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Integrated Assessment of Water Resources and Global Change: A North-South Analysis

Eric Craswell ; Mike Bonnell ; Deborah Bossio ; Siegfried Demuth ; Nick Van De Giesen (eds.)

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Waste Water Technology / Water Pollution Control / Water Management / Aquatic Pollution; Hydrology/Water Resources; Climate Change; Landscape Ecology; Hydrogeology; Environmental Economics

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No detectada 2007 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer 2007

Tabla de contenidos

Shift in thinking to address the 21st century hunger gap

Malin Falkenmark

The present water policy debate is dominated by the 30 yr old mission to secure water supply and sanitation to all people. The water needed to produce a nutritionally acceptable diet for one person is however 70 times as large as the amount needed for domestic water supply. The food security dilemma is largest in arid climate regions, a situation constituting a formidable challenge. It is suggested that an additional 5 600 km/yr of consumptive water use will be needed to produce an adequate amount of food by 2050 — i.e almost a doubling of today’s consumptive use of 6800 km/yr. Past misinterpretations and conceptual deficiencies show the importance of a shift in thinking. Combining the scale of the challenge and the time scale of the efforts to feed humanity and eradicate hunger leads to an impression of great urgency. This urgency strengthens the call for international research both for supporting agricultural upgrading, and for much better handling of issues of environmental sustainability. What stands out is the need of a new generation of water professionals, able to handle complexity and able to incorporate water implications of land use and of ecosystem health in integrated water resources management. It will for those reasons be essential and urgent to upgrade the educational system to producing this new generation.

Pp. 3-18

A grid-based assessment of global water scarcity including virtual water trading

Md. Sirajul Islam; Taikan Oki; Shinjiro Kanae; Naota Hanasaki; Yasushi Agata; Kei Yoshimura

A 0.5-degree grid-based assessment of the scarcity of global water resources including virtual water trading has been made. The three components of water availability considered for each grid were local runoff, routed flow from upstream and virtual water trading. Several assumptions were postulated to convert country-base estimations of virtual water trading to grid values. The results show that unequal spatial distribution of global water resources had been considerably neutralized by virtual water trading. A large proportion of people in the Middle-East, North-Africa and Sub-Sahara region are able to relieve their water stress through virtual water import. The paper also reports two hypothetical scenarios with extremes of natural flow availability based on the presence and absence of routed upstream flow.

Pp. 19-33

Water footprints of nations: Water use by people as a function of their consumption pattern

A. Y. Hoekstra; A. K. Chapagain

The water footprint shows the extent of water use in relation to consumption of people. The water footprint of a country is defined as the volume of water needed for the production of the goods and services consumed by the inhabitants of the country. The internal water footprint is the volume of water used from domestic water resources; the external water footprint is the volume of water used in other countries to produce goods and services imported and consumed by the inhabitants of the country. The study calculates the water footprint for each nation of the world for the period 1997–2001. The USA appears to have an average water footprint of 2480m/cap/yr, while China has an average footprint of 700m/cap/yr. The global average water footprint is 1240m/cap/yr. The four major direct factors determining the water footprint of a country are: volume of consumption (related to the gross national income); consumption pattern (e.g. high versus low meat consumption); climate (growth conditions); and agricultural practice (water use efficiency).

Pp. 35-48

Transitions towards adaptive management of water facing climate and global change

Claudia Pahl-Wostl

Water management is facing major challenges due to increasing uncertainties caused by climate and global change and by fast changing socio-economic boundary conditions. More attention has to be devoted to understanding and managing the transition from current management regimes to more adaptive regimes that take into account environmental, technological, economic, institutional and cultural characteristics of river basins. This implies a paradigm shift in water management from a prediction and control to a management as learning approach. The change towards adaptive management could be defined as “learning to manage by managing to learn”. Such change aims at increasing the adaptive capacity of river basins at different scales. The paper identifies major challenges for research and practice how to understand a transition in water management regimes. A conceptual framework is introduced how to characterize water management regimes and the dynamics of transition processes. The European project NeWater project is presented as one approach where new scientific methods and practical tools are developed for the participatory assessment and implementation of adaptive water management.

