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@tic: Revista d'Innovació Educativa

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innovative education; ict; higher education

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Universitat de València (UV)

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  • catalán

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Tabla de contenidos

Imaginación y creatividad matemática en las ciencias sociales

Enric Ramiro Roca; José Vicente Gil Noé

<jats:p>University has been criticized because of it hasn’t been always linked enough to the society. Also, social sciences have been disapproved because they have been perceived as a boring area, unuseful and memory-based. And third, there has been a traditional separation between Science and Arts into a more and more globalized world, with border issues and teamwork.Because of that reason, from didactics of social sciences area into the education department of the University Jaume I of Castelló (UJI), a group of professors have started a set of activities and resources in order to bring near Teaching studies and the real classroom. And we have done it from contents of geography, history and art in order to favor a more active and innovative methodology in the environment knowledge and Valencian culture areas.Resources have been adapted in different ways as a deck of cards, board games and posters. In all of them, we associate mathematical techniques through mathemagic with the contents of geographical features, historical figures, festivities and traditions, or biographies among others, and using different text typologies.The evaluations show the good climate in the classroom, the autonomy achieved by the students and the utility of the teachings and the competences accomplished. However, students and professors agree with the intensity of the work done, the convenience of lightening the activities and the need of a better coordination between professors of different subjects in the same degree.</jats:p>

Pp. 55

El papel del alumnado en la propuesta y diseño de acciones docentes

Fernando Castello-Sirvent; Vanessa Roger Monzó

<jats:p>The ComunicArte16 Teaching Innovation Project is presented in this paper, in which 21 students participated. It was carried out in the academic course 2015-2016 in the subject Economical Structure of the Communication Sector of the degree in Communication and Public Relations of ESIC Business &amp; Marketing School.&#x0D; ComunicArte16 aims to increase student participation through the proposal and design of their own teaching actions to be carried out in the classroom. From the 14 proposed actions, five teachers who are specialized in the subject were asked to reveal their preferences according to the objectives of the subject's curriculum. This process has been articulated on four axes: analyze, connect, experiment and create (ACEC), following the Felder-Silverman Learning Styles Model (FSLSM). For the selection of teaching actions of ComunicArte16 the Hierarchical Analytical Process (AHP) was followed and which, through the paired comparison of alternatives of self-excluding type, provided a weighted priority and resulted in the effective selection of 4 actions, one for each axis. The analysis of the results supports a high acceptance of ComunicArte16 among the students, increasing active participation in the classroom and improving their commitment through a higher attendance rate.</jats:p>

Pp. 1

Aprendizaje cooperativo a través de las nuevas tecnologías: Una revisión

Rosario Isabel Herrada ValverdeORCID; Raúl Baños NavarroORCID

<jats:p>Information Communication Technologies have brought a revolution in education, causing structural changes in the way we teach and how we learn. Currently, the existence of a wide variety of virtual teaching-learning environments enables teachers and students to interact synchronously or asynchronously using computers and mobile devices. This has led to the implementation of active teaching-learning methodologies with proven pedagogical effectiveness, such as cooperative learning, that encourage students to acquire skills and improve their academic performance. Despite the importance of the subject, almost no papers have analysed the state-of-the-art on educational experiences that promote cooperative learning using new technologies. In order to respond to this demand, this paper presents a comprehensive review of the related bibliography that include a large number of papers written in Spanish in which new technologies are used to implement cooperative learning activities in different subjects and educational levels. From the analysis of these papers, it can be concluded that there is a growing interest by teachers and researchers in implementing cooperative learning using virtual teaching-learning environments and computer applications, as well as social networks or MOOC. Further, these experiences receive positive feedback from teachers and students involved.</jats:p>

Pp. 16

Syllabus Design for Pre-service English Language Teachers in Spain

Gloria Luque Agulló

<jats:p>This paper describes the steps involved in designing educational programs for pre-service English language teachers in Secondary education within the Spanish context, following the current educational law (LOMCE).  Considering the century-long search for the best method within TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language), and the continuous reforms of educational laws in Spain, pre-service teachers must learn the competences and skills essential for designing of their own teaching program. The series of steps described here will enable teachers to show accountability to educational authorities and increase their self-confidence, subsequently improving their craft in the language classroom.</jats:p>

Pp. 26

Formación STEM en el grado de maestro: una experiencia docente

Irene Ferrando Palomares; Desamparados Hurtado Soler; María José Beltrán Meneu

<jats:p>The aim of this work is to evaluate the design of the subject ICT as a teaching resource in science and mathematics taught in the Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education of the Universitat de València, during the academic courses 2013-14 and 2014-15. The analysis is based on the works of the students and their responses to a questionnaire. The purpose of the subject is to train pre-service teachers in the STEM discipline to make them able to teach Science and Mathematics in an integrated way throughout the Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). The results show a high interest of the students in the subject, the design of activities and the cooperative work. However, some difficulties are identified related to the interdisciplinary teaching of science and mathematics in elementary courses. The application of ICT in the STEM teaching is an opportunity to develop the teaching competence.</jats:p>

