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.NET 2.0 Interoperability Recipes: A Problem-Solution Approach

Bruce Bukovics

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Software Engineering/Programming and Operating Systems

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Apress 2006

Tabla de contenidos

Using C-Style APIs

Bruce Bukovics

We certainly covered a great deal of material within this chapter. It is extremely important to become familiar with the techniques discussed to give your web application the best security possible. As mentioned earlier, it is inevitable that someone may try to gain access to your sensitive data. Luckily, the .NET Framework 2.0 provides many options and methods that you can implement to stop these unauthorized attempts. You can never achieve or guarantee total security 100% of the time; however, implementing the methods we discussed in this chapter will give you the safeguards necessary to gain the greatest security possible.

Pp. 1-86

C-Style APIs: Structures, Classes, and Arrays

Bruce Bukovics

We certainly covered a great deal of material within this chapter. It is extremely important to become familiar with the techniques discussed to give your web application the best security possible. As mentioned earlier, it is inevitable that someone may try to gain access to your sensitive data. Luckily, the .NET Framework 2.0 provides many options and methods that you can implement to stop these unauthorized attempts. You can never achieve or guarantee total security 100% of the time; however, implementing the methods we discussed in this chapter will give you the safeguards necessary to gain the greatest security possible.

Pp. 87-140

Win32 API

Bruce Bukovics

We certainly covered a great deal of material within this chapter. It is extremely important to become familiar with the techniques discussed to give your web application the best security possible. As mentioned earlier, it is inevitable that someone may try to gain access to your sensitive data. Luckily, the .NET Framework 2.0 provides many options and methods that you can implement to stop these unauthorized attempts. You can never achieve or guarantee total security 100% of the time; however, implementing the methods we discussed in this chapter will give you the safeguards necessary to gain the greatest security possible.

Pp. 141-189

Using C++ Interop

Bruce Bukovics

We certainly covered a great deal of material within this chapter. It is extremely important to become familiar with the techniques discussed to give your web application the best security possible. As mentioned earlier, it is inevitable that someone may try to gain access to your sensitive data. Luckily, the .NET Framework 2.0 provides many options and methods that you can implement to stop these unauthorized attempts. You can never achieve or guarantee total security 100% of the time; however, implementing the methods we discussed in this chapter will give you the safeguards necessary to gain the greatest security possible.

Pp. 191-233

Using COM

Bruce Bukovics

We certainly covered a great deal of material within this chapter. It is extremely important to become familiar with the techniques discussed to give your web application the best security possible. As mentioned earlier, it is inevitable that someone may try to gain access to your sensitive data. Luckily, the .NET Framework 2.0 provides many options and methods that you can implement to stop these unauthorized attempts. You can never achieve or guarantee total security 100% of the time; however, implementing the methods we discussed in this chapter will give you the safeguards necessary to gain the greatest security possible.

Pp. 235-326

Exposing Managed Code to COM

Bruce Bukovics

We certainly covered a great deal of material within this chapter. It is extremely important to become familiar with the techniques discussed to give your web application the best security possible. As mentioned earlier, it is inevitable that someone may try to gain access to your sensitive data. Luckily, the .NET Framework 2.0 provides many options and methods that you can implement to stop these unauthorized attempts. You can never achieve or guarantee total security 100% of the time; however, implementing the methods we discussed in this chapter will give you the safeguards necessary to gain the greatest security possible.

Pp. 327-378

Marshaling to COM Clients

Bruce Bukovics

We certainly covered a great deal of material within this chapter. It is extremely important to become familiar with the techniques discussed to give your web application the best security possible. As mentioned earlier, it is inevitable that someone may try to gain access to your sensitive data. Luckily, the .NET Framework 2.0 provides many options and methods that you can implement to stop these unauthorized attempts. You can never achieve or guarantee total security 100% of the time; however, implementing the methods we discussed in this chapter will give you the safeguards necessary to gain the greatest security possible.

Pp. 379-440

COM+ Enterprise Services

Bruce Bukovics

We certainly covered a great deal of material within this chapter. It is extremely important to become familiar with the techniques discussed to give your web application the best security possible. As mentioned earlier, it is inevitable that someone may try to gain access to your sensitive data. Luckily, the .NET Framework 2.0 provides many options and methods that you can implement to stop these unauthorized attempts. You can never achieve or guarantee total security 100% of the time; however, implementing the methods we discussed in this chapter will give you the safeguards necessary to gain the greatest security possible.

Pp. 441-502

COM+ Enterprise Services Transactions

Bruce Bukovics

We certainly covered a great deal of material within this chapter. It is extremely important to become familiar with the techniques discussed to give your web application the best security possible. As mentioned earlier, it is inevitable that someone may try to gain access to your sensitive data. Luckily, the .NET Framework 2.0 provides many options and methods that you can implement to stop these unauthorized attempts. You can never achieve or guarantee total security 100% of the time; however, implementing the methods we discussed in this chapter will give you the safeguards necessary to gain the greatest security possible.

Pp. 503-582