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Título de Acceso Abierto

Ethnobiology and Conservation

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Ethnobiology and Conservation (EC) is an open access and peer-reviewed online journal that publishes original contributions in all fields of ethnobiology and conservation of nature. The scope of EC includes traditional ecological knowledge, human ecology, ethnoecology, ethnopharmacology, ecological anthropology, and history and philosophy of science. Contributions in the area of conservation of nature can involve studies that are normally in the field of traditional ecological studies, as well as in animal and plant biology, ethology, biogeography, management of fauna and flora, and ethical and legal aspects about the conservation of biodiversity. However, all papers should focus explicitly on their contribution to the conservation of nature. Merely descriptive papers without a theoretical discussion contextualized from the findings, although possibly being accepted, will not be given priority for publication.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Ethnology; Social and cultural anthropology; Anthropology; Geography; Anthropology; Recreation; Ecology; Biology (General); Science

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