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Building an Enterprise Architecture Practice: Tools, Tips, Best Practices, Ready-to-Use Insights

Martin Van Den Berg Marlies Van Steenbergen

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Theory of Computation; Models and Principles; IT in Business; Management of Computing and Information Systems

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Sogeti Nederland B.V. 2006

Tabla de contenidos


Pp. 1-4

Success with Architecture is Not Automatic

Implementing effective architectural practices means dealing with a number of pitfalls. It becomes even more difficult when an organization does not consider implementing architecture until the need for architectural artifacts is urgent.

Palabras clave: Project Schedule; Architectural Product; Professional Environment; Fellow Employee; Architectural Practice.

Pp. 5-11

Vision of Architecture

For many, architecture is a relatively abstract notion. Architects often have difficulty in clearly articulating its value. This typically leads to skepticism in the organization, causing the architects to doubt if they are, in fact, approaching things in the right way. Even worse, they may cut themselves off from the organization and bury themselves in content. Negative reactions like these can be prevented if a clear vision of architectural practice is articulated at the start. Such an architectural vision constitutes an important guiding principle for the many decisions and choices that must be made in defining and performing the architecture function.

Palabras clave: Business Unit; Customer Data; Business Domain; Service Catalogue; Business Architecture.

Pp. 13-29

Effective Architecture

Working with architecture means governing changes in the organization by means of organization-wide direction settingmodels and principles (i.e. the architecture). It is impossible to set up such a framework for all the facets of an organization. Consequently, choices must be made concerning content, scope, depth and form of the architecture.

Palabras clave: Project Plan; Customer Relationship Management; Business Unit; Business Case; Enterprise Architecture.

Pp. 31-56

A SWOT Analysis of the Process

In its ultimate form, architecture gives an organization the power to respond quickly and effectively to change. The capacity to respond effectively requires a combination of thought and action. Two instruments, the Quadrant Model and the DYA Model, can analyze an organization’s capabilities in this regard.

Palabras clave: Quadrant Model; Business Strategy; Enterprise Architecture; Architectural Service; Central Strategy Department.

Pp. 57-79

Priorities in the Architectural Process

The employment of architecture is amultifaceted process. Tomake the architecture function effectively, it is essential to set priorities. Not everything can be done at once, and fortunately this is not necessary. The Architecture Maturity Matrix helps guide the proper choices.

Palabras clave: Business Goal; Architectural Process; Business Architecture; Architecture Function; Maturity Matrix.

Pp. 81-94

The Architect as a Success Factor

The architect is an important factor in the successful employment of architecture. His or her customer orientation, expertise, empathy and readiness to work and share knowledge with others all contribute to this success.

Palabras clave: Business Unit; Enterprise Architecture; Business Goal; Architectural Product; Architectural Process.

Pp. 95-114

Making Changes One Step at a Time

Once the required architectures, the most important improvements in the architectural process and the practices constituting the architect’s role have all been clearly identified, the time has come to implement a professionalization program. A change strategy is defined for this purpose. It establishes the level of ambition, style of the approach to change and the management of expectations. The change strategy is then translated into a concrete action plan.

Palabras clave: Change Strategy; Business Goal; Architectural Process; Quarterly Plan; Communication Matrix.

Pp. 115-144


Pp. 145-149