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Invited Lectures from the 13th International Congress on Mathematical Education
Parte de: ICME-13 Monographs
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
Mathematics Education; Mathematics Learning; Mathematics Teaching; Mathematics Teachers; ICME-13; 13th Congress on Mathematical Education; Empirical Studies in Mathematics Education; Theoretical Reflections on Mathematics Education; Tertiary Mathematics Education; Secondary Mathematics Education; Primary Mathematics Education; Society of Didactics of Mathematics; Mathematics Educators; Improvement of Mathematics Education; Global Mathematics Trends
Institución detectada | Año de publicación | Navegá | Descargá | Solicitá |
No requiere | 2018 | Directory of Open access Books |
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No requiere | 2018 | SpringerLink |
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ISBN electrónico
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Springer Nature
País de edición
Reino Unido
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Cobertura temática
Tabla de contenidos
How Can Cognitive Neuroscience Contribute to Mathematics Education? Bridging the Two Research Areas
Roza Leikin
This paper, which describes neurocognitive studies that focus on mathematical processing, demonstrates the value that both mathematics education research and neuroscience research can derive from the integration of these two areas of research. It includes a brief overview of neuroimaging research related to mathematical processing. I base my claim that cognitive neuroscience and mathematics education are still two tangent areas of research on a brief comparison of these two fields, with a particular spotlight on research goals, conceptions, and tools. Through a close look at several studies, I outline possible directions in which mathematics education and educational neuroscience can capitalize on each other. Mathematics education can contribute to the stages of research design, while neuroscience can validate theories in mathematics education and advance the interpretation of the research results. To make such an integration successful, collaboration between mathematics educators and neuroscientists is crucial.
Pp. 363-383
Themes in Mathematics Teacher Professional Learning Research in South Africa: A Review of the Period 2006–2015
Mdutshekelwa Ndlovu
In this chapter, I review and identify themes in in-service mathematics teacher professional development/learning research in South Africa over a 10-year period from 2006 to 2015. No less than 92 journal articles were reviewed. Nine themes were identified as characterising research during this period. Mathematical knowledge for teaching and pedagogical content knowledge were the two most dominant themes. Subject matter knowledge was the fourth and closely aligned to the first two. Curriculum knowledge was the third most frequently occurring research theme and was also closely aligned to the first two. Together the first four themes constituted 54% of the research output for this period, an indication of the centrality of practising teachers’ professional knowledge of school mathematics. Under-researched themes included the integration of ICTs in mathematics education as well as impact studies that were apparently constrained by lack of funding for large-scale research.
Pp. 385-399
Pedagogies of Emergent Learning
Ricardo Nemirovsky
We distinguish emergent learning from “teleological” learning, which is learning for the sake of passing pre-defined tests and goals. While teleological learning may succeed or fail, emergent learning is always going on in ways that move pass disciplinary boundaries and anticipated results. To advance a perspective on pedagogies of emergent learning we analyze selected episodes from a program for children who volunteered to enroll. The sessions alternated between the after school club they attended and an art museum. The program engaged the children in basket weaving, in the analysis of baskets exhibited at the museum, and with ways in which flat materials can be shaped in 3D space along distinct surface curvatures. These experiences have inspired us to outline two streams of pedagogical ideas that seem to nurture and go along with the unforeseeable paths of emergent learning.
Pp. 401-421
Connecting Mathematics, Community, Culture and Place: Promise, Possibilities, and Problems
Cynthia Nicol
In this essay I explore a critical pedagogy of place for mathematics education. Greenwood’s () theoretical framework of a critical pedagogy of place is used alongside frameworks for critical mathematics education to present an approach for connecting mathematics, community, culture and place. Drawing upon literature from both Indigenous and non-Indigenous scholars, theories of place-based education are examined. I introduce theories of mathematics education that advocate what Freire (/) calls ‘problem-posing’ practices to read (understand) and write (transform) the world with mathematics Gutstein (). Two place-based problems are presented, inspired and used by secondary/middle school teachers in a rural community. These problems provide examples and critiques of connecting mathematics, community, culture, and place. The essay concludes with reflections on the challenges and possibilities of a critical pedagogy of place for mathematics education in a world with increasing complex global issues.
