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Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
A broad, inclusive, rapid review journal devoted to publishing new research in all areas of biomedical engineering, biophysics and medical physics, with a special emphasis on interdisciplinary work between these fields.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada desde jun. 2015 / hasta dic. 2023 IOPScience


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

IOP Publishing (IOP)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

Fecha de publicación

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Validation of a track-repeating algorithm versus measurements in water for proton scanning beams

Pablo P Yepes; Fada Guan; Matthew Kerr; Sharmalee Randeniya; Yuting Li; Lawrence Bronk; Amy Liu; Dragan Mirkovic; Narayan Sahoo; Uwe Titt; Aman Anand; Radhe Mohan

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 037002

Preparation and preliminary evaluation of alginate crosslinked microcapsules as potential drug delivery system (DDS) for human lung cancer therapy

José V Román; Miguel A Galán; Eva M Martín del Valle

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 035015

Investigation of the correlation between diffuse infrared and ultrasound for transcranial ultrasound

Qi Wang; Mark Howell; Shota Shimizu; Sheronica James; Aref Smiley; Gregory T Clement

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 035016

Calibration and evaluation of a continuous wave multi-distance NIRS system in simulated desaturation investigations

K Rackebrandt; H Gehring

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 035017

Various approaches for pseudo-CT scan creation based on ultrasound to ultrasound deformable image registration between different treatment time points for radiotherapy treatment plan adaptation in prostate cancer patients

Saskia Camps; Skadi van der Meer; Frank Verhaegen; Davide Fontanarosa

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 035018

The influences of tissue anisotropy and source activity on power and phase stability of low-frequency EEG rhythms: a mathematical observation of the forward problem model

Manling Ge; Xiaoxuan Fu; Jichang Zhang; Shenghua Chen; Yumin Chen; Rongguang Gao; Huijuan Zhang

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 035019

Instrumented flexible active electrode matrix suitable for human-computer interface applications

Orazio Aiello; Gaetano Gargiulo; Alistair McEwan

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 035020

The effect of rectal retractor on intrafraction motion of the prostate

A Vanhanen; M Kapanen

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 035021

Scatter point models for breast cone-beam computed tomography: preliminary study

Curtis Laamanen; Robert J LeClair

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 035022

Automated dose verification in specialized radiotherapy (ADViSR): a tool for Monte Carlo based dose verification

L J Strauss; F C P du Plessis

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 037003