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Behaviour Research and Therapy

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Behaviour Research and Therapy encompasses all of what is commonly referred to as cognitive behaviour therapy (CBT). The focus is on the following: theoretical and experimental analyses of psychopathological processes with direct implications for prevention and treatment; the development and evaluation of empirically-supported interventions; predictors, moderators and mechanisms of behaviour change; and dissemination and implementation of evidence-based treatments to general clinical practice. In addition to traditional clinical disorders, the scope of the journal also includes behavioural medicine. The journal will not consider manuscripts dealing primarily with measurement, psychometric analyses, and personality assessment.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada desde ene. 1963 / hasta dic. 2023 ScienceDirect


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


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País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

Tabla de contenidos

Psychometric characteristics of the Scale for Suicide Ideation with psychiatric outpatients

Aaron T. Beck; Gregory K. Brown; Robert A. Steer

Palabras clave: Psychiatry and Mental health; Clinical Psychology; Experimental and Cognitive Psychology.

Pp. 1039-1046

Optimizing inhibitory learning during exposure therapy

Michelle G. Craske; Katharina Kircanski; Moriel Zelikowsky; Jayson Mystkowski; Najwa Chowdhury; Aaron Baker

Palabras clave: Psychiatry and Mental health; Clinical Psychology; Experimental and Cognitive Psychology.

Pp. 5-27

Safety behaviour: A reconsideration

S. Rachman; Adam S. Radomsky; Roz Shafran

Palabras clave: Psychiatry and Mental health; Clinical Psychology; Experimental and Cognitive Psychology.

Pp. 163-173

Therapist drift redux: Why well-meaning clinicians fail to deliver evidence-based therapy, and how to get back on track

Glenn WallerORCID; Hannah Turner

Palabras clave: Psychiatry and Mental health; Clinical Psychology; Experimental and Cognitive Psychology.

Pp. 129-137

Distress and anhedonia as predictors of depression treatment outcome: A secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial

Gabriela K. KhazanovORCID; Colin Xu; Barnaby D. DunnORCID; Zachary D. CohenORCID; Robert J. DeRubeisORCID; Steven D. Hollon

Palabras clave: Psychiatry and Mental health; Clinical Psychology; Experimental and Cognitive Psychology.

Pp. 103507

Outcomes, skill acquisition, and the alliance: Similarities and differences between clinical trial and student therapists

Lizabeth A. Goldstein; Abby D. Adler Mandel; Robert J. DeRubeis; Daniel R. Strunk

Palabras clave: Psychiatry and Mental health; Clinical Psychology; Experimental and Cognitive Psychology.

Pp. 103608