register file to support ALUs array and use VLIW to explore instruction level parallelism. The current VLIW compilers for local register file such as ISCD work well on moderate media application without considering register allocation pressure. However, more complicated applications and optimizations that increase the size of the working set such as software pipelining make consideration of register pressure during the scheduling process. Based on ISCD complier, this paper presents two new techniques: spilling schedule and basic block repartition that compose a new schedule algorithm to alleviate register pressure. Experimental results show that it can deal with heavy workload application very well. The algorithm can also be applied to other microprocessors with the similar register architecture.

Palabras clave: stream processor; VLIW; register allocation; local register file; spilling.

Pp. 545-551

A Self-reconfigurable System-on-Chip Architecture for Satellite On-Board Computer Maintenance

Xiaofeng Wu; Tanya Vladimirova

New trends in the space industry, e.g. the development of wireless networked constellations using miniaturized satellites, have generated a pressing need for condition-based maintenance, self-repair and upgrade capabilities on-board satellites. This can be achieved by using reconfigurable hardware technologies, such as high-density Field Programmable Gate Arrays, implementing an entire on-board computer on a single chip. In this paper we present a system-on-chip architecture for on-board partial run-time reconfiguration to enable system-level functional changes on-board satellites ensuring correct operation, longer life and higher quality of service.

Palabras clave: Peripheral Device; Onboard Computer; Single Event Upset; Partial Reconfiguration; Intellectual Property Core.

Pp. 552-558

Compile-Time Thread Distinguishment Algorithm on VIM-Based Architecture

Yan Xiao-Bo; Yang Xue-Jun; Wen Pu

VIM integrates vector units into memory, which exploits the low-latency and high-bandwidth memory access. On VIM-based architecture, the low temporal locality thread running on VIM processor is called Light-Weight Thread, while the low cache miss rate thread running on host processor is called Heavy-Weight Thread. The thread distinguishment can impact the system performance directly. Compared with the distinguishment at programming model level, compile-time thread distinguishment can release programmer from changing existing program. After overviewing the VIM micro-architecture and the system architecture, this paper presents an analytical model of thread distinguishment. Based on this model, we present a compile-time algorithm and evaluate it with two thread instances on the evaluation environment we develop. We find that parameters affecting the thread distinguishment are the cache miss rate, the vectorizable operation rate and the arithmetic-to-memory ratio. We believe that this algorithm is constructive to improve the performance of the VIM-based node computer.

Pp. 559-566

Designing a Coarse-Grained Reconfigurable Architecture Using Loop Self-Pipelining

Jinhui Xu; Guiming Wu; Yong Dou; Yazhuo Dong

This paper introduces LEAP(Loop Engine on Array Processor), a novel coarse-grained reconfigurable architecture which accelerates applications through Loop Self-Pipelining (LSP) technique. The LSP can provide effective execution mode for application pipelining. By mapping and distributing the expression statements of high level programming languages onto processing elements array, the LEAP can step the loop iteration automatically. The LEAP architecture has no centralized control, no centralized multi-port registers and no centralized data memory. The LEAP has the ability to exploit loop-level, instruction-level, and task-level parallelism, and it is suitable choice for stream-based application domains, such as multimedia, DSP and graphics application.

Palabras clave: Data Memory; Array Processor; Execution Mode; High Level Programming Language; Interface Controller.

Pp. 567-573

Low-Power Data Cache Architecture by Address Range Reconfiguration for Multimedia Applications

Hoon-Mo Yang; Gi-Ho Park; Shin-Dug Kim

Today’s portable electric consumer devices tend to include more multimedia processing capabilities. This trend results increased processing resources, thus causing more power consumption. Therefore, the power-efficiency becomes important due to battery operated nature of portable devices. In this paper, we propose a reconfigurable data cache architecture, in which data allocation to a cache is constrained by address range configuration. Then we evaluate trade-off between performance and power efficiency. Comparing to the conventional cache architectures, power consumption can be reduced decently while maintaining miss rate of the proposed data cache similar to those of the conventional caches. The result shows that the reconfigurable data cache operates with 33.2%, 53.3%, and 70.4% less power when compared with direct-mapped, 2-way, and 4-way set-associative caches respectively.

Palabras clave: low-power; cache architecture; embedded system; multimedia application.

Pp. 574-580