Pp. 49-62

Stakeholder-driven, enquiry-driven, or stakeholder-relevant, enquiry-driven science?

W. James Shuttleworth

There is currently debate within the international hydrological community on whether hydrological science should give priority to providing measurements, knowledge, and understanding pre-determined as being needed by stakeholders, or priority to more basic enquiry-driven science that will stimulate the continued health and growth of hydrology as an important Earth science discipline. Two recent major international initiatives in hydrology reflect these two perspectives. One, the (HELP) program, is primarily fostered by UNESCO-IHP and is focused on stimulating the stakeholder-driven hydrological science required in specific catchments that have become members of a global network. The second, the decade on (PUB), which is appropriately managed by IAHS, is primarily driven by scientific enquiry and is focused on creating new scientific methods and understanding, albeit with practical application ultimately in mind. This paper summarizes the nature, origins, growth, and progress of these two international programs but also describes the subtly different approach that has been adopted by the U.S. National Science Foundation’s (NSF’s) Center for (SAHRA). NSF is a federal agency whose primary goal is to “enable the future” by stimulating novel science. Because SAHRA is a federally-funded entity supported by an agency with this goal, the Center clearly cannot operate in stakeholder-driven, response mode in competition with the already effective private U.S. consultancy industry. Nonetheless, SAHRA’s mission is to create knowledge and build understanding that will enhance the prospects of sustainable water management in semi-arid regions, especially the southwestern U.S. To resolve this apparent conflict, SAHRA looks ahead to future stakeholder needs and builds its research agenda around selected critical stakeholder-relevant questions that require substantial and sustained investment in basic, multidisciplinary, enquiry-driven science. This paper describes SAHRA’s approach and reports on associated research and outreach activities.

Pp. 63-77

Learning Alliances for the broad implementation of an integrated approach to multiple sources, multiple uses and multiple users of water

Frits W. T. Penning de Vries

‘Multiple use systems’ are systems that allow efficient and effective supply of water from different sources to communities for their domestic and for their productive purposes and that allow interaction with providers of water related services. Such systems are probably highly desirable from the perspective of using scare water efficiently and also from the perspectives of gender equity and improving livelihoods. It is therefore useful to carry out scientific research to validate this statement about a water-innovation. The mode of research must be ‘saction research’.

The specific form and management of multiple use systems depends on local biophysical and socio-economic factors, as well as on local institutions and legislation. Eleven ‘cornerstones’ need to be in place to realize a full multiple use system. Since a blue print cannot be made and many parties are involved, ‘learning alliances’ are to be set up in specific geographic areas and at national level to identify how much of these cornerstones of multiple use systems are still lacking, and to work together to create or implement these. Guidelines for setting up Learning Alliances and for actually implementing systems of multiple water use are needed.

Pp. 79-95

Possibilities and problems with the use of models as a communication tool in water resource management

Johanna Alkan Olsson; Lotta Andersson

Politicians and policy-makers, as well as modellers, often nurses an expectation that model derived results is an objective source of information that can be used to support decisions. However, several prerequisites have to be dealt with in order to ensure that models can be used as legitimate and efficient tools in water resource management. Based on empirical material from recent studies on the use of models in stakeholder dialogues, mainly focusing on catchment nutrient transport, two central problems are identified: (a) Models are laden with choices and thus depend on assumptions and priorities of modellers. (b) There are several factors that influence ability and willingness of stakeholders (as information recovers) to criticize or accept results of the modelling exercise. Recognized factors likely to influence stakeholders’ acceptance of model derived results include issues at stake, stakeholders’ ability to criticize model derived information, and their trust in the institutions that have developed or applied the used models. Identified prerequisites for successful use of models in integrated water resource management include: consideration of user relevance, awareness of and preparedness to handle constraints linked to communication of modelbased results, transparency of used models and data and of involved uncertainties, mutual respect between experts and stakeholders and between involved stakeholder groups, a robust institutional network, and sufficient time for dialogues. Development and use of strategies for participatory modelling, based on a continuous dialogue between experts and stakeholders is recommended as a way to facilitate that the prerequisites for a successful use of models in water resource management are fulfilled.

