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Biodiversity and Ecophysiology of Yeasts

Gábor Péter ; Carlos Rosa (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Microbiology; Biodiversity; Microbial Ecology; Microbial Genetics and Genomics; Biotechnology

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Cobertura temática

Tabla de contenidos

Yeast Biodiversity: How Many and How Much?

Marc-André Lachance

In this chapter, I have discussed in detail how each Layout object behaves and to configure these objects through a configuration file. The log4j API provides a comprehensive set of Layout objects, which is sufficient for most applications. If your application needs amore sophisticated Layout object, you must create one for yourself. You will see how to write a new Layout object in Chapter 6. In the next chapter, you will see a complete example of using log4j in a real-life application.

Pp. 1-9

Yeast Systematics and Phylogeny — Implications of Molecular Identification Methods for Studies in Ecology

Cletus P. Kurtzman; Jack W. Fell

In this chapter, I have discussed in detail how each Layout object behaves and to configure these objects through a configuration file. The log4j API provides a comprehensive set of Layout objects, which is sufficient for most applications. If your application needs amore sophisticated Layout object, you must create one for yourself. You will see how to write a new Layout object in Chapter 6. In the next chapter, you will see a complete example of using log4j in a real-life application.

Pp. 11-30

Yeast Biodiversity and Culture Collections

Vincent Robert; Joost Stalpers; Teun Boekhout; Shu-hui Tan

In this chapter, I have discussed in detail how each Layout object behaves and to configure these objects through a configuration file. The log4j API provides a comprehensive set of Layout objects, which is sufficient for most applications. If your application needs amore sophisticated Layout object, you must create one for yourself. You will see how to write a new Layout object in Chapter 6. In the next chapter, you will see a complete example of using log4j in a real-life application.

Pp. 31-44

Genomics and Biodiversity in Yeasts

M. Bolotin-Fukuhara

In this chapter, I have discussed in detail how each Layout object behaves and to configure these objects through a configuration file. The log4j API provides a comprehensive set of Layout objects, which is sufficient for most applications. If your application needs amore sophisticated Layout object, you must create one for yourself. You will see how to write a new Layout object in Chapter 6. In the next chapter, you will see a complete example of using log4j in a real-life application.

Pp. 45-66

Methods for Investigating Yeast Biodiversity

K. Boundy-Mills

In this chapter, I have discussed in detail how each Layout object behaves and to configure these objects through a configuration file. The log4j API provides a comprehensive set of Layout objects, which is sufficient for most applications. If your application needs amore sophisticated Layout object, you must create one for yourself. You will see how to write a new Layout object in Chapter 6. In the next chapter, you will see a complete example of using log4j in a real-life application.

Pp. 67-100

Sugar Metabolism in Yeasts: an Overview of Aerobic and Anaerobic Glucose Catabolism

Fernando Rodrigues; Paula Ludovico; Cecília Leão

In this chapter, I have discussed in detail how each Layout object behaves and to configure these objects through a configuration file. The log4j API provides a comprehensive set of Layout objects, which is sufficient for most applications. If your application needs amore sophisticated Layout object, you must create one for yourself. You will see how to write a new Layout object in Chapter 6. In the next chapter, you will see a complete example of using log4j in a real-life application.

Pp. 101-121

Diversity of Nitrogen Metabolism Among Yeast Species: Regulatory and Evolutionary Aspects

Francine Messenguy; Bruno André; Evelyne Dubois

In this chapter, I have discussed in detail how each Layout object behaves and to configure these objects through a configuration file. The log4j API provides a comprehensive set of Layout objects, which is sufficient for most applications. If your application needs amore sophisticated Layout object, you must create one for yourself. You will see how to write a new Layout object in Chapter 6. In the next chapter, you will see a complete example of using log4j in a real-life application.

Pp. 123-153

Environmental Factors Influencing Yeasts

Tibor Deak

In this chapter, I have discussed in detail how each Layout object behaves and to configure these objects through a configuration file. The log4j API provides a comprehensive set of Layout objects, which is sufficient for most applications. If your application needs amore sophisticated Layout object, you must create one for yourself. You will see how to write a new Layout object in Chapter 6. In the next chapter, you will see a complete example of using log4j in a real-life application.

Pp. 155-174

Yeast Responses to Stresses

An Tanghe; Bernard Prior; Johan M. Thevelein

In this chapter, I have discussed in detail how each Layout object behaves and to configure these objects through a configuration file. The log4j API provides a comprehensive set of Layout objects, which is sufficient for most applications. If your application needs amore sophisticated Layout object, you must create one for yourself. You will see how to write a new Layout object in Chapter 6. In the next chapter, you will see a complete example of using log4j in a real-life application.

Pp. 175-195

Antagonistic Interactions Among Yeasts

W.I. Golubev

In this chapter, I have discussed in detail how each Layout object behaves and to configure these objects through a configuration file. The log4j API provides a comprehensive set of Layout objects, which is sufficient for most applications. If your application needs amore sophisticated Layout object, you must create one for yourself. You will see how to write a new Layout object in Chapter 6. In the next chapter, you will see a complete example of using log4j in a real-life application.

Pp. 197-219