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Accessing and Sharing the Benefits of the Genomics Revolution

W.B. Peter ; Chika B. Onwuekwe (eds.)

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Introduction to the Challenge of Access and Benefit Sharing

Peter W.B. Phillips; Chika B. Onwuekwe

We’ve seen how Tapestry adheres to its goal of making the simplest choice the right choice along with its core principles of simplicity, efficiency, consistency, and feedback. Tapestry tackles web applications by breaking them into pages made up of components that are wired into Java classes. In web development with Tapestry the developer focuses on working with components, not dealing with session, URLs, or converting string values from the form into the appropriate Java paradigms. Building upon the standard servlet API, Tapestry will run on any application server or servlet container.

Along with Tapestry’s rich set of components, we have an evolving set of Ajax-enabled components from the Tacos library. Though still in beta, they provide robust functionality that allows us to “Ajaxify” a Tapestry application. Not only is Ajax development greatly simplified with Tacos, we even have built-in effects and complex widgets thanks to the high-quality Dojo library. Though we’ve only scratched the surface, it’s clear that Tacos and Tapestry are a great combination for creating robust, scalable web applications based on Java.

Part 1 - Access and Benefits Sharing in Context | Pp. 3-17

Ideology of the Commons and Property Rights: Who Owns Plant Genetic Resources and the Associated Traditional Knowledge?

Chika B. Onwuekwe

We’ve seen how Tapestry adheres to its goal of making the simplest choice the right choice along with its core principles of simplicity, efficiency, consistency, and feedback. Tapestry tackles web applications by breaking them into pages made up of components that are wired into Java classes. In web development with Tapestry the developer focuses on working with components, not dealing with session, URLs, or converting string values from the form into the appropriate Java paradigms. Building upon the standard servlet API, Tapestry will run on any application server or servlet container.

Along with Tapestry’s rich set of components, we have an evolving set of Ajax-enabled components from the Tacos library. Though still in beta, they provide robust functionality that allows us to “Ajaxify” a Tapestry application. Not only is Ajax development greatly simplified with Tacos, we even have built-in effects and complex widgets thanks to the high-quality Dojo library. Though we’ve only scratched the surface, it’s clear that Tacos and Tapestry are a great combination for creating robust, scalable web applications based on Java.

Part 2 - Sharing the Benefits of Inventions, Pgrs and Traditional Knowledge | Pp. 21-48

Farmers’ Privilege and Patented Seeds

Peter W.B. Phillips

We’ve seen how Tapestry adheres to its goal of making the simplest choice the right choice along with its core principles of simplicity, efficiency, consistency, and feedback. Tapestry tackles web applications by breaking them into pages made up of components that are wired into Java classes. In web development with Tapestry the developer focuses on working with components, not dealing with session, URLs, or converting string values from the form into the appropriate Java paradigms. Building upon the standard servlet API, Tapestry will run on any application server or servlet container.

Along with Tapestry’s rich set of components, we have an evolving set of Ajax-enabled components from the Tacos library. Though still in beta, they provide robust functionality that allows us to “Ajaxify” a Tapestry application. Not only is Ajax development greatly simplified with Tacos, we even have built-in effects and complex widgets thanks to the high-quality Dojo library. Though we’ve only scratched the surface, it’s clear that Tacos and Tapestry are a great combination for creating robust, scalable web applications based on Java.

Part 2 - Sharing the Benefits of Inventions, Pgrs and Traditional Knowledge | Pp. 49-64

Traditional Knowledge and Benefit Sharing: From Compensation to Transaction

David Castle; E. Richard Gold

We’ve seen how Tapestry adheres to its goal of making the simplest choice the right choice along with its core principles of simplicity, efficiency, consistency, and feedback. Tapestry tackles web applications by breaking them into pages made up of components that are wired into Java classes. In web development with Tapestry the developer focuses on working with components, not dealing with session, URLs, or converting string values from the form into the appropriate Java paradigms. Building upon the standard servlet API, Tapestry will run on any application server or servlet container.

Along with Tapestry’s rich set of components, we have an evolving set of Ajax-enabled components from the Tacos library. Though still in beta, they provide robust functionality that allows us to “Ajaxify” a Tapestry application. Not only is Ajax development greatly simplified with Tacos, we even have built-in effects and complex widgets thanks to the high-quality Dojo library. Though we’ve only scratched the surface, it’s clear that Tacos and Tapestry are a great combination for creating robust, scalable web applications based on Java.

Part 2 - Sharing the Benefits of Inventions, Pgrs and Traditional Knowledge | Pp. 65-79

Biological Resources, Intellectual Property Rights and International Human Rights: Impacts on Indigenous and Local Communities

Donna Craig

We’ve seen how Tapestry adheres to its goal of making the simplest choice the right choice along with its core principles of simplicity, efficiency, consistency, and feedback. Tapestry tackles web applications by breaking them into pages made up of components that are wired into Java classes. In web development with Tapestry the developer focuses on working with components, not dealing with session, URLs, or converting string values from the form into the appropriate Java paradigms. Building upon the standard servlet API, Tapestry will run on any application server or servlet container.

Along with Tapestry’s rich set of components, we have an evolving set of Ajax-enabled components from the Tacos library. Though still in beta, they provide robust functionality that allows us to “Ajaxify” a Tapestry application. Not only is Ajax development greatly simplified with Tacos, we even have built-in effects and complex widgets thanks to the high-quality Dojo library. Though we’ve only scratched the surface, it’s clear that Tacos and Tapestry are a great combination for creating robust, scalable web applications based on Java.

