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Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
A broad, inclusive, rapid review journal devoted to publishing new research in all areas of biomedical engineering, biophysics and medical physics, with a special emphasis on interdisciplinary work between these fields.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada desde jun. 2015 / hasta dic. 2023 IOPScience


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

IOP Publishing (IOP)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

Fecha de publicación

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Difference in age-related changes in surface electromyogram of tibialis anterior and triceps surae

A Siddiqi; S P Arjunan; D K Kumar

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 045019

Protocol for testing suitability of compact US imaging systems for use inside MRI suites, and application to one commercial US system

Chi MaORCID; Zaiyang Long; Diana M Lanners; Donald J Tradup; Christina L Brunnquell; Joel P Felmlee; David A Woodrum; Robert E Watson; Nicholas J Hangiandreou; Krzysztof R Gorny

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 047003

Establishing a threshold for rotational patient setup errors in linear accelerator-based stereotactic radiosurgery

Michael Briscoe; Jon-Paul Voroney; Nicolas Ploquin

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 045018

A monochromatic x-ray irradiation system for in vitro studies at synchrotron beamlines

M Niestroj; B Bewer; D D Mousseau; D Chapman; J Chen; J Hormes

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 055001

Tumor bed brachytherapy for locally advanced laryngeal cancer: a feasibility assessment of combination with ferromagnetic hyperthermia

Paul R Stauffer; Ilya L Vasilchenko; Aleksey M Osintsev; Dario B Rodrigues; Voichita Bar-Ad; Mark D Hurwitz; Sergey A Kolomiets

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 055002

Influence of dissolved gases in coupling waterbolus on superficial hyperthermia and evaluation of a water conditioning system with inline degassing

Geetha Chakaravarthi; Kavitha Arunachalam

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 055003

Non-invasive and non-ionizing depth resolved infra-red imaging for detection and evaluation of breast cancer: a numerical study

R Mulaveesala; G Dua

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 055004

Gold nanorods with higher aspect ratio as potential contrast agent in optical coherence tomography and for photothermal applications around 1300 nm imaging window

K M Ratheesh; P Prabhathan; L K Seah; V M Murukeshan

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 055005

A method for quantitative total marrow imaging (QTMI) with PET/CT

Timothy G Perk; Natalie A Weisse; Stephen S F Yip; Robert Jeraj

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 055006

Enhanced solubility of nanostructured paracetamol

Jindřich Leitner; David Sedmidubský

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 055007