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Invited Lectures from the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education

Parte de: ICME-13 Monographs

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Mathematics Education; Mathematics Learning; Mathematics Teaching; Mathematics Teachers; ICME-13; 13th Congress on Mathematical Education; Empirical Studies in Mathematics Education; Theoretical Reflections on Mathematics Education; Tertiary Mathematics Education; Secondary Mathematics Education; Primary Mathematics Education; Society of Didactics of Mathematics; Mathematics Educators; Improvement of Mathematics Education; Global Mathematics Trends

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No requiere 2018 Directory of Open access Books acceso abierto
No requiere 2018 SpringerLink acceso abierto


Tipo de recurso:


ISBN impreso


ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

Tabla de contenidos

Practice-Based Initial Teacher Education: Developing Inquiring Professionals

Glenda Anthony

Practice-based initial teacher education reforms are typically organised around a set of core teaching practices, a set of normative principles to guide teachers’ judgement, and the knowledge needed to teach mathematics. Developing more than understandings, practices, and visions, practice-based pedagogies also need to support prospective teachers’ emergent dispositions for teaching. Based on the premise that an inquiry stance is a key attribute of adaptive expertise and teacher professionalism this paper examines the function and value of inquiry within practice-based learning. Findings from the Learning the Work of Ambitious Mathematics Teaching project are used to illustrate how opportunities to engage in critical and collaborative reflective practices can contribute to prospective teachers’ development of an inquiry-oriented stance. Exemplars of prospective teachers’ inquiry processes in action—both within rehearsal activities and a classroom inquiry—highlight the potential value of practice-based opportunities to learn the work of teaching.

Pp. 1-18

Mathematical Experiments—An Ideal First Step into Mathematics

Albrecht Beutelspacher

Since the foundation of the Mathematikum, Germany, in 2002 and Il Giardino di Archimede, Florence, Italy, in 2004 there have been many activities around the world to present mathematical experiments in exhibitions and museums. Although these activities are all very successful with respect to their number of visitors, the question arises what is their impact for “learning” mathematics in a broad sense. This question is discussed in the paper. We present a few experiments from the Mathematikum and shall then discuss the questions, as to whether these are experiments and whether they show mathematics. The conclusion will be that experiments provide an optimal first step into mathematics. This means in particular that they do not offer the whole depth of mathematical reasoning, but let the visitors experience real mathematics, insofar as they provide insight by thinking.

Pp. 19-29

Intersections of Culture, Language, and Mathematics Education: Looking Back and Looking Ahead

Marta Civil

This paper draws from a research agenda focused on the interplay of culture, language and mathematics teaching and learning, particularly in working-class Mexican-American communities in the United States. Drawing on data collected over several years, I emphasize the need for a coordinated effort to the mathematics education of non-dominant students, an effort that involves teachers and other school personnel, the students’ families, and the students themselves. Through the voices of parents, teachers, and students, I illustrate the resources that non-dominant students bring to school but often go untapped, and the tensions that this may carry. Following a socio-cultural approach grounded on the concept of funds of knowledge, I argue for the need to develop stronger communication among the interested parties to develop learning experiences in mathematics that build on the knowledge, the language and cultural resources, and the forms of participation in the students’ communities.

Pp. 31-48

The Double Continuity of Algebra

Al Cuoco; William McCallum

We consider Klein’s double discontinuity between high school and university mathematics in relation to algebra as it is studied in both settings. We give examples of two kinds of continuities that might mend the break: (1) examples of how undergraduate courses in algebra and number theory can provide useful tools for prospective teachers in their professional work, as they design and sequence mathematical tasks, and (2) examples of how questions that arise in secondary pre-college mathematics can be extended and analyzed with methods from algebra and algebraic geometry, using both a careful analysis of algebraic calculations and the application of algebraic methods to geometric problems. We discuss useful sensibilities, for high school teachers and university faculty, that are suggested by these examples. We conclude with some recommendations about the content and structure of abstract algebra courses in university.

Pp. 49-63

A Friendly Introduction to “Knowledge in Pieces”: Modeling Types of Knowledge and Their Roles in Learning

Andrea A. diSessa

Knowledge in Pieces (KiP) is an epistemological perspective that has had significant success in explaining learning phenomena in science education, notably the phenomenon of students’ prior conceptions and their roles in emerging competence. KiP is much less used in mathematics. However, I conjecture that the reasons for relative disuse mostly concern historical differences in traditions rather than in-principle distinctions in the ways mathematics and science are learned. This article aims to explain KiP in a relatively non-technical way to mathematics educators. I explain the general principles and distinguishing characteristics of KiP, I use a range of examples, including from mathematics, to show how KiP works in practice and what one might expect to gain from using it. My hope is to encourage and help guide a greater use of KiP in mathematics education.

