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Foundations of Software Science and Computational Structures: 8th International Conference, FOSSACS 2005, Held as Part of the Joint European Conferences on Theory and Practice of Software, ETAPS 2005, Edinburgh, UK, April 4-8, 2005. Pro

Vladimiro Sassone (eds.)

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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin/Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Bridging Language-Based and Process Calculi Security

Riccardo Focardi; Sabina Rossi; Andrei Sabelfeld

Language-based and process calculi-based information security are well developed fields of computer security. Although these fields have much in common, it is somewhat surprising that the literature lacks a comprehensive account of a formal link between the two disciplines. This paper develops such a link between a language-based specification of security and a process-algebraic framework for security properties. Encoding imperative programs into a CCS-like process calculus, we show that timing-sensitive security for these programs exactly corresponds to the well understood process-algebraic security property of persistent bisimulation-based nondeducibility on compositions ( P _ BNDC ). This rigorous connection opens up possibilities for cross-fertilization, leading to both flexible policies when specifying the security of heterogeneous systems and to a synergy of techniques for enforcing security specifications.

Palabras clave: Security Property; Computer Security; Covert Channel; Program Security; Process Calculus.

- Language Analysis | Pp. 299-315

History-Based Access Control with Local Policies

Massimo Bartoletti; Pierpaolo Degano; Gian Luigi Ferrari

An extension of the λ -calculus is proposed, to study history-based access control. It allows for security policies with a possibly nested, local scope. We define a type and effect system that, given a program, extracts a history expression, i.e. a correct approximation to the set of histories obtainable at run-time. Validity of history expressions is non-regular, because the scope of policies can be nested. Nevertheless, a transformation of history expressions is presented, that makes verification possible through standard model checking techniques. A program will never fail at run-time if its history expression, extracted at compile-time, is valid.

Palabras clave: Access Control; Model Check; Security Policy; Local Policy; Safety Property.

- Language Analysis | Pp. 316-332

Composition and Decomposition in True-Concurrency

Sibylle Fröschle

The idea of composition and decomposition to obtain computability results is particularly relevant for true-concurrency. In contrast to the interleaving world, where composition and decomposition must be considered with respect to a process algebra operator, e.g. parallel composition, we can directly recognize whether a truly-concurrent model such as a labelled asynchronous transition system or a 1-safe Petri net can be dissected into independent ‘chunks of behaviour’. In this paper we introduce the corresponding concept ‘decomposition into independent components’, and investigate how it translates into truly-concurrent bisimulation equivalences. We prove that, under a natural restriction, history preserving (hp), hereditary hp (hhp), and coherent hhp (chhp) bisimilarity are decomposable with respect to prime decompositions. Apart from giving a general proof technique our decomposition theory leads to several coincidence results. In particular, we resolve that hp, hhp, and chhp bisimilarity coincide for ‘normal form’ basic parallel processes.

Palabras clave: Prime Component; Parallel Composition; Prime Decomposition; Decomposition Theory; Tableau System.

- Partial Order Models | Pp. 333-347

Component Refinement and CSC Solving for STG Decomposition

Mark Schaefer; Walter Vogler

STGs (Signal Transition Graphs) give a formalism for the description of asynchronous circuits based on Petri nets. To overcome the state explosion problem one may encounter during circuit synthesis, a nondeterministic algorithm for decomposing STGs was suggested by Chu and improved by one of the present authors. We study how CSC solving (which is essential for circuit synthesis) can be combined with decomposition. For this purpose the correctness definition for decomposition is enhanced with internal signals and it is shown that speed-independent CSC solving preserves correctness. The latter uses a more general result about correctness of top-down decomposition. Furthermore, we apply our definition to give the first correctness proof for the decomposition method of Carmona and Cortadella.

- Partial Order Models | Pp. 348-363

The Complexity of Live Sequence Charts

Yves Bontemps; Pierre-Yves Schobbens

We are interested in implementing a fully automated software development process starting from sequence charts, which have proven their naturalness and usefulness in industry. We show in this paper that even for the simplest variants of sequence charts, there are strong impediments to the implementability of this dream. In the case of a manual development, we have to check the final implementation (the model). We show that centralized model-checking is co-NP-complete. Unfortunately, this problem is of little interest to industry. The real problem is distributed model-checking, that we show PSPACE complete, as well as several simple but interesting verification problems. The dream itself relies on program synthesis, formally called realizability. We show that the industrially relevant problem, distributed realizability, is undecidable. The less interesting problems of centralized and constrained realizability are exponential and doubly-exponential complete, respectively.

Palabras clave: Model Check; System Agent; Correct Implementation; Game Graph; 16th International Colloquium.

