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Oxygen Transport to Tissue XXVII

Giuseppe Cicco ; Duane F. Bruley ; Marco Ferrari ; David K. Harrison (eds.)

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer Science+Business Media, Inc. 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Brain Injury Following Repetitive Apnea in Newborn Piglets

Gregory Schears; Jennifer Creed; Diego Antoni; Tatiana Zaitseva; William Greeley; David F. Wilson; Anna Pastuszko

Repetitive apnea is associated with a significant increase in extracellular dopamine, generation of free radicals as determined by o-tyrosine formation and increase in Fluoro-Jade staining of degenerating neurons. This increase in extracellular dopamine and of hydroxyl radicals in striatum of newborn brain is likely to be at least partly responsible for the neuronal injury and neurological side effects of repetitive apnea.

Palabras clave: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance; Neuronal Injury; Microdialysis Probe; Extracellular Dopamine; Newborn Piglet.

- Central Nervous System and O | Pp. 323-329

Cerebral Oxygenation and Push-Pull Effect

Cong C. Tran; Xavier Etienne; André Serra; Muriel Berthelot; Gérard Ossard; Jean-C. Jouanin; Charles Y. Guézennec

Palabras clave: Mean Arterial Pressure; Arterial Blood Pressure; Resistance Index; Cerebral Perfusion Pressure; Cerebral Blood Volume.

- Central Nervous System and O | Pp. 331-336

Cancer and the Respirome

D. Maguire

It can be seen from this brief review that the short period of time since the publication of the human genome sequences has been an era of considerable discovery in the human respirome. This era has revealed new molecules involved in intra-cellular oxygen binding and as components of ETC complexes, while new pathways have emerged in the process of apoptosis. In terms of the involvement of the human respirome in cancer susceptibility and responses, important new discoveries have also been reported. The impact of some of these discoveries on our understanding of the oxygen cascade will be significant, requiring major adjustments in the models that have been developed in the past three decades. The impact of the revelations regarding association of mutations in human respirome components with particular cancers is of even wider significance. It is perhaps appropriate that these associations will force a reconsideration of the role of cellular respiration in cancer initiation and proliferation.

Palabras clave: Electron Transport Chain; Comparative Genomic Hybridisation; Mitochondrial Permeability Transition Pore; Sickle Cell Disease Patient; Copy Number Aberration.

- Oncology and O | Pp. 337-349

Lightguide Spectrophotometry to Monitor Free TRAM Flaps

Jenny Caddick; Cameron Raine; David Harrison; Matt Erdmann

Palabras clave: Breast Reconstruction; Free Flap; Critical Limb Ischaemia; Laser Doppler Flowmetry; Transverse Rectus Abdominus Myocutaneous.

- Oncology and O | Pp. 351-356

Theoretical Simulation of Tumour Oxygenation - Practical Applications

Alexandru Daşu; Iuliana Toma-Daşu

Theoretical simulation of tissue oxygenation is a robust method that can be used to quantify the tissue oxygenation for a variety of applications. However, it is necessary that the relevant input parameters are used for the model describing the tumour microenvironment. The results of the simulations presented in this article suggest that the accuracy of the simulations depends very much on the method of calculation of the effects of the temporal change of the hypoxic pattern due to the opening and the closure of blood vessels. Thus, the use of average oxygenations might lead to dangerous overestimations of the treatment response. This indicates that care should be taken when incorporating hypoxia information into the biological modelling of tumour response.

Palabras clave: Tissue Oxygenation; Histogram Distribution; Theoretical Simulation; Average Oxygenation; Linear Quadratic.

- Oncology and O | Pp. 357-362

Changes in Perfusion Pattern of Experimental Tumors Due to Reduction in Arterial Oxygen Partial Pressure

Oliver Thews; Debra K. Kelleher; Peter Vaupel

Palabras clave: Mean Arterial Blood Pressure; Chronic Hypoxia; Acute Hypoxia; Blood Flow Modification; Tumor Oxygenation.

- Oncology and O | Pp. 363-368

Theoretical Simulation of Tumour Hypoxia Measurements

Iuliana Toma-Daşu; Alexandru Daşu; Mikael Karlsson

Our simulations suggested that measurements performed in a limited number of points in the tumour can be representative for the situation in the whole tumour. It has further been shown that the polarographic electrode cannot be used to measure small regions of hypoxia. In fact it has been suggested that the most important factor that determines the efficiency of the polarographic electrode is the spatial distribution of the hypoxic cells and not their type, and therefore the polarographic electrode cannot be used to make the distinction between acute and chronic hypoxia. The simulations have also shown that it is reasonable to assume that the electrode measurement can be correlated to the situation in the whole tissue, even though the correlation is only qualitative. And because the electrode measurements are greatly influenced by the averaging process, the quantitative use of the electrode measurements may lead to erroneous results, especially for modelling the treatment response.

Palabras clave: Tumour Hypoxia; Chronic Hypoxia; Theoretical Simulation; Electrode Measurement; Oxygen Distribution.

- Oncology and O | Pp. 369-374

Monitoring Oxygenation During the Growth of A Transplanted Tumor

Anna Bratasz; Ramasamy P. Pandian; Govindasamy Ilangovan; Periannan Kuppusamy

Palabras clave: Electron Paramagnetic Resonance; Radiat Oncol Biol Phys; Spin Probe; Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopy; Tumor Oxygenation.

- Oncology and O | Pp. 375-380

Focusing on Genomic and Phenomic Aberrations in Non-Melanotic Skin Cancers

N. A. Lintell; D. J. Maguire; L. R. Griffiths; M. McCabe

Palabras clave: Basal Cell Carcinoma; Comparative Genomic Hybridisation; Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma; Precancerous Lesion; Actinic Keratosis.

- Oncology and O | Pp. 381-386