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Reproduction in Domestic Animals

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
The journal offers comprehensive information concerning physiology, pathology, and biotechnology of reproduction. Topical results are currently published in original papers, reviews, and short communications with particular attention to investigations on practicable techniques.
Carefully selected reports, e. g. on embryo transfer and associated biotechnologies, gene transfer, and spermatology provide a link between basic research and clinical application. The journal applies to breeders, veterinarians, and biologists, and is also of interest in human medicine. Interdisciplinary cooperation is documented in the proceedings of the joint annual meetings.
Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Reproduction in Domestic Animals; domestic; animal; reproduction; biotechnology; embryo; transfer; g

Institución detectada Período Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No detectada desde ene. 1997 / hasta dic. 2023 Wiley Online Library


Tipo de recurso:


ISSN impreso


ISSN electrónico


Editor responsable

John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (WILEY)

País de edición


Fecha de publicación

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Endometrial Population of Oestrogen Receptors Alpha and Beta and Progesterone Receptors A and B During the Different Phases of the Follicular Wave of Llamas (Lama glama)

CP Bianchi; L Sahlin; A Meikle; B Masironi; MV Cavilla; MA Aba

Palabras clave: Endocrinology; Animal Science and Zoology; Biotechnology.

Pp. No disponible

An Experimental Model to Study Resistance Index and Systolic/Diastolic Ratio of Uterine Arteries in Adverse Canine Pregnancy Outcome

PG Blanco; D Arias; A Rube; JP Barrena; Y Corrada; C Gobello

Palabras clave: Biotechnology; Animal Science and Zoology; Endocrinology.

Pp. 164-166

Acute Changes in the Concentrations of Prostaglandin F2α (PGF) and Cortisol in Uterine and Ovarian Venous Blood During PGF-induced Luteolysis in Cows

HT Duong; HV Vu; MM Bah; I Woclawek-Potocka; TV Dam; DJ Skarzynski; K Okuda; TJ Acosta

Palabras clave: Biotechnology; Animal Science and Zoology; Endocrinology.

Pp. 238-243

Conversion of Cortisone to Cortisol and Prostaglandin F2αProduction by the Reproductive Tract of Cows at the Late Luteal StageIn Vivo

HT Duong; DJ Skarzynski; KK Piotrowska-Tomala; MM Bah; K Jankowska; P Warmowski; K Łukasik; K Okuda; TJ Acosta

Palabras clave: Biotechnology; Animal Science and Zoology; Endocrinology.

Pp. 939-945

Ultrasonographic and Endocrine Characterization of Follicular Waves in Llamas with a Special Reference to the Overlapping Phenomenon During Successive Waves

MV Cavilla; CP Bianchi; C Maistruarena; MA Aba

Palabras clave: Endocrinology; Animal Science and Zoology; Biotechnology.

Pp. 923-930

Evaluation of an Immunochromatographic Test to the Diagnosis of Canine Brucellosis Caused byBrucella canis

LB Keid; JA Diniz; TMFS Oliveira; HL Ferreira; RM Soares

Palabras clave: Biotechnology; Animal Science and Zoology; Endocrinology.

Pp. 939-944

Oestrogen and Progesterone Receptors and COX-2 Expression in Endometrial Biopsy Samples During Maternal Recognition of Pregnancy in Llamas (Lama glama)

CP Bianchi; A Meikle; MA Benavente; MA Álvarez; VL Trasorras; MH Miragaya; E Rodríguez; MA Aba

Palabras clave: Endocrinology; Animal Science and Zoology; Biotechnology.

Pp. 980-988

Recent progress in bovine in vitro‐derived embryo cryotolerance: Impact of in vitro culture systems, advances in cryopreservation and future considerations

Luis B. FerréORCID; Michael E. Kjelland; Ahmed M. Taiyeb; Fernando Campos‐ChillonORCID; Pablo J. RossORCID

Palabras clave: Biotechnology; Animal Science and Zoology; Endocrinology.

Pp. 659-676


Palabras clave: Endocrinology; Animal Science and Zoology; Biotechnology.

Pp. 65-67

Issue Information

Palabras clave: Endocrinology; Animal Science and Zoology; Biotechnology.

Pp. 123-124