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Research Policy

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Research Policy (RP) articles examine empirically and theoretically the interaction between innovation, technology or research, on the one hand, and economic, social, political and organizational processes, on the other. All RP papers are expected to yield findings that have implications for policy or management.

Aims and Scope:
Research Policy (RP) is a multi-disciplinary journal devoted to analyzing, understanding and effectively responding to the economic, policy, management, organizational, environmental and other challenges posed by innovation, technology, R&D and science. This includes a number of related activities concerned with the creation of knowledge (through research), the diffusion and acquisition of knowledge (e.g. through organizational learning), and its exploitation in the form of new or improved products, processes or services.
RP is generally acknowledged to be the leading journal in the field of innovation studies, with its academic status and influence being reflected in a remarkably high 'Impact Factor' for a multi-disciplinary social science journal (please see below).
Authors intending to submit a paper to RP should first check whether that paper is consistent with the journal's Editorial Strategy as detailed in the Guide for Authors. RP uses an online submission process, and all papers are subject to a 'double-blind' review process, details as in the Guide for Authors. Besides research articles and notes, RP also publishes a variety of other types of papers including Special Issues (or shorter Special Sections) occasional discussion papers on important topical issues, and book reviews, again further information in the Guide for Authors.

Main Subjects Covered:
Economics of Innovation/Technology/Science; Entrepreneurs/Entrepreneurship; Evolutionary or (neo-)Schumpeterian Economics; Geography of Innovation - e.g. industrial clusters; Indicators - science, technology, R&D, innovation etc.; Innovation and Sustainability; Innovation Management/Organization/Policy/Strategy; Innovation Systems - national, regional, sectoral, technological; Knowledge - creation/production, diffusion/transfer/exchange, adoption/exploitation etc.; Learning (e.g. organizational) and Experimentation; Product and Process Development; Networks - e.g. research/ R&D collaboration, university-industry links, regional clusters, supply chains; Research and Development (R&D) Management/Policy/Strategy; Research Policy; Resource-Based View of the Firm - competence/capability (e.g. absorptive, core, dynamic); Science Policy; Sociotechnical Paradigms/Regimes; Technological Paradigms/Trajectories; Technological problem-solving; Technology Management/Policy/Strategy.

Impact factor:
Research Policy's impact factor has increased appreciably over recent years, rising from 1.078 in 2000 to 1.536 in 2004 and 2.655 in 2008. (There was a slight drop to 2.261 in 2009 following an expansion in the number of RP articles published in 2008.) In 2008, the journal ranked 11th among the world's top journals in "Management" and 1st in the "Planning & Development" category as ranked by Thompson Reuters, Social Sciences Citation Index Index® (© Thomson Reuters Journal Citation Reports, 2008).
RP's Impact factor compares extremely well with that of leading journals in the neighbouring fields of Economics (where its 2008 impact factor would place it in 10th position, up from 29th position in 2000), Political Science (where it would currently rank 2nd), Sociology (3rd), Environmental Sciences (3rd) and other interdisciplinary social science journals.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

No disponibles.

Institución detectada Período Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No detectada desde ene. 1971 / hasta dic. 2023 ScienceDirect


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


Fecha de publicación

Tabla de contenidos

From the ivory tower to the startup garage: Organizational context and commercialization processes

Andrew J. Nelson

Palabras clave: Management of Technology and Innovation; Management Science and Operations Research; Strategy and Management.

Pp. 1144-1156

Creating value in ecosystems: Crossing the chasm between knowledge and business ecosystems

Bart Clarysse; Mike Wright; Johan Bruneel; Aarti Mahajan

Palabras clave: Management of Technology and Innovation; Management Science and Operations Research; Strategy and Management.

Pp. 1164-1176

In-text patent citations: A user's guide

Kevin A. BryanORCID; Yasin Ozcan; Bhaven Sampat

Palabras clave: Management of Technology and Innovation; Management Science and Operations Research; Strategy and Management.

Pp. 103946

Digitalization, routineness and employment: An exploration on Italian task-based data

Valeria Cirillo; Rinaldo Evangelista; Dario GuarascioORCID; Matteo SosteroORCID

Palabras clave: Management of Technology and Innovation; Management Science and Operations Research; Strategy and Management.

Pp. 104079

Gendered knowledge in fields and academic careers

Lanu Kim; Daniel Scott Smith; Bas Hofstra; Daniel A. McFarland

Palabras clave: Management of Technology and Innovation; Management Science and Operations Research; Strategy and Management.

Pp. 104411