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Riverine Ecosystem Management: Riverine Ecosystem Management
Parte de: Aquatic Ecology Series
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial
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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
Aquatic Ecology; Ecosystem Services; Environmental Management; Freshwater Science; River Restoration; Sustainable River Management; Water Pollution
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No requiere | 2018 | Directory of Open access Books |
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No requiere | 2018 | SpringerLink |
Tipo de recurso:
ISBN impreso
ISBN electrónico
Editor responsable
Springer Nature
País de edición
Reino Unido
Fecha de publicación
Cobertura temática
Tabla de contenidos
Challenges in Riverine Ecosystem Management
Jan Sendzimir; Stefan Schmutz
This book is dedicated to those interested in the natural and social sciences and elements of governance that will support the sustainable management of rivers and aquatic ecosystems. Since elements of nature and society interact to determine the integrity and trajectory of these systems, they are referred to hereafter as social-ecological systems (SESs). This introduction opens the door to these topics in four steps. It begins by explaining why a book dedicated to river management and science is needed at this point. In the second part, it outlines the history of some of the major developments that challenge the integrity of SESs worldwide. In the third part, it describes several of the principal tools used to study as well as manage SES. Tools to measure the degree of degradation of an SES include indicators of biological integrity, ecosystem health, and resilience. Tools to assess and manage the trajectory of an SES include the DPSIR and adaptive management. The introduction closes by outlining the structure of the book through the progression of its chapters.
Pp. 1-16
Historic Milestones of Human River Uses and Ecological Impacts
Gertrud Haidvogl
History has been acknowledged for 20 years as an important research element for river management that has been applied, for example, to define reference conditions and assess the level of degradation. The evolution of river uses and related ecological conditions, especially in recent decades, has been utilized to show the impact of humans on these ecosystems. Integrating a historical perspective into river management can, however, go beyond these targets (see, e.g., Haidvogl et al. 2014, 2015; Higgs et al. 2014). Just as present river management decisions will influence future conditions, paths trodden by users in the past have a bearing on today’s ecology. Sound long-term studies of the natural and societal drivers shaping historical river changes can thus support our understanding of the present situation and identify trajectories of change. In long-term studies taking into account the dynamics of natural forces—in particular climate change and subsequent altered hydrologic and temperature conditions—as well as social dynamics (e.g., decision-making processes, main energy sources and technologies, superordinated practices and values) can reveal distinct overarching patterns of river use and management. This can contribute to developing future strategies and plans with lower ecological impacts.
Part I - Human Impacts, Mitigation and Restoration | Pp. 19-39
River Morphology, Channelization, and Habitat Restoration
Severin Hohensinner; Christoph Hauer; Susanne Muhar
Authorities and planners involved in river restoration projects often tend to focus on the hydromorphological state of a short river reach or certain aquatic habitats where the pending deficits are most evident. Nevertheless, for long-term and sustainable restoration, one should also consider flood dynamics and other interlinked processes at larger spatio-temporal scales, ideally at the catchment scale. Channel geometry and fluvial dynamics are not solely determined by local geomorphological framework conditions. Rather they are the product of influxes from the upstream catchment. Over the long term, both sediment transport and discharge, on the one side, and the local/sectional setting (e.g. geology, topography) on the other side lead to the formation of certain channel patterns. Changes in upstream sediment delivery and altered discharge regimes trigger local channel adjustments.
Accordingly, channelization measures do not only affect the physical configuration and dynamic fluvial processes at a respective river reach. Rather they influence much longer river sections or even the whole river system, including the tributaries. Human interventions into riverine environments always call for consideration of unintended side effects and potential long-term legacies that may cause new problems at upstream or downstream sections. What seems to be clear for river channelization does also apply to restoration measures. Locally implemented river restoration projects may also influence the up- and downstream fluvial processes and, thus, the habitat availability and the ecological state of longer river sections.
Part I - Human Impacts, Mitigation and Restoration | Pp. 41-65
River Hydrology, Flow Alteration, and Environmental Flow
Bernhard Zeiringer; Carina Seliger; Franz Greimel; Stefan Schmutz
“The water runs the river.” This chapter focuses on the river flow as the fundamental process determining the size, shape, structure, and dynamics of riverine ecosystems. We briefly introduce hydrological regimes as key characteristics of river flow. Hydrological regimes are then linked to habitats and biotic communities. The effects of flow regulation as a result of human activities such as water abstraction (irrigation and hydropower), river channelization, land use, and climate change are demonstrated. Finally, methods to assess the environmental flow, the flow that is needed to maintain the ecological integrity, are described, and examples of successful flow restoration presented.
Part I - Human Impacts, Mitigation and Restoration | Pp. 67-89
Hydropeaking Impacts and Mitigation
Franz Greimel; Lisa Schülting; Wolfram Graf; Elisabeth Bondar-Kunze; Stefan Auer; Bernhard Zeiringer; Christoph Hauer
Flow is a major driver of processes shaping physical habitat in streams and a major determinant of biotic composition. Flow fluctuations play an important role in the survival and reproductive potential of aquatic organisms as they have evolved life history strategies primarily in direct response to natural flow regimes (Poff et al. 1997; Bunn and Arthington 2002). However, although the organisms are generally adapted to natural dynamics in discharge, naturally caused flow fluctuations may entail negative consequences (e.g., stranding, drift, low productivity), especially if the intensity is exceptionally high or the event timing is unusual (Unfer et al. 2011; Nagrodski et al. 2012). Aside from natural dynamics in discharge, artificial flow fluctuations with harmful impacts on aquatic ecology can be induced by human activities. Hydropeaking—the discontinuous release of turbined water due to peaks of energy demand—causes artificial flow fluctuations downstream of reservoirs. High-head storage power plants usually induce flow fluctuations with very high frequencies and intensities compared to other sources of artificial flow fluctuations (Fig. 5.1). However, run-of-the-river power plants and other human activities may also create artificial hydrographs due to turbine regulation, gate manipulations, and pumping stations.