Pp. 35

Twitter como instrumento para fomentar la participación del profesorado en los cursos formativos

Elena Berrón Ruiz; María Victoria Régil López

<jats:p>The increasing incorporation of new technologies in the education system demands a deep revision in the management processes of the training centers, improving their presence in social networks. The qualitative research presented in this article presents a case study carried out at the Training Center of Teachers and Educational Innovation of Avila (Spain) and pursues two objectives: the first consists in value the usefulness of different strategies to boost and disseminate the training courses through Twitter, while the second seeks to analyze the impact that such dissemination has been on the participation of teachers. The results show that the innovations introduced in the dynamization have aroused the interest of the teachers, increasing the interactions made in the social network and producing a remarkable rise of their participation in the courses.</jats:p>

Pp. 43

Editorial: Investigación e innovación sobre la Educación Digit@l

Diana Marín Suelves; Montse Castro Rodríguez; Pablo Joel Santana Bonilla

Pp. 52

Percepciones sobre materiales didácticos y la formación en competencia digital

José Peirats-ChacónORCID; Daniel Gabaldón-Estevan; Diana Marín-Suelves

<jats:p>In this paper we present an analysis on the perception of educational agents in relation to the selection, use and creation of digital teaching materials, as well as an analysis of the educational offer in various educational platforms. In the study different people related to the Valencian Community education system such as public administration representatives, publishing houses managers, families, teachers and students, have been interviewed. For the collection of the information, semi-structured, individual and group interviews were used, as well as a content analysis of a selection of institutional platforms, publishers and teacher associations. The results confirm the central importance of the teaching figure and its formation for the successful practice with digital teaching materials and the need to consider the diversity of approaches that the different agents involved maintain towards the progressive process of digitalization in educational centers.</jats:p>

Pp. 54

La representación de la diversidad social en los materiales didácticos digitales

Laura Rego-Agraso; Eva María Barreira Cerqueiras; Raquel Mariño Fernández

<jats:p>With the spreading of multimedia educative materials use in Primary Education in Spain, it seems pertinent to analyse how these resources represent the diversity of gender, ability, sexual orientation, cultural/ethnic diversity or age variations in our society. This is one of the aims of the project The school of the digital society: analysis and proposals for the production and use of educational digital contents, which is being developed nowadays in Spain, specifically in Galicia, Valencia and the Canary Islands. Therefore, a methodology of mixed (quantitative and qualitative) study has been applied, focused on the analysis of a sample of 56 multimedia materials, located in institutional commercial and online collaboration platforms of the aforementioned autonomous communities. Among the most outstanding results, it is worth mentioning a greater tendency towards the visibility of women –especially in that resources present in collaborative teaching repositories-, although it is continued the concealment of certain groups analyzed in its iconic-textual content.</jats:p>

Pp. 63

Análisis de materiales didácticos digitales para guiar y/o apoyar el proceso de enseñanza - aprendizaje de las matemáticas

Dorinda Mato-Vázquez; Mª Montserrat Castro-Rodríguez; Camino Pereiro González

<jats:p>Digital technologies have brought about a revolution in all areas of life: technological, business, communicative, cultural, and even in knowledge and entertainment. In the educational landscape it also has its reflection and the methodologies and resources have been redrawn, in terms of different media, channels, languages, narratives, etc. These changes, substantive and profound, affect all the society simultaneously, but other agents as educational administrations and the publishing sector is also involved. In this research we analyze a sample of institutional portals and commercial platforms that offer digital didactic resources in the area of mathematics in the Autonomous Community of Galicia. We focus on the type of materials, the pedagogical model that underlies them, the differences between commercial and institutional platforms, their use, impact on teaching and learning mathematics in the classroom, etc. The instrument used was a questionnaire designed ad hoc and validated and administered to 13 commercial platforms; both those produced commercially by publishing companies and those of an institutional nature generated by the regional administrations of the Canary Islands, Galicia and Valencia. The results indicate that, although the range of online offer of didactic materials for mathematics is wide and with varied formats, they have pedagogical shortcomings that do not favor active methodologies or a true integration of other alternatives that promote the development of open, flexible educational projects that facilitate the attention to the individual and collective diversity of each person, as well as the participation, interactivity / connectivity of the educational community, since most reproduce the format of the printed textbook by adding some online resources.</jats:p>

Pp. 72