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Behavioural Brain Research

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Behavioural Brain Research is an international, interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the publication of articles in the field of behavioural neuroscience, broadly defined. Contributions from the entire range of disciplines that comprise the neurosciences, behavioural sciences or cognitive sciences are appropriate, as long as the goal is to delineate the neural mechanisms underlying behaviour. Thus, studies may range from neurophysiological, neuroanatomical, neurochemical or neuropharmacological analysis of brain-behaviour relations, including the use of molecular genetic or behavioural genetic approaches, to studies that involve the use of brain imaging techniques, to neuroethological studies. Reports of original research, of major methodological advances, or of novel conceptual approaches are all encouraged. The journal will also consider critical reviews on selected topics.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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Institución detectada Período Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No detectada desde feb. 1980 / hasta dic. 2023 ScienceDirect


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


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País de edición

Países Bajos

Fecha de publicación

Tabla de contenidos

Beyond cognitive reserve: Behavioural reserve hypothesis in Frontotemporal Dementia

Enrico Premi; Valentina Garibotto; Stefano Gazzina; Mario Grassi; Maura Cosseddu; Barbara Paghera; Marinella Turla; Alessandro Padovani; Barbara Borroni

Palabras clave: Behavioral Neuroscience.

Pp. 58-62

Brain structure and cognitive correlates of body mass index in healthy older adults

Jacob D. Bolzenius; David H. Laidlaw; Ryan P. Cabeen; Thomas E. Conturo; Amanda R. McMichael; Elizabeth M. Lane; Jodi M. Heaps; Lauren E. Salminen; Laurie M. Baker; Staci E. Scott; Sarah A. Cooley; John Gunstad; Robert H. Paul

Pp. 342-347

The relationship between protein synthesis and protein degradation in object recognition memory

Cristiane R.G. Furini; Jociane de C. Myskiw; Bianca E. Schmidt; Carolina G. Zinn; Patricia B. Peixoto; Luiza D. Pereira; Ivan Izquierdo

Palabras clave: Behavioral Neuroscience.

Pp. 17-24

Neuroscience of the auditory-motor system: How does sound interact with movement?

C. Lezama-Espinosa; H.L. Hernandez-MontielORCID

Palabras clave: Behavioral Neuroscience.

Pp. 112535