Pp. 97-110

Integration of the biophysical and social sciences using an indicator approach: Addressing water problems at different scales

Caroline A. Sullivan; Jeremy Meigh

To be operationally sustainable, any system of environmental management needs to be based on a truly holistic assessment of all of the relevant factors influencing it. This is of course a daunting task, demanding as it does detailed and reliable data, not only from both the physical and social sciences, but also incorporating some representation of that part of knowledge which could be described as non-scientific. This could be said to include the uncertainties of market forces and political will, as well as traditional knowledge systems, and artistic representation. Recognising the limitations of our own knowledge system is important if we are to make progress in the achievement of sustainability. The development of less deterministic models is a step forward in that direction.

This paper provides some discussion on the challenges associated with the integration of data from different disciplines, and the application of that data at different scales. Alternative approaches to the assessment of water resources for policy making are highlighted, and the validity of using such assessments at different scales is discussed. Using the Water Poverty Index as illustration, examples are provided of how an integrated assessment framework can be used to provide consistency and transparency in decision-making, and how this can, in practice, be applied at a variety of scales.

Pp. 111-128

Capturing the complexity of water uses and water users within a multi-agent framework

Thomas Berger; Regina Birner; José Díaz; Nancy McCarthy; Heidi Wittmer

Due to the hydrological and socio-economic complexity of water use within river basins and even sub-basins, it is a considerable challenge to manage water resources in an efficient, equitable and sustainable way. This paper shows that multi-agent simulation (MAS) is a promising approach to better understand the complexity of water uses and water users within sub-basins. This approach is especially suitable to take the collective action into account when simulating the outcome of technical innovation and policy change. A case study from Chile is used as an example to demonstrate the potential of the MAS framework. Chile has played a pioneering role in water policy reform by privatizing water rights and promoting trade in such rights, devolving irrigation management authority to user groups, and privatizing the provision of irrigation infrastructure. The paper describes the different components of a MAS model developed for four micro-watersheds in the Maule river basin. Preliminary results of simulation experiments are presented, which show the impacts of technical change and of informal rental markets on household income and water use efficiency. The paper also discusses how the collective action problems in water markets and in small-scale and large-scale infrastructure provision can be captured by the MAS model. To promote the use of the MAS approach for planning purposes, a collaborative research and learning framework has been established, with a recently created multi-stakeholder platform at the regional level (Comisión Regional de Recursos Hidricos) as the major partner. Finally, the paper discusses the potentials of using MAS models for water resources management, such as increasing transparency as an aspect of good governance. The challenges, for example the need to build trust in the model, are discussed as well.

Pp. 129-148

Upscaling field scale hydrology and water quality modelling to catchment scale

Alaa El-Sadek

The aim of the research presented in this manuscript is to model the outflow discharge and nutrient load at the outlet of small scale, mainly agricultural catchments. There to two approaches for the simulation of the transport of water and the transport and transformation of nitrogen in the stream were tested and compared. Both approaches use the DRAINMOD and the DRAINMOD-N models to simulate the hydrology and the nitrogen balance of the land phase at the scale of a field/field block/sub-catchment. Both models are used to generate the drain outflow and the nitrate concentration of the drainage water of the field unit considered. The contribution of the field units to the nutrient load of the river are calculated by multiplying the simulated flow weighted N concentrations with drain outflows. In a first approach, called the lumped approach, the water discharge and the nutrient load of field blocks are routed through the river using an exponential model. In this model the nitrate contribution of an individual field block to the nitrate load in the river outlet is calculated assuming first order nutrient decay/attenuation during the transport of the drainage water from the field outlet to the river outlet. The arrival at the outlet section of the nitrate plumes of the field blocks are phased in time based on the velocity profile in the river. The second approach, herein called the complex approach is using the hydraulic river modeling code MIKE 11. This model is using a complex process ADR (advective-dispersive-reactive) equation to calculate the chemical changes in the river water. The comparative analysis between both routing approaches reveals that the lumped approach is able to predict sufficiently accurate nutrient load at the catchment outlet. The complex approach has the advantage of giving a more accurate estimate of the nutrient load at the catchment outlet, resulting in a more precise modeling of the transport and transformation of the nutrient load in streams.

Pp. 149-169