Pp. 65-84

History of Mathematics, Mathematics Education, and the Liberal Arts

Michael N. Fried

This paper considers how the history of mathematics, if it is taken seriously, can become a mode of thinking about mathematics and about one’s own humanness. What I mean by the latter is that by studying the history of mathematics rather than simply using it as a tool—and that means attempting to understand it as an historian does—one becomes aware of how mathematics is something human beings do that therefore informs our human identity. In this way, the history of mathematics in mathematics education has the potential to make us fuller human beings, which is at the heart of the educational tradition known as the “liberal arts.” By considering the nature of the liberal arts, we may understand better the meaning of the history of mathematics in mathematics education and, indeed, the meaning of mathematics education tout court.

Pp. 85-101

Knowledge and Action for Change Through Culture, Community and Curriculum

Linda Furuto

At the 1984 International Congress on Mathematical Education (ICME-5), Ubiratan D’Ambrosio envisioned the creation of a global society where “mathematics for all” reached an unprecedented dimension as a social endeavor by questioning the equilibrium of mathematics education (, p. 6). To respond to the challenge three decades later, I will present a contemporary perspective by re-examining the sociocultural role of mathematics education in the schooling process. I will specifically discuss how knowledge and action for change are achieved through intersections of culture, community and curriculum in an ongoing process of navigating and wayfinding in Hawai‘i and the Pacific. This will be accomplished by developing new theoretical insights into honoring and sustaining non-Western cultural systems and practices through examples in mathematics teacher education. In doing so, I will highlight diverse funds of teaching and learning that are grounded in a shared commitment to equity, empowerment and dignity.

Pp. 103-114

The Impact and Challenges of Early Mathematics Intervention in an Australian Context

Ann Gervasoni

This paper explores the design and longitudinal effect of an intervention approach for supporting children who are mathematically vulnerable: the (EMU)—Intervention approach. The progress over three years of Grade 1 children who participated in the intervention was analysed and compared with the progress of peers across four whole number domains. The findings show that participation in the EMU program was associated with increased confidence and accelerated learning that was maintained and extended in subsequent years for most children. Forty per cent of children were no longer vulnerable in the year following the intervention, and others were vulnerable in fewer domains. Comparative data for non-EMU participants highlights the wide distribution of mathematics knowledge across all children in each grade level. This explains why classroom teaching is so complex and highlights the challenges teachers face in providing inclusive learning environments that enable all students to thrive.

Pp. 115-133

Helping Teacher Educators in Institutions of Higher Learning to Prepare Prospective and Practicing Teachers to Teach Mathematics to Young Children

Herbert P. Ginsburg

Research shows that young children possess surprising mathematical abilities and can benefit from Early Mathematics Education, which can lay a sound foundation for mathematics learning. Yet institutions of higher education generally provide their students with inadequate preparation in teaching mathematics to young children. To ameliorate this unfortunate situation, I have been working with colleagues on development of a comprehensive set of materials that teacher educators—usually professors and instructors in institutions of higher learning—can use in their teaching, either live or online. This paper describes a framework for training teacher educators and their students and presents an account of materials that can be used to promote understanding of the relevant mathematics, mathematical thinking of young children, and the kind of formative assessment that can be useful for teachers.

Pp. 135-154

Hidden Connections and Double Meanings: A Mathematical Viewpoint of Affective and Cognitive Interactions in Learning

Inés M. Gómez-Chacón

This paper poses methodological questions concerning the evaluation of emotion in the process of mathematical learning where the interaction between emotion and cognition occurs. These methodological aspects are considered not only from the perspective of educational psychology but from that of mathematics education. Some epistemological and ontological aspects, which are considered central to the cognition-affect interplay, are noted. Special attention is given to the notion of cognitive-affective structure as a dynamic system. The interplay between cognition and affect in mathematics is viewed through the concepts of local and global affect and using a mathematical working space model. A model of this interplay is illustrated with research examples, enabling us to move from descriptions of cognition-affect at an individual level to the explanation of the tendency of a group. The non-linear modelling of emotion is reflected in the affect-cognition local structure.

Pp. 155-174