Pp. 423-440
Relevance of Learning Logical Analysis of Mathematical Statements
Judith Njomgang Ngansop
Our work focuses on logic and language at a university in Cameroon. The mathematical discourse, carried by the language, generates ambiguities. At the university level, symbolism is introduced to clarify it. Because it is not taught in secondary school, it becomes a source of difficulties for students. Our thesis is as follows: “The determination of the logical structure of mathematical statements is necessary in order to properly use them in mathematics.” We conducted our study in the predicate calculus theory. In the first part of the paper, a summary of the theory is presented, followed by a logical analysis of two complex mathematical statements. The second part is a report of two sequences of an experiment that was conducted with first-year students that shows that knowledge of the logical structure of a statement enables students to clarify the ambiguities raised by language.
Pp. 441-462
Understanding and Visualizing Linear Transformations
Asuman Oktaç
The aim of this chapter is to give an overview of the research that we have been conducting in our research group in Mexico about the linear transformation concept, focusing on difficulties associated with its learning, intuitive mental models that students may develop in relation with it, an outline of a genetic decomposition that describes a possible way in which this concept can be constructed, problems that students may experience with regard to registers of representation, and the role that dynamic geometry environments might play in interpreting its effects. Preliminary results from an ongoing study about what it means to visualize the process of a linear transformation are reported. A literature review that directly relates to the content of this chapter as well as directions for future research and didactical suggestions are provided.
Pp. 463-481
Mapping the Relationship Between Written and Enacted Curriculum: Examining Teachers’ Decision Making
Janine Remillard
I offer an approach to representing and examining the relationship between curriculum resources and the performance of teaching, for the purpose of analyzing teachers’ design work. The approach builds on the assumptions that teaching is a design activity, that curriculum resources are tools that convey complex instructional ideas, and that, in using these tools, teachers interact with them and selectively leverage resources to design and enact instruction. I introduce the instructional design arc as a unit of analysis, referring to an episode in a lesson, prompted by the teacher, and that require the teacher to make instructional design decisions in the moment. When compiled into a lesson map, these design arcs model the episodic and emerging contours of the enacted lesson, representing teachers’ planned and in-the-moment decisions. Using data from 3rd to 5th grade mathematics classrooms in the USA, I analyze instructional design arcs within mathematics lessons, focusing on teachers’ design work.
Pp. 483-500
Building Bridges Between the Math Education and the Engineering Education Communities: A Dialogue Through Modelling and Simulation
Ruth Rodriguez Gallegos
This chapter shows the importance of building communication bridges between two apparently disconnected academic communities: the mathematicians’ and the engineers’. The starting point is an overview of an approach to teach mathematics through modeling and simulation of real problems at a private university in the northeast of Mexico that mainly focuses on the training of future engineers. The need to build communication bridges between the mathematics and the engineering education communities seems to be fundamental in order to rethink mathematics education’s goals of being prepared to face the challenges posed by today’s increasingly changing environment. The results and experience of mathematics professors teaching engineering students show some of the advantages of incorporating new ways of visualizing and understanding phenomena. Furthermore, these new ways allow students to have a new vision of mathematics and a deeper understanding of several math concepts.
Pp. 501-519
Constructing Dynamic Geometry: Insights from a Study of Teaching Practices in English Schools
Kenneth Ruthven
Any technology retains a degree of fluidity in its conception, shaped not just by its designers but by its subsequent users. This chapter applies this perspective to one form of software which has attracted particular attention in mathematics teaching: dynamic geometry. Drawing on a study conducted in professionally well-regarded mathematics departments in English secondary schools, the chapter sketches the wider curricular context, provides an overview of each of three contrasting cases of teaching practices making use of dynamic geometry, and presents cross-cutting themes through which these contrasts can be characterised. Critical variables include the degree to which teachers see student use of the software as promoting mathematically-disciplined interaction, analysis of apparent mathematical anomalies as supporting learning, and dragging as a means of focusing attention on continuous variation. The chapter concludes by discussing how teaching practices might productively be developed, and how such development might be supported by further research.
Pp. 521-540
Exploring the Contribution of Gestures to Mathematical Argumentation Processes from a Semiotic Perspective
Cristina Sabena
A multimodal perspective on mathematics thinking processes is addressed through the semiotic bundle lens and considering a wide notion of sign drawing from Vygotsky’s works. Within this frame, the paper focuses on the role of gestures in their interaction with the other signs (speech, in particular) and investigates the support they can provide to mathematical argumentation processes. A case study in primary school in the context of strategic interaction games provides data to show that gestures can support students in developing argumentations that depart from empirical stances and shift to a hypothetical plane in which generality is addressed. In this regard, by combining synchronic and diachronic analysis of the semiotic bundle, specific features of gestures are pointed out and discussed: the semiotic contraction, the condensing character of gestures, and the use of gesture space in a metaphorical sense.
Pp. 541-559