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Disciplines and Doctorates

Sharon Parry

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Higher Education; Science Education; Educational Philosophy

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer 2007

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Sharon Parry

Palabras clave: Doctoral Student; Doctoral Program; Doctoral Study; Doctoral Level; Academic Culture.

Part 1 - Knowledge-Making in Doctoral Programs | Pp. 3-14

Doctoral Study and Disciplinary Learning

Sharon Parry

Palabras clave: Doctoral Student; Doctoral Program; Academic Discipline; High Education System; Doctoral Study.

Part 1 - Knowledge-Making in Doctoral Programs | Pp. 15-23


Sharon Parry

Palabras clave: Tacit Knowledge; Doctoral Student; Doctoral Study; Doctoral Level; Doctoral Education.

Part 1 - Knowledge-Making in Doctoral Programs | Pp. 25-36

Induction Processes

Sharon Parry

Palabras clave: Knowledge Production; Doctoral Student; Doctoral Program; Induction Process; Research Culture.

Part 2 - Learning in Knowledge-Making Cultures | Pp. 39-52

Exploring the Research Environment

Sharon Parry

Palabras clave: Doctoral Student; Cultural Capital; Knowledge Community; Doctoral Study; Humanity Student.

Part 2 - Learning in Knowledge-Making Cultures | Pp. 53-72

Coping in the Arena

Sharon Parry

Palabras clave: Doctoral Student; Research Culture; Scholarly Community; Doctoral Study; Humanity Student.

Part 2 - Learning in Knowledge-Making Cultures | Pp. 73-94

Linguistic Acceptability

Sharon Parry

Palabras clave: Tacit Knowledge; Doctoral Student; Rest Metabolic Rate; Topic Sentence; Metaphorical Language.

Part 2 - Learning in Knowledge-Making Cultures | Pp. 95-116

Achieving Socialisation

Sharon Parry

Palabras clave: Doctoral Student; Doctoral Candidate; Doctoral Study; Doctoral Research; Knowledge Field.

Part 3 - Foundations and New Horizons | Pp. 119-136

Improving the Doctoral Experience

Sharon Parry

Palabras clave: Doctoral Student; Doctoral Program; High Education System; National System; Doctoral Study.

Part 3 - Foundations and New Horizons | Pp. 137-152