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Hyperbolic Problems and Regularity Questions

Mariarosaria Padula ; Luisa Zanghirati (eds.)

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Partial Differential Equations; Functional Analysis; Applications of Mathematics; Differential Geometry

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Birkhäuser Verlag 2007

Cobertura temática

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Subelliptic Estimates for some Systems of Complex Vector Fields

Makhlouf Derridj

The solution of the equation div is performed via suitable solutions of the Poisson equation. For this purpose appropriate Sobolev spaces and a certain non-standard negative norm have to be regarded.

Pp. 101-108

Approximate Solutions to the 2-D Unsteady Navier-Stokes System with Free Surface

Marcello Guidorzi; Mariarosaria Padula

In this note we present a method based on Galerkin scheme that seems appropriate to provide global in time fluids flows in domains with moving boundary. Initial data are assumed to be small but not infinitesimal.

Pp. 109-119

Time Decay Estimates of Solutions for Wave Equations with Variable Coefficients

Kunihiko Kajitani

The aim of this work is to derive the time decay estimates of solutions for wave equations in ℝ with variable coefficients which are constants near the infinity of ℝ.

Pp. 121-136

On Weakly Pseudoconcave Manifolds

Mauro Nacinovich

We describe how the Keller-Segel model can be obtained as a driftdiffusion limit of kinetic models. Three different examples with global kinetic solutions yield different chemotactical sensitivity functions, including the case of a constant coefficient, where blow up in the limit may occur, the case with density threshold and an intermediate case for which the corresponding perturbed Keller-Segel models have global solutions.

Pp. 137-150

A Note on Kohn’s and Christ’s Examples

Cesare Parenti; Alberto Parmeggiani

We give here a family of second order examples tailored to those by Kohn and by Christ, which are ( ) hypoelliptic and lose an arbitrarily large (fixed) number of derivatives.

Pp. 151-158

On the Nonstationary Two-dimensional Navier-Stokes Problem in Domains with Strip-like Outlets to Infinity

Konstantin Pileckas

We study the behavior for →∞ of the solutions to the Cauchy problem for a strictly hyperbolic second order equation with coefficients periodic in time, or oscillating with a period going to 0.

Pp. 159-171

A Link between Local Solvability and Partial Analyticity of Several Classes of Degenerate Parabolic Operators

Petar R. Popivanov

The aim of this work is to find a necessary and sufficient condition for local solvability of some classes of degenerate parabolic operators. The conditions are imposed on the right-hand side of the corresponding equation. It is well known that the operators under consideration are nonsolvable for a “massive” set of smooth functions .

Pp. 173-183

The Solution of the Equation with

Remigio Russo; Christian G. Simader

The solution of the equation div is performed via suitable solutions of the Poisson equation. For this purpose appropriate Sobolev spaces and a certain non-standard negative norm have to be regarded.

Pp. 185-195

On Schauder Estimates for the Evolution Generalized Stokes Problem

Vsevolod A. Solonnikov

This note is devoted to coercive estimates in anisotropic Hölder norms of the solution of the Cauchy—Dirichlet problem for the system of generalized Stokes equations arising in the linearization of equations of motion of a certain class of non-Newtonian liquids.

Pp. 197-205

Local Analyticity and Nonlinear Vector Fields

David S. Tartakoff

We prove local analytic hypoellipticity for a quasilinear version of □ on the Heisenberg Group. The work is joint with A. Bove, M. Derridj and L. Zanghirati.

Pp. 207-215