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Integrated Formal Methods: 6th International Conference, IFM 2007, Oxford, UK, July 2-5, 2007. Proceedings

Jim Davies ; Jeremy Gibbons (eds.)

En conferencia: 6º International Conference on Integrated Formal Methods (IFM) . Oxford, UK . July 2, 2007 - July 5, 2007

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Proving Linearizability Via Non-atomic Refinement

John Derrick; Gerhard Schellhorn; Heike Wehrheim

Linearizability is a correctness criterion for concurrent objects. In this paper, we prove linearizability of a concurrent lock-free stack implementation by showing the implementation to be a of an abstract stack. To this end, we develop a generalisation of non-atomic refinement allowing one to refine a single (Z) operation into a CSP process. Besides this extension, the definition furthermore embodies a termination condition which permits one to prove for the concurrent processes.

Pp. 195-214

Lifting General Correctness into Partial Correctness is

Steve Dunne; Andy Galloway

Commands interpreted in general correctness are usually characterised by their wp and wlp predicate transformer effects. We describe a way to ascribe to such commands a predicate transformer semantics which embodies both their wp and wlp characteristics. The new single predicate transformer describes an everywhere-terminating “lifted” computation in an -enriched variable space, where is inspired by Hoare and He’s UTP but has the novelty here that it enjoys the same status as the other state variables, so that it can be manipulated directly in the lifted computation itself.

The relational model of this lifted computation is not, however, simply the canonical UTP relation of the original underlying computation, since this turns out to yield too cumbersome a lifted computation to permit reasoning about efficiently with the mechanised tools available. Instead we adopt a slightly less constrained model, which we are able to show is nevertheless still effective for our purpose, and yet admits a much more efficient form of mechanised reasoning with the tools available.

Pp. 215-232

Verifying CSP-OZ-DC Specifications with Complex Data Types and Timing Parameters

Johannes Faber; Swen Jacobs; Viorica Sofronie-Stokkermans

We extend existing verification methods for CSP-OZ-DC to reason about real-time systems with complex data types and timing parameters. We show that important properties of systems can be encoded in well-behaved logical theories in which hierarchic reasoning is possible. Thus, testing invariants and bounded model checking can be reduced to checking satisfiability of ground formulae over a simple base theory. We illustrate the ideas by means of a simplified version of a case study from the European Train Control System standard.

Pp. 233-252

Modelling and Verification of the LMAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks

Ansgar Fehnker; Lodewijk van Hoesel; Angelika Mader

In this paper we report on modelling and verification of a medium access control protocol for wireless sensor networks, the LMAC protocol. Our approach is to systematically investigate all possible connected topologies consisting of four and of five nodes. The analysis is performed by timed automaton model checking using Uppaal. The property of main interest is detecting and resolving collision. Evaluation of this property for all connected topologies requires more than 8000 model checking runs. Increasing the number of nodes would not only lead increase the state space, but to a greater extent cause an instance explosion problem. Despite the small number of nodes this approach gave valuable insight in the protocol and the scenarios that lead to collisions not detected by the protocol, and it increased the confidence in the adequacy of the protocol.

Pp. 253-272

Finding State Solutions to Temporal Logic Queries

Mihaela Gheorghiu; Arie Gurfinkel; Marsha Chechik

Different analysis problems for state-transition models can be uniformly treated as instances of temporal logic query-checking, where solutions to the queries are restricted to states. In this paper, we propose a symbolic query-checking algorithm that finds exactly the state solutions to a query. We argue that our approach generalizes previous specialized techniques, and this generality allows us to find new and interesting applications, such as finding stable states. Our algorithm is linear in the size of the state space and in the cost of model checking, and has been implemented on top of the model checker NuSMV, using the latter as a black box. We show the effectiveness of our approach by comparing it, on a gene network example, to the naive algorithm in which all possible state solutions are checked separately.

