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Hyperbolic Problems and Regularity Questions

Mariarosaria Padula ; Luisa Zanghirati (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Partial Differential Equations; Functional Analysis; Applications of Mathematics; Differential Geometry

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Birkhäuser Verlag 2007

Cobertura temática

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Some Applications of a Closed-form Solution for Compound Options of Order

Rossella Agliardi

The solution of the equation div is performed via suitable solutions of the Poisson equation. For this purpose appropriate Sobolev spaces and a certain non-standard negative norm have to be regarded.

Pp. 1-6

Surjective Linear Partial Differential Operators with Variable Coefficients on Non-quasianalytic Classes of Roumieu Type

Angela A. Albanese

Let P be a linear partial differential operator with variable coefficients in the Roumieu class ε(Ω). We prove that if is {ω}-hypoelliptic and has a {ω}-fundamental kernel in Ω, then is surjective on the space ε(Ω).

Pp. 7-16

The Fundamental Solution for a Second Order Weakly Hyperbolic Cauchy problem

Alessia Ascanelli; Massimo Cicognani

We construct the fundamental solution for a weakly hyperbolic operator satisfying an intermediate condition between effective hyperbolicity and the Levi condition. By the fundamental solution, we obtain the well-posedness in of the Cauchy problem.

Pp. 17-25

Pseudoholomorphic Discs Attached to Pseudoconcave Domains

Luca Baracco; Anna Siano; Giuseppe Zampieri

We discuss almost complex perturbations of linear discs. We give precise estimates for the (1, α) norm of these deformations and for the dependence on parameters. In particular, we show how families of such discs give rise to local foliations of the space. Also, if Ω is a domain whose boundary is endowed with at least one negative eigenvector at 0 for the standard structure of ℂ, then small discs with velocity which are analytic for a -perturbation of the structure, have boundary which is contained in ? in a neighborhood of 0. In particular, if the almost complex structure is real analytic, almost holomorphic functions extend along the corresponding foliation of discs.

Pp. 27-37

Vorticity and Regularity for Solutions of Initial-boundary Value Problems for the Navier—Stokes Equations

Hugo Beirão da Veiga

In reference , among other side results, we prove that the solution of the evolution Navier—Stokes equations (1.1) under the Navier (or slip) boundary condition (1.2) is necessarily regular if the direction of the vorticity is 1/2-Hölder continuous with respect to the space variables. In this notes we show the main steps in the proof and made some comments on the above problem under the non-slip boundary condition (3.2).

Pp. 39-47

Exponential Decay and Regularity for SG-elliptic Operators with Polynomial Coefficients

Marco Cappiello; Todor Gramchev; Luigi Rodino

We study the exponential decay and the regularity for solutions of elliptic partial differential equations , globally defined in ℝ. In particular, we consider linear operators with polynomial coefficients which are SG-elliptic at infinity. Starting from in the so-called Gelfand-Shilov spaces, the solutions of the equation are proved to belong to the same classes. Proofs are based on a priori estimates and arguments on the Newton polyhedron associated to the operator .

Pp. 49-58

A Short Description of Kinetic Models for Chemotaxis

Fabio A.C.C. Chalub; José Francisco Rodrigues

We describe how the Keller-Segel model can be obtained as a driftdiffusion limit of kinetic models. Three different examples with global kinetic solutions yield different chemotactical sensitivity functions, including the case of a constant coefficient, where blow up in the limit may occur, the case with density threshold and an intermediate case for which the corresponding perturbed Keller-Segel models have global solutions.

Pp. 59-68

Eigenvalues, Eigenfunctions in Domains Becoming Unbounded

Michel Chipot; Abdellah Elfanni; Arnaud Rougirel

The aim of this work is to analyze the asymptotic behavior of the eigenmodes of some elliptic eigenvalue problems set on domains becoming unbounded in one or several directions.

Pp. 69-78

Loss of Derivatives for →∞ in Strictly Hyperbolic Cauchy Problems

Ferruccio Colombini

We study the behavior for →∞ of the solutions to the Cauchy problem for a strictly hyperbolic second order equation with coefficients periodic in time, or oscillating with a period going to 0.

Pp. 79-89

On the Operator Splitting Method: Nonlinear Balance Laws and a Generalization of Trotter-Kato Formulas

Rinaldo M. Colombo; Andrea Corli

Two different applications of the operator splitting method are presented here. The first one concerns hyperbolic systems of balance laws in one space dimension: we state the existence and the stability of solutions for initial data with bounded variation. As an example a case of vehicular traffic flow is then considered. The second application concerns abstract nonlinear semigroups in a metric space: we show how a composition of semigroups can be defined, thus generalizing Trotter-Kato product formulas to nonlinear semigroups.

Pp. 91-100