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Importancia de macrófitas en la retención de nutrientes y metales en un humedal artificial

Hernán Ricardo Hadad María Alejandra Maine Alicia Ronco Néstor Gabellone Graciela Escandar Carlos Alberto Bonetto


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
Vegetation and removal efficiency were studied in a pilot-scale (6m x 3m x 0.4m) and a definitive (40m x 50m x 0.5m) constructed wetlands for the treatment of industrial and sewage effluents from the metallurgic industry Bahco Argentina S. A. The influent had Cr, Ni and Zn and high conductivity and pH. The pilot-scale wetland showed an efficient removal of all the variables measured, except soluble reactive phosphorous (SRP) and ammonium. The floating macrophytes showed an initial growth but they disappeared later. According to the results obtained in the pH, conductivity and metal toxicity experiments, it was concluded that the influent conductivity and pH were toxic for the floating species. Typha domingensis showed a higher biomass than that of a natural wetland. The definitive wetland removed efficiently all the contaminants except bicarbonate, SRP and ammonium. Anoxic conditions were registered in several samplings. Three macrophyte dominance stages were identified. The first stage was represented by Eichhornia crassipes, the second one by E. crassipes and T. domingensis, and the third one by T. domingensis. With exception of SRP and ammonium, no significant differences in the removals were registered among the stages. In the E. crassipes stage metals were retained by vegetation because of anoxic conditions. In the other dominance stages, the contaminant removal was carried out by vegetation but principally by sediment in relation with the rizosphere oxygenation. T. domingensis showed a positive growth being the best alternative to be used in treatment systems with high conductivity and pH.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

Macrophytes; Nutrients; Metals; Constructed wetlands; Macrófitas; Nutrientes; Metales; Humedales

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No requiere 2007 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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  • español castellano

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