- Partial Order Models | Pp. 364-378

A Simpler Proof Theory for Nominal Logic

James Cheney

Nominal logic is a variant of first-order logic equipped with a “fresh-name quantifier” И and other features useful for reasoning about languages with bound names. Its original presentation was as a Hilbert axiomatic theory, but several attempts have been made to provide more convenient Gentzen-style sequent or natural deduction calculi for nominal logic. Unfortunately, the rules for И in these calculi involve complicated side-conditions, so using and proving properties of these calculi is difficult. This paper presents an improved sequent calculus NL ^⇒ for nominal logic. Basic results such as cut-elimination and conservativity with respect to nominal logic are proved. Also, NL ^⇒ is used to solve an open problem, namely relating nominal logic’s И -quantifier and the self-dual $\nabla$ -quantifier of Miller and Tiu’s $FO\lambda^{\nabla}$ .

Palabras clave: Atomic Formula; Proof Theory; Sequent Calculus; Admissible Rule; Nominal Logic.

- Logics | Pp. 379-394

From Separation Logic to First-Order Logic

Cristiano Calcagno; Philippa Gardner; Matthew Hague

Separation logic is a spatial logic for reasoning locally about heap structures. A decidable fragment of its assertion language was presented in [1], based on a bounded model property. We exploit this property to give an encoding of this fragment into a first-order logic containing only the propositional connectives, quantification over the natural numbers and equality. This result is the first translation from Separation Logic into a logic which does not depend on the heap, and provides a direct decision procedure based on well-studied algorithms for first-order logic. Moreover, our translation is compositional in the structure of formulae, whilst previous results involved enumerating either heaps or formulae arising from the bounded model property.

Palabras clave: Decision Procedure; Classical Logic; Separation Logic; Hoare Logic; Spatial Connective.

- Logics | Pp. 395-409

Justifying Algorithms for βη-Conversion

Healfdene Goguen

Deciding the typing judgement of type theories with dependent types such as the Logical Framework relies on deciding the equality judgement for the same theory. Implementing the conversion algorithm for βη -equality and justifying this algorithm is therefore an important problem for applications such as proof assistants and modules systems. This article gives a proof of decidability, correctness and completeness of the conversion algorithms for βη -equality defined by Coquand [3] and Harper and Pfenning [8] for the Logical Framework, relying on established metatheoretic results for the type theory. Proofs are also given of the same properties for a typed algorithm for conversion for System F, a new result.

Palabras clave: Normal Form; Induction Hypothesis; Inference Rule; Type Theory; Logical Framework.

- Logics | Pp. 410-424

On Decidability Within the Arithmetic of Addition and Divisibility

Marius Bozga; Radu Iosif

The arithmetic of natural numbers with addition and divisibility has been shown undecidable as a consequence of the fact that multiplication of natural numbers can be interpreted into this theory, as shown by J. Robinson [14]. The most important decidable subsets of the arithmetic of addition and divisibility are the arithmetic of addition, proved by M. Presburger [13], and the purely existential subset, proved by L. Lipshitz [11]. In this paper we define a new decidable fragment of the form QzQ _1 x _1 ... Q _ n x _ n ϕ ( x , z ) where the only variable allowed to occur to the left of the divisibility sign is z . For this form, called ${\mathcal L}{_{\mid}^{(1)}}$ in the paper, we show the existence of a quantifier elimination procedure which always leads to formulas of Presburger arithmetic. We generalize the ${\mathcal L}{_{\mid}^{(1)}}$   form to ∃  z _1,... ∃  z _ m Q _1 x _1... Q _ n x _ n ϕ ( x , z ), where the only variables appearing on the left of divisibility are z _1, ..., z _ m . For this form, called $\exists{\mathcal L}{_{\mid}^{(*)}}$ , we show decidability of the positive fragment, namely by reduction to the existential theory of the arithmetic with addition and divisibility. The ${\mathcal L}{_{\mid}^{(1)}}$ , $\exists{\mathcal L}{_{\mid}^{(*)}}$ fragments were inspired by a real application in the field of program verification. We considered the satisfiability problem for a program logic used for quantitative reasoning about memory shapes, in the case where each record has at most one pointer field. The reduction of this problem to the positive subset of $\exists{\mathcal L}{_{\mid}^{(*)}}$ is sketched in the end of the paper.

Palabras clave: Arithmetic Progression; Conjunctive Normal Form; Atomic Proposition; Elimination Procedure; Chinese Remainder Theorem.

- Logics | Pp. 425-439

Expressivity of Coalgebraic Modal Logic: The Limits and Beyond

Lutz Schröder

Modal logic has a good claim to being the logic of choice for describing the reactive behaviour of systems modeled as coalgebras. Logics with modal operators obtained from so-called predicate liftings have been shown to be invariant under behavioral equivalence. Expressivity results stating that, conversely, logically indistinguishable states are behaviorally equivalent depend on the existence of separating sets of predicate liftings for the signature functor at hand. Here, we provide a classification result for predicate liftings which leads to an easy criterion for the existence of such separating sets, and we give simple examples of functors that fail to admit expressive normal or monotone modal logics, respectively, or in fact an expressive (unary) modal logic at all. We then move on to polyadic modal logic, where modal operators may take more than one argument formula. We show that every accessible functor admits an expressive polyadic modal logic. Moreover, expressive polyadic modal logics are, unlike unary modal logics, compositional.

- Coalgebraic Modal Logics | Pp. 440-454