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Practical Rails Projects

Eldon Alameda

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Apress 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Building a Development Environment

Eldon Alameda

In order to run the projects in this book, you need to ensure that you have installed the following technologies on your development machine:

Part 1 - Making the Right Preparations (Don’t Skip This Part) | Pp. 3-22

Creating a Rails Application

Eldon Alameda

Now that you have a development environment put together, we’re just about ready to begin creating some Rails applications. Before we dive into that though, we need to go over a few things to keep this book in line with the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle. Over the course of this book, we’re going to be creating quite a number of Rails applications together, and we’re going to do a lot of common things with each new application, such as creating the project structure and configuring the database connection.

Part 1 - Making the Right Preparations (Don’t Skip This Part) | Pp. 23-31

Implementing a User Registration and Authentication System

Eldon Alameda

Let’s kick things off by generating our project structure. Open a command line prompt, and create a new project named “monkey” using the instructions from Chapter 2.

Part 2 - Monkey Tasks: Managing a Daily Task List | Pp. 35-55

Building a Daily To-Do Manager

Eldon Alameda

We’ve made a pretty impressive amount of progress so far, even though we haven’t done a lot of actual coding—but that’s about to change. Now, we’re going to start building our own models and controllers to support the application.

Part 2 - Monkey Tasks: Managing a Daily Task List | Pp. 57-83

Enhancing Monkey Tasks

Eldon Alameda

In this project, we took a high-level view of basic Rails development as we put together a daily task list manager. However, having me take you step by step through the development of an application will only get you so far; to truly enhance your learning what you need now is to solve some problems yourself. In this chapter, I’ve included a number of ideas to get you started. There are a few minor bugs you can fix, some basic refactoring to clean up the code, and some ideas for how you can take the application to a whole new level yourself.

Part 2 - Monkey Tasks: Managing a Daily Task List | Pp. 85-89

Developing a REST-Based Application

Eldon Alameda

For this project, we’re going to build a rails application that will provide a way for us to track our fitness goals and results. When we’re finished, the final project should

Part 3 - Exercisr | Pp. 93-153

Adding Graphs to Our Application

Eldon Alameda

In the previous chapter, you learned about RESTful development as we built a basic exercise tracking application in Ruby on Rails. Unfortunately, we left one glaring hole in the application—the inability to review our results in a meaningful way. We’re going to solve that lack in this chapter, as I’ll provide an overview of several graphing libraries that we can utilize from Ruby on Rails and then we’ll implement several of them into our application.

Part 3 - Exercisr | Pp. 155-180

Enhancing Exercisr

Eldon Alameda

In this project we explored the exciting (and fun) world of building RESTful web applications in Rails as we put together a basic workout tracking application. To enhance the application we also added in a number of graphing libraries and discussed ways to keep our application RESTful even while supporting and displaying multimedia content. However, it’s time again for you to enhance your own learning by continuing development on this application yourself. Below are a number of ideas of things that I would do as my next steps in development.

Part 3 - Exercisr | Pp. 181-184

Building a Blog Using Typo

Eldon Alameda

In this chapter, we’re going to explore how quick and easy it is to launch a web blog using an open source Rails application such as Typo ( or Mephisto ( For the purposes of this project, we’ll build a simple blog using the Typo blog application.

Part 4 - Simple Blogs | Pp. 187-222

Building a Simple Blog Engine

Eldon Alameda

While building a blog in an open source Rails application such as Typo is certainly easy enough, something about it just really bothers the programmer in me. Wouldn’t it be more fun to build our own? That’s the question that we’re going to tackle together in this chapter as we build a basic blogging system tailored to our own specific needs.

Part 4 - Simple Blogs | Pp. 223-264