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Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
A broad, inclusive, rapid review journal devoted to publishing new research in all areas of biomedical engineering, biophysics and medical physics, with a special emphasis on interdisciplinary work between these fields.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada desde jun. 2015 / hasta dic. 2023 IOPScience


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ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

IOP Publishing (IOP)

País de edición

Estados Unidos

Fecha de publicación

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Characterization of image quality in digital tomosynthesis for radiotherapy applications

Hirotatsu Armstrong; Bernard Jones; Moyed Miften

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 025013

Optimized PRESS sequence timings for measuring glycine at 9.4 T: demonstration in vivo in rat brain

Brennen J Dobberthien; Anthony G TessierORCID; B Gino Fallone; Atiyah Yahya

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 027003

T2* phase imaging and processing for brain functional magnetic susceptibility ( χ ) mapping

Zikuan Chen; Vince Calhoun

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 025015

Oscillatory flow in an enlarged compliant vasculature

Abdullah Y Usmani; K Muralidhar

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 025016

Evaluation of the MVAD pump: stability under high dose x-ray and proton radiation

Michael S Gossman; Joel D Graham; Priscilla Torres; Daniel Kritzer; Len Coutinho; Dan Tamez

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 025014

3D in vitro platform produced by two-photon polymerization for the analysis of neural network formation and function

P S Timashev; M V Vedunova; D Guseva; E Ponimaskin; A Deiwick; T A Mishchenko; E V Mitroshina; A V Koroleva; A S Pimashkin; I V Mukhina; V Ya Panchenko; B N Chichkov; V N Bagratashvili

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 035001

Home monitoring of bone density in the wrist—a parametric EIT computer modeling study

Avihai Ron; Shimon Abboud; Marina Arad

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 035002

Computer-aided obstructive sleep apnea identification using statistical features in the EMD domain and extreme learning machine

Ahnaf Rashik HassanORCID; Mohammad Aynal Haque

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 035003

Biosynthesis of colloidal silver nanoparticles: their characterization and antibacterial activity

C S Shivananda; S Asha; R Madhukumar; S Satish; B Narayana; K Byrappa; Youjiang Wang; Y Sangappa

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 035004

Compositional changes to synthetic biodegradable scaffolds modulate the influence of hydrostatic pressure on chondrogenesis of mesenchymal stem cells

J Rodenas-Rochina; D J Kelly; J L Gómez Ribelles; M Lebourg

Palabras clave: General Nursing.

Pp. 035005