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Classification and Learning Using Genetic Algorithms: Applications in Bioinformatics and Web Intelligence

Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay Sankar K. Pal

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007

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Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay; Sankar K. Pal

Our understanding of spacetime has undergone some major changes in the last hundred years. Before last century, spacetime was regarded as nothing more than a passive and static arena in which events took place. Early last century, Einstein's general relativity changed that viewpoint and promoted spacetime to an active and dynamical entity. Nowadays, many physicists also believe that spacetime, like all matter and energy, undergoes quantum fluctuations. Following John Wheeler, many of us think that space is composed of an everchanging arrangement of bubbles called spacetime foam, a.k.a. quantum foam. To understand the terminology, let us follow Wheeler and consider the following simplified analogy which he gave in a gravity conference at the University of North Carolina in 1957. Imagine yourself flying an airplane over an ocean. At high altitude the ocean appears smooth. But as you descend, it begins to show roughness. Close enough to the ocean surface, you see bubbles and foam. Analogously, spacetime appears smooth on a large scale, but on sufficiently small scales, it will appear rough and foamy, hence the term “spacetime foam.” Many physicists believe the foaminess is due to quantum fluctuations of spacetime, hence the alternative term “quantum foam.” If spacetime indeed undergoes quantum fluctuations, the fluctuations will show up when we measure a distance (or a time duration), in the form of uncertainties in the measurement. Conversely, if in any distance (or time duration) measurement, we cannot measure the distance (or time duration) precisely, we interpret this intrinsic limitation to spacetime measurements as resulting from fluctuations of spacetime itself.

Pp. 1-18

Genetic Algorithms

Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay; Sankar K. Pal

Our understanding of spacetime has undergone some major changes in the last hundred years. Before last century, spacetime was regarded as nothing more than a passive and static arena in which events took place. Early last century, Einstein's general relativity changed that viewpoint and promoted spacetime to an active and dynamical entity. Nowadays, many physicists also believe that spacetime, like all matter and energy, undergoes quantum fluctuations. Following John Wheeler, many of us think that space is composed of an everchanging arrangement of bubbles called spacetime foam, a.k.a. quantum foam. To understand the terminology, let us follow Wheeler and consider the following simplified analogy which he gave in a gravity conference at the University of North Carolina in 1957. Imagine yourself flying an airplane over an ocean. At high altitude the ocean appears smooth. But as you descend, it begins to show roughness. Close enough to the ocean surface, you see bubbles and foam. Analogously, spacetime appears smooth on a large scale, but on sufficiently small scales, it will appear rough and foamy, hence the term “spacetime foam.” Many physicists believe the foaminess is due to quantum fluctuations of spacetime, hence the alternative term “quantum foam.” If spacetime indeed undergoes quantum fluctuations, the fluctuations will show up when we measure a distance (or a time duration), in the form of uncertainties in the measurement. Conversely, if in any distance (or time duration) measurement, we cannot measure the distance (or time duration) precisely, we interpret this intrinsic limitation to spacetime measurements as resulting from fluctuations of spacetime itself.

Pp. 19-51

Supervised Classification Using Genetic Algorithms

Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay; Sankar K. Pal

Our understanding of spacetime has undergone some major changes in the last hundred years. Before last century, spacetime was regarded as nothing more than a passive and static arena in which events took place. Early last century, Einstein's general relativity changed that viewpoint and promoted spacetime to an active and dynamical entity. Nowadays, many physicists also believe that spacetime, like all matter and energy, undergoes quantum fluctuations. Following John Wheeler, many of us think that space is composed of an everchanging arrangement of bubbles called spacetime foam, a.k.a. quantum foam. To understand the terminology, let us follow Wheeler and consider the following simplified analogy which he gave in a gravity conference at the University of North Carolina in 1957. Imagine yourself flying an airplane over an ocean. At high altitude the ocean appears smooth. But as you descend, it begins to show roughness. Close enough to the ocean surface, you see bubbles and foam. Analogously, spacetime appears smooth on a large scale, but on sufficiently small scales, it will appear rough and foamy, hence the term “spacetime foam.” Many physicists believe the foaminess is due to quantum fluctuations of spacetime, hence the alternative term “quantum foam.” If spacetime indeed undergoes quantum fluctuations, the fluctuations will show up when we measure a distance (or a time duration), in the form of uncertainties in the measurement. Conversely, if in any distance (or time duration) measurement, we cannot measure the distance (or time duration) precisely, we interpret this intrinsic limitation to spacetime measurements as resulting from fluctuations of spacetime itself.