Pp. 273-292

Qualitative Probabilistic Modelling in Event-B

Stefan Hallerstede; Thai Son Hoang

Event-B is a notation and method for discrete systems modelling by refinement. We introduce a small but very useful construction: qualitative probabilistic choice. It extends the expressiveness of Event-B allowing us to prove properties of systems that could not be formalised in Event-B before. We demonstrate this by means of a small example, part of a larger Event-B development that could not be fully proved before. An important feature of the introduced construction is that it does not complicate the existing Event-B notation or method, and can be explained without referring to the underlying more complicated probabilistic theory. The necessary theory [18] itself is briefly outlined in this article to justify the soundness of the proof obligations given. We also give a short account of alternative constructions that we explored, and rejected.

Pp. 293-312

Verifying Smart Card Applications: An ASM Approach

Dominik Haneberg; Holger Grandy; Wolfgang Reif; Gerhard Schellhorn

We present , a formal model for security protocols of smart card applications, based on Abstract State Machines (ASM) [BS03],[Gur95], and a suitable method for verifying security properties of such protocols. The main part of this article describes the structure of the protocol ASM and all its relevant parts. Our modeling technique enables an attacker model exactly tailored to the application, instead of only an attacker similar to the Dolev-Yao model. We also introduce a proof technique for security properties of the protocols. Properties are proved in the KIV system using symbolic execution and invariants. Furthermore we describe a graphical notation based on UML diagrams that allows to specify the important parts of the application in a simple way.

Our formal approach is exemplified with a small e-commerce application. We use an electronic wallet to demonstrate the ASM-based protocol model and we also show what the proof obligations of some of the security properties look like.

Pp. 313-332

Verification of Probabilistic Properties in HOL Using the Cumulative Distribution Function

Osman Hasan; Sofiène Tahar

Traditionally, computer simulation techniques are used to perform probabilistic analysis. However, they provide inaccurate results and cannot handle large-scale problems due to their enormous CPU time requirements. To overcome these limitations, we propose to complement simulation based tools with higher-order-logic theorem proving so that an integrated approach can provide exact results for the critical sections of the analysis in the most efficient manner. In this paper, we illustrate the practical effectiveness of our idea by verifying numerous probabilistic properties associated with random variables in the HOL theorem prover. Our verification approach revolves around the fact that any probabilistic property associated with a random variable can be verified using the classical (CDF) properties, if the CDF relation of that random variable is known. For illustration purposes, we also present the verification of a couple of probabilistic properties, which cannot be evaluated precisely by the existing simulation techniques, associated with the Continuous Uniform random variable in HOL.

Pp. 333-352

UTP Semantics for Web Services

He Jifeng

Web services are increasingly being applied in solving many universal interoperability problems. Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) is a de facto standard for specifying the behaviour of business process. It contains several interesting features, including scope-based compensation, fault handling and shared label synchronisation. This paper presents a design-based formalism for specifying the behaviour of Web services, and provides new healthiness conditions to capture these new programming features. The new models for handling fault and compensation are built as conservative extension of the standard relational model in the sense that the algebraic laws presented in [14] remain valid. The paper also discusses the links between the new model with the design model, and shows that programs can be transformed to the normal forms within the algebraic framework.

Pp. 353-372

Combining Mobility with State

Damien Karkinsky; Steve Schneider; Helen Treharne

Our work is motivated by practice in Peer-to-Peer networks and Object-Oriented systems where instantiation and dynamically reconfigurable interconnection are essential paradigms. For example, in a Peer-to-Peer network nodes can exchange data to complete tasks. Nodes can leave or join the network at any time. In Object-Oriented systems, an object can be uniquely identified and will communicate with other objects. In this paper we outline a formal framework which supports this kind of interaction so that the integrity of each active object or node is preserved, and so that we can reason about the overall behaviour of the system. The formal framework is based on a combination of the -calculus and the B-Method.

Pp. 373-392