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Intelligent Leadership: Constructs for Thinking Education Leaders

John M. Burger ; Charles F. Webber ; Patricia Klinck (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


Tipo de recurso:


ISBN impreso


ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

Información sobre derechos de publicación

© Springer 2007

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

In Search of the Elusive General Theory

John Burger

Palabras clave: Student Achievement; Leadership Development; Effective Leadership; Educational Leadership; Reform Agenda.

Pp. 1-12

Observations on Leadership: Linking Theory, Practice and Lived Experience

Patricia Klinck

Palabras clave: Leadership Position; Servant Leadership; Educational Leadership; Cocktail Party; Instructional Leader.

Pp. 13-25

Change Theory as a Force for School Improvement

Michael Fullan

Palabras clave: Capacity Building; School Leader; Change Theory; School Improvement; Professional Learning Community.

Pp. 27-39

What We Know About Educational Leadership

Kenneth Leithwood

Palabras clave: Student Learning; Emotional Intelligence; School Leadership; School Improvement; Educational Leadership.

Pp. 41-66

Contemporary Learning Theories, Instructional Design and Leadership

Larry Sackney; Brenda Mergel

Palabras clave: Instructional Design; Operant Conditioning; Learning Community; Constructivist Theory; Educational Leadership.

Pp. 67-98

Democratic School Leadership in Canada’s Public School Systems: Professional Value and Social Ethic

Paul T. Begley; Lindy Zaretsky

Palabras clave: Special Education; School Leadership; School Administrator; Democratic Process; Educational Leadership.

Pp. 99-118

School and Community

Charles F. Webber; Bill Mulford

Palabras clave: Social Capital; School Leader; School Community; Rural School; Information Communication Technology.

Pp. 119-142

Using Resources Effectively in Education

Ben Levin; Nancy Naylor

Palabras clave: School District; Student Achievement; Educational Outcome; School Board; Resource Effectively.

Pp. 143-158

Leading Towards Learning and Achievement: The Role of Quality Classroom Assessment

Anne Davies

Palabras clave: Faculty Member; Classroom Teacher; Learning Destination; Student Work; Summative Assessment.

Pp. 159-182

A Survey of Existing School Leadership Preparation and Development Programs

Janice Wallace; Rosemary Foster; Jose da Costa

Palabras clave: School Leadership; School Administrator; Educational Goal; Preparation Program; Cultural Theory.

Pp. 183-210