Pp. 53-80

Theoretical Analysis of the GA-classifier

Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay; Sankar K. Pal

Our understanding of spacetime has undergone some major changes in the last hundred years. Before last century, spacetime was regarded as nothing more than a passive and static arena in which events took place. Early last century, Einstein's general relativity changed that viewpoint and promoted spacetime to an active and dynamical entity. Nowadays, many physicists also believe that spacetime, like all matter and energy, undergoes quantum fluctuations. Following John Wheeler, many of us think that space is composed of an everchanging arrangement of bubbles called spacetime foam, a.k.a. quantum foam. To understand the terminology, let us follow Wheeler and consider the following simplified analogy which he gave in a gravity conference at the University of North Carolina in 1957. Imagine yourself flying an airplane over an ocean. At high altitude the ocean appears smooth. But as you descend, it begins to show roughness. Close enough to the ocean surface, you see bubbles and foam. Analogously, spacetime appears smooth on a large scale, but on sufficiently small scales, it will appear rough and foamy, hence the term “spacetime foam.” Many physicists believe the foaminess is due to quantum fluctuations of spacetime, hence the alternative term “quantum foam.” If spacetime indeed undergoes quantum fluctuations, the fluctuations will show up when we measure a distance (or a time duration), in the form of uncertainties in the measurement. Conversely, if in any distance (or time duration) measurement, we cannot measure the distance (or time duration) precisely, we interpret this intrinsic limitation to spacetime measurements as resulting from fluctuations of spacetime itself.

Pp. 81-107

Variable String Lengths in GA-classifier

Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay; Sankar K. Pal

Our understanding of spacetime has undergone some major changes in the last hundred years. Before last century, spacetime was regarded as nothing more than a passive and static arena in which events took place. Early last century, Einstein's general relativity changed that viewpoint and promoted spacetime to an active and dynamical entity. Nowadays, many physicists also believe that spacetime, like all matter and energy, undergoes quantum fluctuations. Following John Wheeler, many of us think that space is composed of an everchanging arrangement of bubbles called spacetime foam, a.k.a. quantum foam. To understand the terminology, let us follow Wheeler and consider the following simplified analogy which he gave in a gravity conference at the University of North Carolina in 1957. Imagine yourself flying an airplane over an ocean. At high altitude the ocean appears smooth. But as you descend, it begins to show roughness. Close enough to the ocean surface, you see bubbles and foam. Analogously, spacetime appears smooth on a large scale, but on sufficiently small scales, it will appear rough and foamy, hence the term “spacetime foam.” Many physicists believe the foaminess is due to quantum fluctuations of spacetime, hence the alternative term “quantum foam.” If spacetime indeed undergoes quantum fluctuations, the fluctuations will show up when we measure a distance (or a time duration), in the form of uncertainties in the measurement. Conversely, if in any distance (or time duration) measurement, we cannot measure the distance (or time duration) precisely, we interpret this intrinsic limitation to spacetime measurements as resulting from fluctuations of spacetime itself.

Pp. 109-137

Chromosome Differentiation in VGA-classifier

Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay; Sankar K. Pal

Our understanding of spacetime has undergone some major changes in the last hundred years. Before last century, spacetime was regarded as nothing more than a passive and static arena in which events took place. Early last century, Einstein's general relativity changed that viewpoint and promoted spacetime to an active and dynamical entity. Nowadays, many physicists also believe that spacetime, like all matter and energy, undergoes quantum fluctuations. Following John Wheeler, many of us think that space is composed of an everchanging arrangement of bubbles called spacetime foam, a.k.a. quantum foam. To understand the terminology, let us follow Wheeler and consider the following simplified analogy which he gave in a gravity conference at the University of North Carolina in 1957. Imagine yourself flying an airplane over an ocean. At high altitude the ocean appears smooth. But as you descend, it begins to show roughness. Close enough to the ocean surface, you see bubbles and foam. Analogously, spacetime appears smooth on a large scale, but on sufficiently small scales, it will appear rough and foamy, hence the term “spacetime foam.” Many physicists believe the foaminess is due to quantum fluctuations of spacetime, hence the alternative term “quantum foam.” If spacetime indeed undergoes quantum fluctuations, the fluctuations will show up when we measure a distance (or a time duration), in the form of uncertainties in the measurement. Conversely, if in any distance (or time duration) measurement, we cannot measure the distance (or time duration) precisely, we interpret this intrinsic limitation to spacetime measurements as resulting from fluctuations of spacetime itself.

Pp. 139-157

Multiobjective VGA-classifier and Quantitative Indices

Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay; Sankar K. Pal

Our understanding of spacetime has undergone some major changes in the last hundred years. Before last century, spacetime was regarded as nothing more than a passive and static arena in which events took place. Early last century, Einstein's general relativity changed that viewpoint and promoted spacetime to an active and dynamical entity. Nowadays, many physicists also believe that spacetime, like all matter and energy, undergoes quantum fluctuations. Following John Wheeler, many of us think that space is composed of an everchanging arrangement of bubbles called spacetime foam, a.k.a. quantum foam. To understand the terminology, let us follow Wheeler and consider the following simplified analogy which he gave in a gravity conference at the University of North Carolina in 1957. Imagine yourself flying an airplane over an ocean. At high altitude the ocean appears smooth. But as you descend, it begins to show roughness. Close enough to the ocean surface, you see bubbles and foam. Analogously, spacetime appears smooth on a large scale, but on sufficiently small scales, it will appear rough and foamy, hence the term “spacetime foam.” Many physicists believe the foaminess is due to quantum fluctuations of spacetime, hence the alternative term “quantum foam.” If spacetime indeed undergoes quantum fluctuations, the fluctuations will show up when we measure a distance (or a time duration), in the form of uncertainties in the measurement. Conversely, if in any distance (or time duration) measurement, we cannot measure the distance (or time duration) precisely, we interpret this intrinsic limitation to spacetime measurements as resulting from fluctuations of spacetime itself.

