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Deshidratación catalítica de D-xilosa con sólidos ácidos para la producción de furfural

Michael Nicolás Vanoy Villamil Cristina Liliana Padró Sergio Marchetti Sandra Casuscelli Carlos Pieck Carlos Rodolfo Apesteguía


Resumen/Descripción – provisto por el repositorio digital
This thesis is determined by trials for a target reaction temperature conversion of D- xylose and furfural yield at the lowest. Alumina in water at 140C, converts 80 percent of D-xylose and produced an 18 percent furfural but undergoes degradation, indicating the need to stabilize the furfural formed . The effect of the loss of furfural in toluene, toluene-water (1:1) and water in the presence and absence of a catalyst was studied, there is a greater loss of furfural in water without the presence of catalyst and even more when the catalyst is present. In toluene-water was little loss indicating a two phase system is needed. Three sets of methyl solvents isobutyl ketone (MIBK)-water 2-butanol-water and toluene-water study , the distribution constant was higher in MIBK-water ( , but the reaction conditions (T: 140C) does not improve performance to furfural, as if it the toluene-water system . With zeolite catalysts (HMCM-22, Sn-BEA and HBEA ), complete conversion is obtained, except HMCM-22, attributed to problems diffusive substrate by two-dimensional channel system. The Sn-BEA zeolite was more active in the production isomerization reactions (xylulose). With non-zeolite catalysts (silica-alumina, alumina and Amberlyst -36) complete conversion, Amberlyst-36 was not active in the isomerization reaction are reached. The catalyst showed higher yield furfural was silica-alumina. The higher the temperature, the latter catalyst showed the highest furfural yield (76 percent), and no deactivation after use in reaction.
Palabras clave – provistas por el repositorio digital

D-xilosa; Deshidratación; Sólidos ácidos; Furfural; Alto rendimiento; Sistema analítico; D-xylose; Dehydration; Acid solid; High yield; Analytical system

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No requiere 2015 Biblioteca Virtual de la Universidad Nacional del Litoral (SNRD) acceso abierto


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Idiomas de la publicación

  • español castellano

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