Part I - Human Impacts, Mitigation and Restoration | Pp. 91-110
Dams: Ecological Impacts and Management
Stefan Schmutz; Otto Moog
Dam construction goes back in human history for more than 5000 years (e.g., Sadd el-Kafara dam in Egypt for flood protection), but most of the world’s existing dams have been built after the Second World War as consequence or basis of economic development. Today, there are about 6000 existing or planned large hydropower dams (>15 m height) worldwide (Zarfl et al. 2014) and an uncountable number of small dams. For example, with more than 5000 mostly small hydropower plants, Austria is one of the countries with the highest density of hydropower dams (about 6 dams per 100 km, Wagner et al. 2015). Downstream flows are mainly altered by large dams, e.g., there are 654 reservoirs with storage capacities ≥0.5 km (Lehner and Döll 2004). Damming rivers currently stores the equivalent of 15% of global annual river runoff (Likens 2010). As a result, 48% of rivers (expressed as river volume) globally are moderately to severely impacted by either flow regulation, fragmentation, or both.
Part I - Human Impacts, Mitigation and Restoration | Pp. 111-127
Aquatic Habitat Modeling in Running Waters
Andreas Melcher; Christoph Hauer; Bernhard Zeiringer
The understanding behind managing and conserving the environment, including water resources, has an important role in worldwide development strategy. The high priority given to reestablishing and maintaining good ecological status is reflected in multiple national legislations in Europe as well as in the EU Water Framework Directive (WFD). However, despite these emerging institutional protections, water withdrawal and, among other economic uses, continue to claim large fractions of the goods and services provided by aquatic ecosystems in the world’s river basins. Consequently, much research and experimentation is needed to reestablish the ecological integrity of aquatic ecosystems, their habitats, and flow conditions.
Part I - Human Impacts, Mitigation and Restoration | Pp. 129-149
The Role of Sediment and Sediment Dynamics in the Aquatic Environment
Christoph Hauer; Patrick Leitner; Günther Unfer; Ulrich Pulg; Helmut Habersack; Wolfram Graf
The dynamic component in hydrology, sedimentology, and, consequently, river morphology serves as a backbone for the entire river environment (Maddock 1999). In addition to water pollution, the hydro-morphological/sedimentological degradation is one of the main pressures on river systems (Ward and Stanford 1995; Dudgeon et al. 2006). The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD, Directive 2000/60/EC) mentions various aspects of hydro-morphological disturbances that must be addressed by management plans to achieve the aims of a good ecological status or a good ecological potential (Article 3/Article 4). However, to reach these goals, the sediment conditions of a river (e.g., sediment continuum) are not part of the evaluation needs. Here, to achieve “good ecological status,” it is assumed that the biotic criteria reflect the hydro-morphological status, while direct assessments of dynamic sedimentological processes are not taken into account (Hauer 2015).
Part I - Human Impacts, Mitigation and Restoration | Pp. 151-169
River Connectivity, Habitat Fragmentation and Related Restoration Measures
Carina Seliger; Bernhard Zeiringer
Rivers have all too often been considered as two-dimensional elements of terrestrial landscapes neglecting their own internal structure and heterogeneity. But rivers exhibit certain characteristics, which should grant them a special position in connectivity conservation. With habitat fragmentation causing dramatic losses in global aquatic biodiversity, ecological research put much effort into conservation measures for maintaining and restoring connectivity of riverine habitats. To make use of the full mitigation hierarchy, the implementation of both avoidance (e.g. large-scale planning) and mitigation measures (e.g. facilities for up- and downstream migration) should be aspired.
Part I - Human Impacts, Mitigation and Restoration | Pp. 171-186
Phosphorus and Nitrogen Dynamics in Riverine Systems: Human Impacts and Management Options
Gabriele Weigelhofer; Thomas Hein; Elisabeth Bondar-Kunze
Water chemistry constitutes one key factor for the ecological state of streams and rivers as it determines the composition of the media in which the aquatic organisms live. Among the various chemical substances dissolved in water, phosphorus (P) and nitrogen (N) are particularly important for the management of riverine systems. These two macronutrients are essential components of all organisms and are closely linked to the aquatic carbon cycle, determining both the primary production and the microbial mineralization of organic matter in aquatic systems. The industrialization and intensification of agricultural production during the twentieth century has resulted in the nutrient enrichment and eutrophication of many freshwaters in Europe and the USA, impairing the water quality of rivers, lakes, and aquifers (Grizetti et al. 2011). Among others, eutrophication is responsible for toxic algal blooms, water anoxia, and habitat and biodiversity loss in freshwater ecosystems and poses direct threats to humans by impairing drinking water quality (Smith and Schindler 2009). Nutrient enrichment causes severe problems in coastal zones and can even affect the climate through increased greenhouse gas emissions. Despite current improvements in wastewater treatment from industrial and municipal sources in Europe (Kroiss et al. 2005), phosphorus and nitrogen remain of concern for river managers especially in regions where intensive urban or agricultural land use results in pollution of aquatic systems through diffuse nutrient inputs. Diffuse sources challenge the management of nutrients in riverine systems by requiring a combination of mitigation measures on both the catchment and the reach scale (Mainstone and Parr 2002).
Part I - Human Impacts, Mitigation and Restoration | Pp. 187-202