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Network Analysis: Methodological Foundations

Ulrik Brandes ; Thomas Erlebach (eds.)

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Discrete Mathematics in Computer Science; Computer Communication Networks; Discrete Mathematics; Data Structures; Algorithm Analysis and Problem Complexity; Algorithms

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos


Ulrik Brandes; Thomas Erlebach

Many readers will find the title of this book misleading – at least, at first sight. This is because ‘network’ is a heavily overloaded term used to denote relational data in so vast a number of applications that it is far from surprising that ‘network analysis’ means different things to different people.

To name but a few examples, ‘network analysis’ is carried out in areas such as project planning, complex systems, electrical circuits, social networks, transportation systems, communication networks, epidemiology, bioinformatics, hypertext systems, text analysis, bibliometrics, organization theory, genealogical research and event analysis.

Most of these application areas, however, rely on a formal basis that is fairly coherent. While many approaches have been developed in isolation, quite a few have been re-invented several times or proven useful in other contexts as well. It therefore seems adequate to treat network analysis as a field of its own. From a computer science point of view, it might well be subsumed under ‘applied graph theory,’ since structural and algorithmic aspects of abstract graphs are the prevalent methodological determinants in many applications, no matter which type of networks are being modeled.

- Introduction | Pp. 1-6


Ulrik Brandes; Thomas Erlebach

In this chapter we discuss basic terminology and notation for graphs, some fundamental algorithms, and a few other mathematical preliminaries.

- Introduction | Pp. 7-15

Centrality Indices

Dirk Koschützki; Katharina Anna Lehmann; Leon Peeters; Stefan Richter; Dagmar Tenfelde-Podehl; Oliver Zlotowski

Centrality indices are to quantify an intuitive feeling that in most networks some vertices or edges are more central than others. Many vertex centrality indices were introduced for the first time in the 1950s: e.g., the Bavelas index [50, 51], degree centrality [483] or a first feedback centrality, introduced by Seeley [510]. These early centralities raised a rush of research in which manifold applications were found. However, not every centrality index was suitable to every application, so with time, dozens of new centrality indices were published. This chapter will present some of the more influential, ‘classic’ centrality indices. We do not strive for completeness, but hope to give a catalog of basic centrality indices with some of their main applications.

- Part I Elements | Pp. 16-61

Algorithms for Centrality Indices

Riko Jacob; Dirk Koschützki; Katharina Anna Lehmann; Leon Peeters; Dagmar Tenfelde-Podehl

The usefulness of centrality indices stands or falls with the ability to compute them quickly. This is a problem at the heart of computer science, and much research is devoted to the design and analysis of efficient algorithms. For example, shortest-path computations are well understood, and these insights are easily applicable to all distance based centrality measures. This chapter is concerned with algorithms that efficiently compute the centrality indices of the previous chapters.

- Part I Elements | Pp. 62-82

Advanced Centrality Concepts

Dirk Koschützki; Katharina Anna Lehmann; Dagmar Tenfelde-Podehl; Oliver Zlotowski

The sheer number of different centrality indices introduced in the literature, or even only the ones in Chapter 3, is daunting. Frequently, a new definition is motivated by the previous ones failing to capture the notion of centrality of a vertex in a new application. In this chapter we will discuss the connections, similarities and differences of centralities. The goal of this chapter is to present an overview of such connections, thus providing some kind of map of the existing centrality indices. For that we focus on formal descriptions that hold for all networks. However, this approach has its limits.

- Part I Elements | Pp. 83-111

Local Density

Sven Kosub

Actors in networks usually do not act alone. By a selective process of establishing relationships with other actors, they form groups. The groups are typically founded by common goals, interests, preferences or other similarities. Standard examples include personal acquaintance relations, collaborative relations in several social domains, and coalitions or contractual relationships in markets. The cohesion inside these groups enables them to influence the functionality of the whole network.

- Part II Groups | Pp. 112-142


Frank Kammer; Hanjo Täubig

This chapter is mainly concerned with the strength of connections between vertices with respect to the number of vertex- or edge-disjoint paths. As we shall see, this is equivalent to the question of how many nodes or edges must be removed from a graph to destroy all paths between two (arbitrary or specified) vertices.

- Part II Groups | Pp. 143-177


Marco Gaertler

Clustering is a synonym for the decomposition of a set of entities into ‘natural groups’. There are two major aspects to this task: the first involves algorithmic issues on how to find such decompositions, i.e., tractability, while the second concerns quality assignment, i.e., how good is the computed decomposition. Owing to the informal notion of natural groups, many different disciplines have developed their view of clustering independently.

- Part II Groups | Pp. 178-215

Role Assignments

Jürgen Lerner

Classification is the key to understand large and complex systems that are made up of many individual parts. For example in the study of food webs (networks that consist of living organisms and predator-prey relationships, flow of protein, etc.) it is, even for moderately small ecosystems, impossible to understand the relationship between each pair of individual organisms. Nevertheless, we can understand the system - to a certain extent - by classifying individuals and describing relationships on the class level. Classification in networks aims to describe regular patterns of interaction and to highlight essential structure, which remains stable over long periods of time.

- Part II Groups | Pp. 216-252


Marc Nunkesser; Daniel Sawitzki

In the previous chapter we investigated different types of vertex equivalences which lead us to the notion of a in a social network. We saw algorithms that compute the sets of equivalent actors according to different notions of equivalence. However, which of these notions are best suited for the analysis of concrete real world data seems to depend strongly on the application area.

- Part II Groups | Pp. 253-292