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Digital Rights Management: Technologies, Issues, Challenges and Systems First International Conference, DRMTICS 2005, Sydney, Australia, October 31: November 2, 2005. Revised Selected Papers

Reihaneh Safavi-Naini ; Moti Yung (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Data Encryption; Computer Communication Networks; Operating Systems; Computers and Society; Legal Aspects of Computing; Management of Computing and Information Systems

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No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

Tabla de contenidos

A Novel Framework for Multiple Creatorship Protection of Digital Movies

Yu-Quan Zhang; Sabu Emmanuel

A digital movie can be created jointly under the cooperation of many creators. It is then necessary to provide protection to the creatorship of each participating creator. In this paper, we propose a framework for providing the creatorship protection of multiple creators involved in creating the object-based digital movie. The proposed framework makes use of digital watermarking techniques and cryptographic protocols to achieve the creatorship protection purpose. Object-based movie may consist of several audio and video objects, which may be created by different creators. The proposed framework embeds different watermarks in different video/audio objects in such a way that each creator can show the joint-creatorship of the movie; as well as each creator can prove his/her creatorship of video/audio object he/she created.

- Assurance and Authentication Issues | Pp. 1-12

TIVA: Trusted Integrity Verification Architecture

Mahadevan Gomathisankaran; Akhilesh Tyagi

We are moving towards the era of pervasive computing. The embedded computing devices are everywhere and they need to interact in many insecure ways. Verifying the integrity of the software running on these devices in such a scenario is an interesting and difficult problem. The problem is simplified if the verifying entity has access to the original binary image. However, the verifier itself may not be trusted with the intellectual property built into the software. Hence an acceptable and practical solution would not reveal the intellectual property (IP) of the verified software, and yet must verify its integrity. We propose one such novel solution, TIVA, in this paper.

- Assurance and Authentication Issues | Pp. 13-31

The Australian Sony PlayStation Case: How Far Will Anti-circumvention Law Reach in the Name of DRM?

Brian Fitzgerald

This chapter overviews the legal issues arising from the modification of the Sony PlayStation console under Australian Copyright Law – the so called anti-circumvention provisions. It will explain how these provisions have been interpreted by the courts and focus on the very recent decision of the Australian High Court. The article concludes by examining the extent to which the Australia-US Free Trade Agreement (AUSFTA) will impact upon this area of law.

- Legal and Related Issues | Pp. 32-51

Downloading vs Purchase: Music Industry vs Consumers

Supriya Singh; Margaret Jackson; Jenny Waycott; Jenine Beekhuyzen

The music industry argues that unauthorised downloading of music is detrimentally affecting the industry; a breach of copyright that needs to be stopped. The industry has taken many actions to stamp out unauthorised music downloading, including prosecution of peer-to-peer software users for breach of copyright and against peer-to-peer software suppliers for contributory copyright infringement. Industry commentators have questioned this line of reasoning particularly as there is now significant revenue from legal music downloads in the United States and Europe. This paper draws on a qualitative study of music consumers in Australia to show there is not a clear dichotomy between down- loading and purchase. It is more of a continuum. From the users’ perspective, downloading is transformed to the activity of accessing and exploring music. The industry could more fruitfully focus on satisfying this basic aspect of the listening experience in DRM systems in order to work together with their customers.

- Legal and Related Issues | Pp. 52-65

Digital Rights Management: Merging Contract, Copyright and Criminal Law

Yee Fen Lim

This paper examines the impact of digital rights management systems on the copyright regime. It argues that digital rights management systems in effect bestow copyright owners with more rights and control than what is stated in the copyright legislation. The end result is a regime that bears a remarkable resemblance to tangible property and which in some sense, is more powerful than tangible property.

- Legal and Related Issues | Pp. 66-74

User-Attributed Rights in DRM

Milan Petković; R. Paul Koster

Current Digital Rights Management (DRM) systems lack a functionality that allows a user to have more control over his content licenses to preserve his privacy or otherwise protect his interests. This paper presents an approach to increasing user’s control of domain-based protected content without sacrificing content owner’s control. The proposed method is based on a specific form of a delegation license and an activation mechanism. The paper also discusses a practical realization of the proposed concept as well as its cryptographic enforcement, architectural aspects and system complexity. The effectiveness and simplicity of the approach are illustrated by a practical realization of several motivating examples.

- Expressing Rights and Management | Pp. 75-89

AVS-REL—A New Right Expression Language

Ying Sha

Advanced Audio Video Coding Standard (AVS) Workgroup was established to provide the standards for compression, decompression, manipulation and display in digital audio and video multimedia equipment and system. In order to provide a flexible and interoperable rights expression mechanism for trade, distribution and usage on digital audio and video resources, AVS DRM subgroup develops a new right expression language (AVS-REL) to describe rights on digital resources under condition and permission. The new features of AVS-REL are illustrated in details in this paper, including data model, data structure, the usage of scenario and the management process of rights.

- Expressing Rights and Management | Pp. 90-101

A Comparative Study of Specification Models for Autonomic Access Control of Digital Rights

K. Bhoopalam; K. Maly; R. Mukkamala; M. Zubair; D. Agrawal; D. Kaminsky

One of the goals of Digital Rights Management Systems is the provision of a flexible access rights management system to specify and enforce digital rights. Policy-based access control is an important feature of flexible access management systems as it facilitates changes in access control with minimum or no changes to the system it protects. Two prominent policy based access specification models (and languages) are the Policy Core Information Model (PCIM) and the eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML). In this paper we analyze and compare the two specification models for their suitability in building access rights for Digital Rights Management Systems.

- Expressing Rights and Management | Pp. 102-112

The Effect of Fidelity Measure Functions on the Capacity of Digital Watermarks

Yanjun Hu; Xiaoping Ma; Linming Dou; Ying Chen

Watermarking capacity determines how much information can be carried in an image. Shannon formula is usually used to calculate it. While in this paper, it is considered that the watermarking capacity relies directly on the fidelity measure function. After the watermarking embedding process model is discussed, watermarking capacity formula and maximum watermarking capacity formula are proposed. Then, the watermarking capacity using PSNR as fidelity measure function is discussed. The conclusion that PSNR is not suitable to evaluate watermarked image is obtained.

- Watermarking | Pp. 113-122

A MPEG-2 Video Watermarking Algorithm with Compensation in Bit Stream

Hongmei Liu; Fenglian Shao; Jiwu Huang

Some requirements for MPEG-2 video watermarking, such as invisibility, robustness, unchanged bitstream size and real time processing, are desirable. We firstly apply a DC-based embedding strategy to MPEG-2 compressed domain and embed the watermark by modifying the DC coefficients. The strategy has three advantages over the AC-based one. Then a MPEG-2 bitstream video watermarking scheme is proposed. The watermark is embedded in DC coefficients in I frames. Because these DC coefficients are differentially coded, error caused by watermark embedding will be propagated. In order to decrease the distortion to video quality caused by error propagation, we develop a compensation algorithm worked in bit-stream, which improves the quality of the watermarked video effectively. We also give a simple control scheme to ensure that the MPEG-2 bitstream keeps its original size after watermarking. The experimental results show that the watermark is robust while guaranteeing the invisibility and real-time processing.

- Watermarking | Pp. 123-134