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Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering: 6th International Conference, XP 2005, Sheffield, UK, June 18-23, 2005, Proceedings

Hubert Baumeister ; Michele Marchesi ; Mike Holcombe (eds.)

En conferencia: 6º International Conference on Extreme Programming and Agile Processes in Software Engineering (XP) . Sheffield, UK . June 18, 2005 - June 23, 2005

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Test-Driven User Interfaces

Charlie Poole

Learn techniques for Test-Driven Development of user interfaces.

- Tutorials | Pp. 285-286

The XP Geography: Mapping Your Next Step, a Guide to Planning Your Journey

Kent Beck

We will explore the primary practices of XP in detail using mind mapping exercises. You will examine your needs and find practices to address them. We will discuss the change process, how to reach agreement on goals and principles, how to implement new practices and how to sustain them. You will make a plan to share with your team and set up incentives for accountability. This tutorial will be interactive and involve many colored felt pens.

- Tutorials | Pp. 287-287

Lightning Writing Workshop Exchange Ideas on Improving Writing Skills

Laurent Bossavit; Emmanuel Gaillot

All software-related jobs also require writing about software as an ongoing duty, in one form or another – from writing articles evangelizing particular methods or technologies, to writing end user or technical documentation, to writing comments in code. Writing well increases your effectiveness in spreading crucial ideas, and focuses your own thinking as well. Writing is a complex technology in its own right, but it can be mastered through the diligent use of simple practices. This workshop focuses on one such practice, and invites discussion of other practices that develop writing skills.

- Workshops | Pp. 288-289

The Coder’s Dojo – A Different Way to Teach and Learn Programming

Laurent Bossavit; Emmanuel Gaillot

If I want to learn Judo, I will enroll at the nearest dojo, and show up for one hour every week for the next two years, at the end of which I may opt for a more assiduous course of study to progress in the art. Years of further training might be rewarded with a black belt, which is merely the sign of ascent to a different stage of learning. No master ever stops learning. If I want to learn object programming... my employer will pack me off to a three-day Java course picked from this year’s issue of a big training firm’s catalog. Nuts to that – acquiring coding skills is not an “instant gratification” process. This workshop proposes to discover a way of teaching and learning programming in a more appropriate manner, respecting the depth and subtlety of the craft.

- Workshops | Pp. 290-291

Informative Workspace

Rachel Davies; Tim Bacon

Informative Workspace is one of the new XP practices launched in the second edition of XP Explained. The practice is to build feedback mechanisms around an agile team that support them in their daily work. These feedback mechanisms can take the form of visual displays (Information Radiators) that are manually updated by the team or electronic eXtreme Feedback Devices (XFD) such as lava lamps or audio signals linked to automated processes. It is vital to ensure that feedback mechanisms are easy to interpret, low maintenance and adapted to local practices. This workshop aims to answer how to implement this practice and explore ways to make workspaces more informative.

- Workshops | Pp. 292-293

Exploring Best Practice for XP Acceptance Testing

Geoff Bache; Rick Mugridge; Brian Swan

A few years ago, Acceptance Testing was one of the more poorly understood concepts of XP, with both tools and advice thin on the ground. This has meant that different people have gone different ways with it and an overview of knowledge gathered in the process has been lacking.

The presenters are three such people, each of whom has developed a different tool for acceptance testing: TextTest+xUseCase, Fit+FitLibrary and Exactor, respectively. We are aware that there are lots of other tools around, both within the XP community and outside it. The aim of this workshop is to gather together all this disparate knowledge and start to work towards a common understanding of ‘best practice’.

- Workshops | Pp. 294-295

Hands-on Domain-Driven Acceptance Testing

Geoff Bache; Rick Mugridge; Brian Swan

A recent phenomenon in the world of acceptance testing is tools that emphasize the creation of a domain language in which to express tests. The benefits of this are twofold: customers and testers are more likely to get involved in tests expressed in a language they understand. Also, tests that express intentions rather than mechanics tend to be much easier to maintain in the long run as they do not break when circumstantial things change.

The aim of this workshop is to see how tools that support this work in practice. The presenters have each been involved in the development of such a tool, TextTest+xUseCase, Fit+FitLibrary and Exactor, respectively, and there is room for attendees to bring their own tools along too. We aim to learn enough about these tools to compare and contrast them with each other, as well as with agile approaches that are less focussed on the creation of a domain language.

- Workshops | Pp. 296-298

How to Sell the Idea of XP to Managers, Customers and Peers

Jan-Erik Sandberg; Lars Arne Skår

Attending this workshop will guide you in starting an XP project for all the right reasons, while maximizing the potential for success.

This workshop aims to gather developers with XP experience, project managers and customers. We want this group to share and discuss experiences, thoughts and ideas on starting an XP project with the right foundation. The goal is to enable the participants to bring an understanding of the agile process and the values it gives back to their own organization and customers. In order to do so, we have to understand what is pressing the customer and what she cares about. The organizers have been through several successful processes in delivering the starting and ongoing values of an XP approach, both in their own organization and the customer side. Most of them were used to waterfall and similar approaches. After experiencing more control and confidence in their projects during the agile process, they report back to us with an eagerness to continue and further develop the process. In addition, they experienced a flexibility that they just could not get with their former habits. The most effective way of explaining the benefits of an agile process successfully is to communicate in a way that is meaningful for both the customer and your organization.

- Workshops | Pp. 299-301

Agile Contracts

Mary Poppendieck; Tom Poppendieck

Agile Development sounds great, but it depends on the ability to determine the details of scope as the system is developed, driven by feedback from customers and users. Much software development is done under contract, where there is often a requirement to determine the details of the system early in the development process.

- Workshops | Pp. 302-302

When Teamwork Isn’t Working

Tim Bacon; Dave Hoover

XP is a team game. It relies on teamwork to be successful. But sometimes our teams don’t work as well as we would like. This workshop examines real projects from different angles to explore answers to three powerful questions:

- Workshops | Pp. 303-304