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ECOOP 2006: Object-Oriented Programming: 20th European Conference, Nantes, France, July 3-7, 2006, Proceedings

Dave Thomas (eds.)

En conferencia: 20º European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP) . Nantes, France . July 3, 2006 - July 7, 2006

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Parameterized Modules for Classes and Extensible Functions

Keunwoo Lee; Craig Chambers

We present , a language that combines classes, extensible functions, symmetric multiple dispatching, and a practical system for . Parameterized modules permit subclasses and function extensions to be defined and typechecked once, and then reused to extend multiple argument modules. ’s predecessor, , supported classes and extensible functions with multiple dispatch, but its support for parameterized modules was weak. ’s key novel features are , in module signatures, and a nontrivial definition of .

- Type Theory | Pp. 353-378

The Closing of the Frontier

Ralph E. Johnson

Software design is usually discussed as if the system is being created “de novo”, but most programmers are working on systems that have already been released. This is a sign of success, since software is now good enough to keep and is worth improving. But the way we talk about design and the way we teach it is stuck in the twentieth century. The software frontier is closing.

Although there are still new projects, it is more accurate to say “there are no new software projects” than it is to say “all software projects are new”. What would the world be like if there were no new software projects?

If a software project has been going for fifty years then a programmer who has been on the project for twenty years will be more valuable than someone who is new to the project. Old programmers will be more valuable than young programmers.

If a software project is going to last another fifty years and will be actively developed during that time then it is worthwhile to keep it in good shape. It is worth fixing pesky bugs that only appear once every year. It is worth spending some time improving the documentation. It is worth rewriting parts of the system that are complex and buggy.

If a software project is on version 129 then it is clear that software development is program transformation. Each iteration transforms version N into version N+1. Although user requirements are important, version N+1 depends more on version N than it does on the latest requests from the users.

Fortunes can be made both on the frontier and in cities. The frontier and cities are different, however, and some of the rules of success of the frontier must change for the cities.

- Keynote | Pp. 379-379

Augmenting Automatically Generated Unit-Test Suites with Regression Oracle Checking

Tao Xie

A test case consists of two parts: a test input to exercise the program under test and a test oracle to check the correctness of the test execution. A test oracle is often in the form of executable assertions such as in the JUnit testing framework. Manually generated test cases are valuable in exposing program faults in the current program version or regression faults in future program versions. However, manually generated test cases are often insufficient for assuring high software quality. We can then use an existing test-generation tool to generate new test inputs to augment the existing test suite. However, without specifications these automatically generated test inputs often do not have test oracles for exposing faults. In this paper, we have developed an automatic approach and its supporting tool, called Orstra, for augmenting an automatically generated unit-test suite with regression oracle checking. The augmented test suite has an improved capability of guarding against regression faults. In our new approach, Orstra first executes the test suite and collects the class under test’s object states exercised by the test suite. On collected object states, Orstra creates assertions for asserting behavior of the object states. On executed observer methods (public methods with non-void returns), Orstra also creates assertions for asserting their return values. Then later when the class is changed, the augmented test suite is executed to check whether assertion violations are reported. We have evaluated Orstra on augmenting automatically generated tests for eleven subjects taken from a variety of sources. The experimental results show that an automatically generated test suite’s fault-detection capability can be effectively improved after being augmented by Orstra.

- Tools | Pp. 380-403

Automated Detection of Refactorings in Evolving Components

Danny Dig; Can Comertoglu; Darko Marinov; Ralph Johnson

One of the costs of reusing software components is updating applications to use the new version of the components. Updating an application can be error-prone, tedious, and disruptive of the development process. Our previous study showed that more than 80% of the disruptive changes in five different components were caused by refactorings. If the refactorings that happened between two versions of a component could be automatically detected, a refactoring tool could replay them on applications. We present an algorithm that detects refactorings performed during component evolution. Our algorithm uses a combination of a fast syntactic analysis to detect refactoring candidates and a more expensive semantic analysis to refine the results. The experiments on components ranging from 17 KLOC to 352 KLOC show that our algorithm detects refactorings in real-world components with accuracy over 85%.

