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Celebrating 25 Years of World Wetlands Day

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

cyanobacteria; phosphorus; restoration ecology; water quality; wetland; wetland soil; microbial respiration; CO2 efflux; Everglades; enzyme activity; grazing; created wetlands; freshwater marshes; carbon cycling; wetlands ecosystems; moral norms; self-identity; theory of planned behavior; sustainability; Poyang Lake; ecosystem service value; lakeshore zone; Landsat; remote sensing; spatial–temporal changes; human activities; ghost forest; forested wetland; aboveground biomass; soil carbon; carbon dating; constructed wetlands; macrophytes; pollution; wastewater; wetlands; colonization; nature-culture relationship; perceptual typology; coastal wetlands; tidal flat reclamation; stability; impact; Jiangsu coastal area; anthropogenic activities; climate change; terrestrial ecosystems; environmental impacts; greenhouse gases; cleaning; efficacy; ethics; researcher impacts; wetland decontamination; wetland management history; Ramsar convention; wise use; wetland assessment methods; wetland valuation; wetlands paradigm shift; ecosystem approach; wholescapes; sustainable development; World Charter for wetlands

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