Pp. 159-180

Genetic Algorithms in Clustering

Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay; Sankar K. Pal

Our understanding of spacetime has undergone some major changes in the last hundred years. Before last century, spacetime was regarded as nothing more than a passive and static arena in which events took place. Early last century, Einstein's general relativity changed that viewpoint and promoted spacetime to an active and dynamical entity. Nowadays, many physicists also believe that spacetime, like all matter and energy, undergoes quantum fluctuations. Following John Wheeler, many of us think that space is composed of an everchanging arrangement of bubbles called spacetime foam, a.k.a. quantum foam. To understand the terminology, let us follow Wheeler and consider the following simplified analogy which he gave in a gravity conference at the University of North Carolina in 1957. Imagine yourself flying an airplane over an ocean. At high altitude the ocean appears smooth. But as you descend, it begins to show roughness. Close enough to the ocean surface, you see bubbles and foam. Analogously, spacetime appears smooth on a large scale, but on sufficiently small scales, it will appear rough and foamy, hence the term “spacetime foam.” Many physicists believe the foaminess is due to quantum fluctuations of spacetime, hence the alternative term “quantum foam.” If spacetime indeed undergoes quantum fluctuations, the fluctuations will show up when we measure a distance (or a time duration), in the form of uncertainties in the measurement. Conversely, if in any distance (or time duration) measurement, we cannot measure the distance (or time duration) precisely, we interpret this intrinsic limitation to spacetime measurements as resulting from fluctuations of spacetime itself.

Pp. 181-212

Genetic Learning in Bioinformatics

Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay; Sankar K. Pal

Our understanding of spacetime has undergone some major changes in the last hundred years. Before last century, spacetime was regarded as nothing more than a passive and static arena in which events took place. Early last century, Einstein's general relativity changed that viewpoint and promoted spacetime to an active and dynamical entity. Nowadays, many physicists also believe that spacetime, like all matter and energy, undergoes quantum fluctuations. Following John Wheeler, many of us think that space is composed of an everchanging arrangement of bubbles called spacetime foam, a.k.a. quantum foam. To understand the terminology, let us follow Wheeler and consider the following simplified analogy which he gave in a gravity conference at the University of North Carolina in 1957. Imagine yourself flying an airplane over an ocean. At high altitude the ocean appears smooth. But as you descend, it begins to show roughness. Close enough to the ocean surface, you see bubbles and foam. Analogously, spacetime appears smooth on a large scale, but on sufficiently small scales, it will appear rough and foamy, hence the term “spacetime foam.” Many physicists believe the foaminess is due to quantum fluctuations of spacetime, hence the alternative term “quantum foam.” If spacetime indeed undergoes quantum fluctuations, the fluctuations will show up when we measure a distance (or a time duration), in the form of uncertainties in the measurement. Conversely, if in any distance (or time duration) measurement, we cannot measure the distance (or time duration) precisely, we interpret this intrinsic limitation to spacetime measurements as resulting from fluctuations of spacetime itself.

Pp. 213-241

Genetic Algorithms and Web Intelligence

Sanghamitra Bandyopadhyay; Sankar K. Pal

Our understanding of spacetime has undergone some major changes in the last hundred years. Before last century, spacetime was regarded as nothing more than a passive and static arena in which events took place. Early last century, Einstein's general relativity changed that viewpoint and promoted spacetime to an active and dynamical entity. Nowadays, many physicists also believe that spacetime, like all matter and energy, undergoes quantum fluctuations. Following John Wheeler, many of us think that space is composed of an everchanging arrangement of bubbles called spacetime foam, a.k.a. quantum foam. To understand the terminology, let us follow Wheeler and consider the following simplified analogy which he gave in a gravity conference at the University of North Carolina in 1957. Imagine yourself flying an airplane over an ocean. At high altitude the ocean appears smooth. But as you descend, it begins to show roughness. Close enough to the ocean surface, you see bubbles and foam. Analogously, spacetime appears smooth on a large scale, but on sufficiently small scales, it will appear rough and foamy, hence the term “spacetime foam.” Many physicists believe the foaminess is due to quantum fluctuations of spacetime, hence the alternative term “quantum foam.” If spacetime indeed undergoes quantum fluctuations, the fluctuations will show up when we measure a distance (or a time duration), in the form of uncertainties in the measurement. Conversely, if in any distance (or time duration) measurement, we cannot measure the distance (or time duration) precisely, we interpret this intrinsic limitation to spacetime measurements as resulting from fluctuations of spacetime itself.

Pp. 243-276