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Parallel Computing Technologies: 9th International Conference, PaCT 2007, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia, September 3-7, 2007. Proceedings

Victor Malyshkin (eds.)

En conferencia: 9º International Conference on Parallel Computing Technologies (PaCT) . Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia . September 3, 2007 - September 7, 2007

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Programming Techniques; Computer System Implementation; Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems; Computer Systems Organization and Communication Networks; Computation by Abstract Devices; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Address-Free All-to-All Routing in Sparse Torus

Risto Honkanen; Ville Leppänen; Martti Penttonen

In this work we present a simple network design for all-to-all routing and study deflection routing on it. We present a time-scheduled routing algorithm where packets are routed address-free. We show that a total exchange relation, where every processor has a packet to route to every other processor, can be routed with routing cost of 1/2 + (1) time units per packet.

The network consists of an -sided -dimensional torus, where the processor (or input/output) nodes are sparsely but regularly situated among  −  deflection routing nodes, having input and output links. The finite-state routing nodes change their states by a fixed, preprogrammed pattern.

- Techniques for Parallel Programming Supporting | Pp. 200-205

On the Parallel Technologies of Conjugate and Semi-conjugate Gradient Methods for Solving Very Large Sparse SLAEs

Valery P. Ilin; Dasha V. Knysh

The parallel technologies of iterative solving the symmetric and nonsymmetric systems of linear algebraic equations (SLAEs) with very large sparse matrices by means of conjugate and semi-conjugate gradient iterative methods are described. The performance computing for various matrix formats (diagonal, compressed sparse row/column), at the different degrees of freedom of SLAEs, are analysed. The results of experimental measurements under OPENMP, MPI and hybrid systems are presented and discussed.

- Techniques for Parallel Programming Supporting | Pp. 206-214

TRES-CORE: Content-Based Retrieval Based on the Balanced Tree in Peer to Peer Systems

Hai Jin; Jie Xu

Most existing Peer to Peer (P2P) systems support name-based retrieval and have provided very limited support for the full-text search of document contents. In this paper, we present a scheme (TRES-CORE) to support content-based retrieval. First, we propose a tree structure to organize data objects in vector-format in the P2P system, which is height-balanced so that the time complexity of search can be decreased. Second, we give a simple strategy for the placement of tree’s nodes, which can guarantee both load balancing and fault tolerance. Then an efficient policy for the query is given. Besides theoretical analysis that can prove the correctness of our scheme, a simulation-based study is carried out to evaluate its performance under various scenarios finally. In this study, it shows that using this content-based retrieval scheme (TRES-CORE) is more accurate and more efficient than some other schemes in the P2P system.

- Techniques for Parallel Programming Supporting | Pp. 215-229

Efficient Race Verification for Debugging Programs with OpenMP Directives

Young-Joo Kim; Mun-Hye Kang; Ok-Kyoon Ha; Yong-Kee Jun

Races must be detected for debugging parallel programs with OpenMP directives because they may cause unintended nondeterministic results of programs. The previous tool that detects races does not verify the existence of races in programs with no internal nondeterminism because the tool regards nested sibling threads as ordered threads and has the possibility of ignoring accesses involved in races in program models with synchronization such as critical section. This paper suggests an efficient tool that verifies the existence of races with optimal performance by applying race detection engines for labeling and detection protocol. The labeling scheme generates a unique identifier for each parallel thread created during a program execution, and the protocol scheme detects at least one race if any. This tool verifies the existence of races over 250 times faster in average than the previous tool even in the case that the maximum parallelism increases with the fixed number of total accesses using a set of synthetic programs without synchronization such as critical section.

- Techniques for Parallel Programming Supporting | Pp. 230-239

Adaptive Scheduling and Resource Assessment in GRID

Veniamin Krasnotcshekov; Alexander Vakhitov

The problems of scheduling computations in GRID and optimal usage of GRID resources from client side are considered. The general cost functional for GRID scheduling is defined. The cost function is then used to define some scheduling policy based on Simutaneous Perturbation Stochastic Optimization Algorithm, which is used because of it’s fast convergence in multidimensional noisy systems. The technique proposed is being implemented for brokering in GPE4GTK environment to compare it with other techniques.

- Techniques for Parallel Programming Supporting | Pp. 240-244

Dynamic Load Balancing of Applications with a Resource Selection Mechanism on Heterogeneous Resources of the Grid

Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya; Vladimir V. Korkhov

In this paper we address the critical issues of efficient resource management and high-performance parallel distributed computing on the Grid by introducing a new hierarchical approach that combines a user-level job scheduling with a dynamic load balancing technique that automatically adapts a distributed or parallel application to the heterogeneous resources. The algorithm developed dynamically selects the resources best suited for a particular task or parallel process of the executed application, and optimizes the load balance based on the dynamically measured resource parameters and estimated requirements of the application. We describe the proposed algorithm for automated load balancing, paying attention to the influence of resource heterogeneity metrics, demonstrate the speedup achieved with this technique for different types of applications and resources, and propose a way to extend the approach to a wider class of applications.

- Techniques for Parallel Programming Supporting | Pp. 245-260

A Novel Algorithm of Optimal Matrix Partitioning for Parallel Dense Factorization on Heterogeneous Processors

Alexey Lastovetsky; Ravi Reddy

. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm of optimal matrix partitioning for parallel dense matrix factorization on heterogeneous processors based on their constant performance model. We prove the correctness of the algorithm and estimate its complexity. We demonstrate that this algorithm better suits extensions to more complicated, non-constant, performance models of heterogeneous processors than traditional algorithms.

- Techniques for Parallel Programming Supporting | Pp. 261-275

Parallel Pseudorandom Number Generator for Large-Scale Monte Carlo Simulations

Mikhail Marchenko

A parallel random number generator is given to perform large-scale distributed Monte Carlo simulations. The generator’s quality was verified using statistically rigorous tests. Also special problems with known solutions were used for the testing. The description of program system MONC for large-scale distributed Monte Carlo simulations is also given.

- Techniques for Parallel Programming Supporting | Pp. 276-282

Dynamic Job Scheduling on the Grid Environment Using the Great Deluge Algorithm

Paul McMullan; Barry McCollum

The utilization of the computational Grid processor network has become a common method for researchers and scientists without access to local processor clusters to avail of the benefits of parallel processing for compute-intensive applications. As a result, this demand requires effective and efficient dynamic allocation of available resources. Although static scheduling and allocation techniques have proved effective, the dynamic nature of the Grid requires innovative techniques for reacting to change and maintaining stability for users. The dynamic scheduling process requires quite powerful optimization techniques, which can themselves lack the performance required in reaction time for achieving an effective schedule solution. Often there is a trade-off between solution quality and speed in achieving a solution. This paper presents an extension of a technique used in optimization and scheduling which can provide the means of achieving this balance and improves on similar approaches currently published.

- Techniques for Parallel Programming Supporting | Pp. 283-292

Parallelism Granules Aggregation with the T-System

Alexander Moskovsky; Vladimir Roganov; Sergei Abramov

T-system is a tool for parallel computing developed at the PSI RAS. The most recent implementation is available on both Linux and Windows platforms. The paper is dedicated to one of important T-system aspects — ability to change parallelism granule size at runtime. The technique is available, primarily, for recursive programs, but it’s possible to extent it to non-recursive ones as well. In the latter case, we employ C++ template“traits”for program transformation. The technique is shown to reduce overhead incurred by runtime support library dramatically.

- Techniques for Parallel Programming Supporting | Pp. 293-302