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Computers and Chemical Engineering
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Computers & Chemical Engineering is primarily a journal of record for new developments in the application of computing and systems technology to chemical engineering problems. Several major areas of study are represented in the journal, including:• Modeling, numerical analysis and simulation
• Mathematical programming (optimization)
• Cyberinfrastructure, informatics and intelligent systems
• Process and product synthesis/design
• Process dynamics, control and monitoring
• Abnormal events management and process safety
• Plant operations, integration, planning/scheduling and supply chain
• Enterprise-wide management and technology-driven policy making
• Domain applications (molecular, biological, pharmaceutical, food, energy, and environmental systems engineering)
Also, general papers on process systems engineering are welcome as well as emerging new areas and topics not covered above.
Articles published cover different aspects of the application of process systems engineering to one or more of the general areas listed above, including new applications of established methods, comparisons of alternative methodologies, descriptions of state-of-the-art industrial applications and significant developments in computing targeted at training/education. Reports of software implementation must feature novel uses of state-of-the-art computing technologies. Computers & Chemical Engineering publishes full-length articles, perspective papers, journal reviews, short notes and letters to the editor.
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Comments and Proposals: We are interested in receiving comments/feedback on this and our other journals and welcome publication proposals for books, electronic products, new journals and co-operation for existing journals.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
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Institución detectada | Período | Navegá | Descargá | Solicitá |
No detectada | desde ene. 1977 / hasta dic. 2023 | ScienceDirect |
Tipo de recurso:
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ISSN electrónico
Editor responsable
País de edición
Reino Unido
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Cobertura temática
Tabla de contenidos
Simultaneous strategies for data reconciliation and gross error detection of nonlinear systems
I.B. Tjoa; L.T. Biegler
Palabras clave: General Chemical Engineering; Computer Science Applications.
Pp. 679-690
A method to incorporate bounds in data reconciliation and gross error detection—I. The bounded data reconciliation problem
S. Narasimhan; P. Harikumar
Pp. 1115-1120
A method to incorporate bounds in data reconciliation and gross error detection—II. Gross error detection strategies
P. Harikumar; S. Narasimhan
Pp. 1121-1128
A new approach for improved identification of measurement bias
Sriram Devanathan; Derrick K. Rollins; Stephen B. Vardeman
Pp. 2755-2764
Theory and practice of simultaneous data reconciliation and gross error detection for chemical processes
Derya B. Özyurt; Ralph W. Pike
Palabras clave: General Chemical Engineering; Computer Science Applications.
Pp. 381-402
Gross error identification for dynamic system
Mingfang Kong; Bingzhen Chen; Xiaorong He; Shanying Hu
Palabras clave: General Chemical Engineering; Computer Science Applications.
Pp. 191-197
State-of-the-art review of optimization methods for short-term scheduling of batch processes
Carlos A. Méndez; Jaime Cerdá; Ignacio E. Grossmann; Iiro Harjunkoski; Marco Fahl
Pp. 913-946
A framework for model-based optimization of bioprocesses under uncertainty: Lignocellulosic ethanol production case
Ricardo Morales-Rodriguez; Anne S. Meyer; Krist V. Gernaey; Gürkan Sin
Pp. 115-129
Supply chain design and optimization: Challenges and opportunities
Daniel J. Garcia
; Fengqi You
Palabras clave: General Chemical Engineering; Computer Science Applications.
Pp. 153-170
Combined use of MILP and multi-linear regression to simplify LCA studies
Janire Pascual-González; Carlos Pozo; Gonzalo Guillén-Gosálbez; Laureano Jiménez-Esteller
Palabras clave: Computer Science Applications; General Chemical Engineering.
Pp. 34-43