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Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies III

Matteo Baldoni ; Ulle Endriss ; Andrea Omicini ; Paolo Torroni (eds.)

En conferencia: 3º International Workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies (DALT) . Utrecht, The Netherlands . Jul 25, 2005

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
The workshop on Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies is a we- established venue for researchers interested in sharing their experiences in the areas of declarative and formal aspects of agents and multi-agent systems, and in engineering and technology. Today it is still a challenge to develop techno- gies that can satisfy the requirements of complex agent systems. The design and development of multi-agent systems still calls for models and technologies that ensure predictability, enable feature discovery, allow for the veri?cation of properties, and guarantee ?exibility. Declarative approaches are potentially a valuable means for satisfying the needs of multi-agent system developers and for specifying multi-agent systems. DALT 2005, the third edition of the workshop, was held in Utrecht, The Netherlands, in July 2005, in conjunction with AAMAS 2005, the Fourth Int- national Joint Conference on Agents and Multiagent Systems. Over 30 persons attended the workshop con?rming the success of the previous editions in M- bourne 2003 (LNAI 2990) and New York 2004 (LNAI 3476). The workshop series is a forum of discussion aimed both at supporting the transfer of decla- tive paradigms and techniques into the broader community of agent researchers andpractitioners, and atbringing theissuesofdesigningreal-world andcomplex agent systems to the attention of researchers working on declarative progr- ming and technologies.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Dynagent: An Incremental Forward-Chaining HTN Planning Agent in Dynamic Domains

Hisashi Hayashi; Seiji Tokura; Tetsuo Hasegawa; Fumio Ozaki

HTN planning, especially forward-chaining HTN planning, is becoming important in the areas of agents and robotics, which have to deal with the dynamically changing world. Therefore, replanning in “forward-chaining” HTN planning has become an important subject for future study. This paper presents the new agent algorithm that integrates forward-chaining HTN planning, execution, belief updates, and plan modifications. Also, through combination with an A*-like heuristic search strategy, we show that our agent algorithm is effective for the replanning problem of museum tour guide robots, which is similar to the replanning problem of a traveling salesman.

Palabras clave: Planning Algorithm; Action Execution; Protected Condition; Plan Execution; Action Rule.

- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning | Pp. 171-187

A Combination of Explicit and Deductive Knowledge with Branching Time: Completeness and Decidability Results

Alessio Lomuscio; Bożena Woźna

Logics for knowledge and time comprise logic combinations between epistemic logic S 5_ n for n agents and temporal logic. In this paper we examine a logic combination of Computational Tree Logic and an epistemic logic augmented to include an additional epistemic operator representing explicit knowledge. We show the resulting system enjoys the finite model property, decidability and is finitely axiomatisable. It is further shown that the expressivity of the resulting system enables us to represent a non-standard notion of deductive knowledge which seems promising for applications.

Palabras clave: Model Check; Modal Logic; Temporal Logic; Directed Acyclic Graph; Multiagent System.

- Knowledge Representation and Reasoning | Pp. 188-204

An Intensional Programming Approach to Multi-agent Coordination in a Distributed Network of Agents

Kaiyu Wan; Vasu S. Alagar

We explore the suitability of Intensional Programming Paradigm for providing a programming model for coordinated problem solving in a multi-agent system. We extend our previous work on Lucx, an Intensional Programming Language extended with context as first class object, to support coordination activities in a distributed network of agents. We study coordination constructs which can be applied to sequential programs and distributed transactions. We give formal syntax and semantics for coordination constructs. The semantics for transaction expressions is given on top of the existing operational semantics in Lucx. The extended Lucx can be used for Internet-based agent applications.

Palabras clave: Multi-agent systems; coordinated transactions; Intensional Programming Language; coordination constructs.

- Coordination and Model Checking | Pp. 205-222

A Tableau Method for Verifying Dialogue Game Protocols for Agent Communication

Jamal Bentahar; Bernard Moulin; John-Jules Ch. Meyer

In this paper, we propose a new tableau-based model checking technique for verifying dialogue game protocols for agent communication. These protocols are defined using our social commitment-based framework for agent communication called Commitment and Argument Network (CAN). We use a variant of CTL* (ACTL*) for specifying these protocols and the properties to be verified. This logic extends CTL* by allowing formulae to constrain actions as well as states. The verification method is based on the translation of formulae into a variant of alternating tree automata called Alternating Büchi Tableau Automata (ABTA). We propose a set of tableau rules (inference rules) for specifying this translation procedure. Unlike the model checking algorithms proposed in the literature, the algorithm that we propose in this paper allows us not only to verify if the dialogue game protocol (the model) satisfies a given property, but also if this protocol respects the tableau rules-based decomposition of the action formulae. This algorithm is an on-the-fly efficient algorithm.

- Coordination and Model Checking | Pp. 223-244