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Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
A broad, inclusive, rapid review journal devoted to publishing new research in all areas of biomedical engineering, biophysics and medical physics, with a special emphasis on interdisciplinary work between these fields.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada desde jun. 2015 / hasta dic. 2023 IOPScience


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

IOP Publishing (IOP)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

Fecha de publicación

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Rupture probability of porcine liver under planar and point loading

Susann Arndt; Alexander Russell; Jürgen Tomas; Peter Müller; Shishir Shekhar; Knut Brandstädter; Christiane Bruns; Cora Wex

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 055018

An improved registration method based on ICP for image guided prostate seed implanting surgery

Honghua Liang; Zhiyong Yang; Shan Jiang; Sheng Liu; Wei Wang

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 055019

Reconstruction of an optical inhomogeneity map improves fluorescence diffuse optical tomography

Nicolas Ducros; Teresa Correia; Andrea Bassi; Gianluca Valentini; Simon Arridge; Cosimo D’Andrea

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 055020

Characterization of patient inhaler inhalation sounds using non-contact and tracheal microphones

Terence E Taylor; Céline De Looze; Philippa MacHale; Martin S Holmes; Imran Sulaiman; Richard W Costello; Richard B Reilly

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 055021

Detection of REM/NREM snores in obstructive sleep apnoea patients using a machine learning technique

Shahin Akhter; Udantha R Abeyratne

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 055022

Cell culture pO 2 monitoring with a fiber optic oxygen sensor

Jianbin Liu; Chengcheng Wang; Yingxin Zeng; Chuping Yang; Hai Li; Huiying Fan; Clive E W Hahn; Andrew D Farmery; Rongsheng Chen

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 057001

PVA cryogel test objects for image-based quantification and functional volume segmentation in nuclear medicine

S M Gould; G M Soultanidis; P K Marsden; L Livieratos

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 067001

Dosimetry of non-uniform activity distribution: possibility to use the local energy deposition approach at the voxel level in radionuclide therapy

A C Traino; M Piccinno; C Avigo

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 065001

Use of shear wave ultrasound vibrometry for detection of simulated esophageal malignancy inex vivoporcine esophagi

Johnathon M Aho; Ivan Z Nenadic; Sara Aristizabal; Dennis A Wigle; Daniel J Tschumperlin; Matthew W Urban

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 065002

Reflection and transmission of ultra-wideband pulses for detection of vascular pressure variation and spatial resolution within soft tissues

Martin Mackenberg; Klaas Rackebrandt; Christian Bollmeyer; Philipp Wegerich; Hartmut Gehring; Horst Hellbrück

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 065003