- Tools | Pp. 404-428

Modeling Runtime Behavior in Framework-Based Applications

Nick Mitchell; Gary Sevitsky; Harini Srinivasan

Our research group has analyzed many industrial, framework-based applications. In these applications, simple functionality often requires excessive runtime activity. It is increasingly difficult to assess if and how inefficiencies can be fixed. Much of this activity involves the transformation of information, due to framework couplings. We present an approach to modeling and quantifying behavior in terms of what transformations accomplish.

We structure activity into dataflow diagrams that capture the flow between transformations. Across disparate implementations, we observe commonalities in how transformations use and change their inputs. We introduce vocabulary of common phenomena of use and change, and four ways to classify data and transformations using this vocabulary. The structuring and classification enable evaluation and comparison in terms abstracted from implementation specifics. We introduce metrics of complexity and cost, including behavior signatures that attribute measures to phenomena. We demonstrate the approach on a benchmark, a library, and two industrial applications.

- Tools | Pp. 429-451

Modular Software Upgrades for Distributed Systems

Sameer Ajmani; Barbara Liskov; Liuba Shrira

Upgrading the software of long-lived, highly-available distributed systems is difficult. It is not possible to upgrade all the nodes in a system at once, since some nodes may be unavailable and halting the system for an upgrade is unacceptable. Instead, upgrades must happen gradually, and there may be long periods of time when different nodes run different software versions and need to communicate using incompatible protocols. We present a methodology and infrastructure that make it possible to upgrade distributed systems automatically while limiting service disruption. We introduce new ways to reason about correctness in a multi-version system. We also describe a prototype implementation that supports automatic upgrades with modest overhead.

- Modularity | Pp. 452-476

Demeter Interfaces: Adaptive Programming Without Surprises

Therapon Skotiniotis; Jeffrey Palm; Karl Lieberherr

Adaptive Programming (AP) provides advanced modularization mechanisms for traversal related concerns over data structures in object-oriented programs. Computation along a traversal is defined through specialized visitors while the traversal itself is separately defined against a graph-based model of the underlying data structure with the ability to abstract over graph node names and edges. Modifying, under restrictions, the program’s data structure does not alter the program’s overall behavior. Even though AP is geared towards more easily evolvable systems, certain limitations of current AP tools hamper code reuse and system evolvability. Reasoning about adaptive code becomes difficult since there is no guarantee that a modification to a data structure will not alter the meaning of the program. Furthermore, adaptive programs are defined directly against a program’s complete underlying data structure exposing unrelated information and introducing hardcoded dependencies decreasing reusability, modularity and hampering evolution. In this paper we present through which a more thorough design method of adaptive programs allows for more resilient software. Traversal specifications and Visitors are defined against an interface class graph augmented with additional constraints that capture structural properties that hold in order for the adaptive code to function correctly. A program implements a Demeter interface by providing a mapping between the program’s concrete data structure and the interface class graph. We show how Demeter interfaces allow for higher levels of reusability and modularity of adaptive code while the static verification of constraints guards against behavior altering modifications. We also discuss the applicability of Demeter Interfaces to XML technologies.

- Modularity | Pp. 477-500

Managing the Evolution of Aspect-Oriented Software with Model-Based Pointcuts

Andy Kellens; Kim Mens; Johan Brichau; Kris Gybels

In spite of the more advanced modularisation mechanisms, aspect-oriented programs still suffer from evolution problems. Due to the , seemingly safe modifications to the base code of an aspect-oriented program can have an unexpected impact on the semantics of the pointcuts defined in that program. This can lead to broken aspect functionality due to accidental join point misses and unintended join point captures. We tackle this problem by declaring pointcuts in terms of a conceptual model of the base program, rather than defining them directly in terms of how the base program is structured. As such, we achieve an effective decoupling of the pointcuts from the base program’s structure. In addition, the conceptual model provides a means to verify where and why potential fragile pointcut conflicts occur, by imposing structural and semantic constraints on the conceptual model, that can be verified when the base program evolves. To validate our approach we implemented a mechanism, which we used to define some aspects on SmallWiki, a medium-sized application, and subsequently detected and resolved occurrences of the fragile pointcut problem when this application evolved.

- Modularity | Pp. 501-525