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Operational Semantics for Timed Systems: A Non-standard Approach to Uniform Modeling of Timed and Hybrid Systems

Heinrich Rust

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Open Systems

Heinrich Rust

An application is modelled as an open system if the environment is not expressed explicitly in the model. Open systems are the paradigmatic case of reactive systems.

Part II - Modelling Strategies | Pp. 107-112

Making Use of Different Magnitudes of Reals

Heinrich Rust

Consider the following scenario: A flip-flop is wired up so that with every rising edge of the clock, it changes its state.

Part II - Modelling Strategies | Pp. 113-127

A Case Study: Fischer’s Protocol

Heinrich Rust

As another example for the NTASM approach, let us describe and analyze Fischer’s real-time based synchronization protocol [Lam87]. It is meant to ensure mutual exclusion of access to commonly used resources via real-time properties of a shared variable. The idea is to use just one shared variable (which we call v) for coordinating the access to the critical section. The variable can contain a process id or some neutral value (which we call noProc). When a process wants to enter its critical section, it first has to wait until v=noProc; then it sets v to its process id, waits some time, and then reads v again. If v has kept the old value, i.e., the id of the process considered, the process may enter its critical section; on leaving the critical section, v is set to noProc again. If v has not kept its old value, the attempt has failed and the process must go back and wait again till v=noProc.

Part III - Applications | Pp. 131-139

An ASM Meta-model for Petri Nets with Timing

Heinrich Rust

This section will present several NTASM interpretations of timing enhanced Petri nets. Petri nets without timing [Pet62, Rei86] are a widely used model for discrete nondeterministic distributed systems.

Part III - Applications | Pp. 141-159

An ASM Meta-model for Timed and Hybrid Automata

Heinrich Rust

Timed and hybrid automata are formalisms for the description of real-time systems which are designed primarily to make algorithmic analysis possible [ACD93, AD94, ACH95].

Part III - Applications | Pp. 161-172

A Production Cell with Timing

Heinrich Rust

Lewerentz and Lindner [LL95] designed a case study inspired from an industrial application. This case study was often used for illustration of features of different modelling formalisms for reactive systems.

Part III - Applications | Pp. 173-201


Heinrich Rust

The main result of this work is that there exists a model of quantitative linear time which is both discrete and dense in the real numbers, and which can be used for the description and analysis of algorithms which make use of quantitative properties of a linear dense model of time with purely discrete means.

Part IV - Summary | Pp. 205-209