Part 2 - Sharing the Benefits of Inventions, Pgrs and Traditional Knowledge | Pp. 81-110

Lost in Translation? The Rhetoric of Protecting Indigenous Peoples' Knowledge in International Law and the Omnipresent Reality of Biopiracy

Ikechi Mgbeoji

We’ve seen how Tapestry adheres to its goal of making the simplest choice the right choice along with its core principles of simplicity, efficiency, consistency, and feedback. Tapestry tackles web applications by breaking them into pages made up of components that are wired into Java classes. In web development with Tapestry the developer focuses on working with components, not dealing with session, URLs, or converting string values from the form into the appropriate Java paradigms. Building upon the standard servlet API, Tapestry will run on any application server or servlet container.

Along with Tapestry’s rich set of components, we have an evolving set of Ajax-enabled components from the Tacos library. Though still in beta, they provide robust functionality that allows us to “Ajaxify” a Tapestry application. Not only is Ajax development greatly simplified with Tacos, we even have built-in effects and complex widgets thanks to the high-quality Dojo library. Though we’ve only scratched the surface, it’s clear that Tacos and Tapestry are a great combination for creating robust, scalable web applications based on Java.

Part 2 - Sharing the Benefits of Inventions, Pgrs and Traditional Knowledge | Pp. 111-142

Liability Principles and their Impact on Access and Benefits Sharing

Lara Khoury

We’ve seen how Tapestry adheres to its goal of making the simplest choice the right choice along with its core principles of simplicity, efficiency, consistency, and feedback. Tapestry tackles web applications by breaking them into pages made up of components that are wired into Java classes. In web development with Tapestry the developer focuses on working with components, not dealing with session, URLs, or converting string values from the form into the appropriate Java paradigms. Building upon the standard servlet API, Tapestry will run on any application server or servlet container.

Along with Tapestry’s rich set of components, we have an evolving set of Ajax-enabled components from the Tacos library. Though still in beta, they provide robust functionality that allows us to “Ajaxify” a Tapestry application. Not only is Ajax development greatly simplified with Tacos, we even have built-in effects and complex widgets thanks to the high-quality Dojo library. Though we’ve only scratched the surface, it’s clear that Tacos and Tapestry are a great combination for creating robust, scalable web applications based on Java.

Part 3 - Implementing Access and Benefits Sharing | Pp. 145-155

Beyond the Rhetoric: Population Genetics and Benefit-Sharing

Lorraine Sheremeta; Bartha Maria Knoppers

We’ve seen how Tapestry adheres to its goal of making the simplest choice the right choice along with its core principles of simplicity, efficiency, consistency, and feedback. Tapestry tackles web applications by breaking them into pages made up of components that are wired into Java classes. In web development with Tapestry the developer focuses on working with components, not dealing with session, URLs, or converting string values from the form into the appropriate Java paradigms. Building upon the standard servlet API, Tapestry will run on any application server or servlet container.

Along with Tapestry’s rich set of components, we have an evolving set of Ajax-enabled components from the Tacos library. Though still in beta, they provide robust functionality that allows us to “Ajaxify” a Tapestry application. Not only is Ajax development greatly simplified with Tacos, we even have built-in effects and complex widgets thanks to the high-quality Dojo library. Though we’ve only scratched the surface, it’s clear that Tacos and Tapestry are a great combination for creating robust, scalable web applications based on Java.

Part 3 - Implementing Access and Benefits Sharing | Pp. 157-182

Bioprocessing Partnerships in Practice: A Decade of Experiences at INBio in Costa Rica

Jorgé Cabrera Medaglia

We’ve seen how Tapestry adheres to its goal of making the simplest choice the right choice along with its core principles of simplicity, efficiency, consistency, and feedback. Tapestry tackles web applications by breaking them into pages made up of components that are wired into Java classes. In web development with Tapestry the developer focuses on working with components, not dealing with session, URLs, or converting string values from the form into the appropriate Java paradigms. Building upon the standard servlet API, Tapestry will run on any application server or servlet container.

Along with Tapestry’s rich set of components, we have an evolving set of Ajax-enabled components from the Tacos library. Though still in beta, they provide robust functionality that allows us to “Ajaxify” a Tapestry application. Not only is Ajax development greatly simplified with Tacos, we even have built-in effects and complex widgets thanks to the high-quality Dojo library. Though we’ve only scratched the surface, it’s clear that Tacos and Tapestry are a great combination for creating robust, scalable web applications based on Java.

Part 3 - Implementing Access and Benefits Sharing | Pp. 183-195

Conclusions: New Paths to Access and Benefit Sharing

Chika B. Onwuekwe; Peter W.B. Phillips

We’ve seen how Tapestry adheres to its goal of making the simplest choice the right choice along with its core principles of simplicity, efficiency, consistency, and feedback. Tapestry tackles web applications by breaking them into pages made up of components that are wired into Java classes. In web development with Tapestry the developer focuses on working with components, not dealing with session, URLs, or converting string values from the form into the appropriate Java paradigms. Building upon the standard servlet API, Tapestry will run on any application server or servlet container.

Along with Tapestry’s rich set of components, we have an evolving set of Ajax-enabled components from the Tacos library. Though still in beta, they provide robust functionality that allows us to “Ajaxify” a Tapestry application. Not only is Ajax development greatly simplified with Tacos, we even have built-in effects and complex widgets thanks to the high-quality Dojo library. Though we’ve only scratched the surface, it’s clear that Tacos and Tapestry are a great combination for creating robust, scalable web applications based on Java.

Part 4 - Access and Benefit Sharing in the New Millennium | Pp. 199-208