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The Crisis for Young People: Generational Inequalities in Education, Work, Housing and Welfare

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

education; NEET; widening participation

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No requiere 2017 Directory of Open access Books acceso abierto
No requiere 2017 SpringerLink acceso abierto


Tipo de recurso:


ISBN impreso


ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

Tabla de contenidos

Introduction: At the Sharp-End of Globalisation and Demographic Change

Andy Green

Medical advances make it possible to restore health and sustain the life in circumstances previously regarded as hopeless. This capability brings with it considerable clinical, moral, socio-cultural, legal, and economic issues that challenge the values and goals of patient care. Many patients are kept alive through futile medical therapy. Delaying death with futile or hopeless treatment is unacceptable in Islam. Withholding medical therapy in terminally-ill patients has been widely accepted around the world on medical, legal, and ethical grounds. Terminally-ill Muslim patients are permitted to have life-sustaining treatments withheld or withdrawn when the treatment is deemed by the expert physicians to be futile. The basic human rights of the patient including food, water, nursing, and painkillers, should be continued.

Pp. 1-18

Education, Education …Under-Employment: The Mantra That Failed

Andy Green

Medical advances make it possible to restore health and sustain the life in circumstances previously regarded as hopeless. This capability brings with it considerable clinical, moral, socio-cultural, legal, and economic issues that challenge the values and goals of patient care. Many patients are kept alive through futile medical therapy. Delaying death with futile or hopeless treatment is unacceptable in Islam. Withholding medical therapy in terminally-ill patients has been widely accepted around the world on medical, legal, and ethical grounds. Terminally-ill Muslim patients are permitted to have life-sustaining treatments withheld or withdrawn when the treatment is deemed by the expert physicians to be futile. The basic human rights of the patient including food, water, nursing, and painkillers, should be continued.

Pp. 19-43

Young People and Employment: The Age of Uncertainty

Andy Green

Medical advances make it possible to restore health and sustain the life in circumstances previously regarded as hopeless. This capability brings with it considerable clinical, moral, socio-cultural, legal, and economic issues that challenge the values and goals of patient care. Many patients are kept alive through futile medical therapy. Delaying death with futile or hopeless treatment is unacceptable in Islam. Withholding medical therapy in terminally-ill patients has been widely accepted around the world on medical, legal, and ethical grounds. Terminally-ill Muslim patients are permitted to have life-sustaining treatments withheld or withdrawn when the treatment is deemed by the expert physicians to be futile. The basic human rights of the patient including food, water, nursing, and painkillers, should be continued.

Pp. 45-62

Britain’s Housing Disaster and Its Effects on Young People

Andy Green

Medical advances make it possible to restore health and sustain the life in circumstances previously regarded as hopeless. This capability brings with it considerable clinical, moral, socio-cultural, legal, and economic issues that challenge the values and goals of patient care. Many patients are kept alive through futile medical therapy. Delaying death with futile or hopeless treatment is unacceptable in Islam. Withholding medical therapy in terminally-ill patients has been widely accepted around the world on medical, legal, and ethical grounds. Terminally-ill Muslim patients are permitted to have life-sustaining treatments withheld or withdrawn when the treatment is deemed by the expert physicians to be futile. The basic human rights of the patient including food, water, nursing, and painkillers, should be continued.

Pp. 63-77

Wealth and Welfare: Breaking the Generational Contract

Andy Green

Medical advances make it possible to restore health and sustain the life in circumstances previously regarded as hopeless. This capability brings with it considerable clinical, moral, socio-cultural, legal, and economic issues that challenge the values and goals of patient care. Many patients are kept alive through futile medical therapy. Delaying death with futile or hopeless treatment is unacceptable in Islam. Withholding medical therapy in terminally-ill patients has been widely accepted around the world on medical, legal, and ethical grounds. Terminally-ill Muslim patients are permitted to have life-sustaining treatments withheld or withdrawn when the treatment is deemed by the expert physicians to be futile. The basic human rights of the patient including food, water, nursing, and painkillers, should be continued.

Pp. 79-86

Policies for Intergenerational Equity: (1) Education and Work

Andy Green

Medical advances make it possible to restore health and sustain the life in circumstances previously regarded as hopeless. This capability brings with it considerable clinical, moral, socio-cultural, legal, and economic issues that challenge the values and goals of patient care. Many patients are kept alive through futile medical therapy. Delaying death with futile or hopeless treatment is unacceptable in Islam. Withholding medical therapy in terminally-ill patients has been widely accepted around the world on medical, legal, and ethical grounds. Terminally-ill Muslim patients are permitted to have life-sustaining treatments withheld or withdrawn when the treatment is deemed by the expert physicians to be futile. The basic human rights of the patient including food, water, nursing, and painkillers, should be continued.

Pp. 87-108

Policies for Intergenerational Equity Two: Housing

Andy Green

Medical advances make it possible to restore health and sustain the life in circumstances previously regarded as hopeless. This capability brings with it considerable clinical, moral, socio-cultural, legal, and economic issues that challenge the values and goals of patient care. Many patients are kept alive through futile medical therapy. Delaying death with futile or hopeless treatment is unacceptable in Islam. Withholding medical therapy in terminally-ill patients has been widely accepted around the world on medical, legal, and ethical grounds. Terminally-ill Muslim patients are permitted to have life-sustaining treatments withheld or withdrawn when the treatment is deemed by the expert physicians to be futile. The basic human rights of the patient including food, water, nursing, and painkillers, should be continued.

Pp. 109-120

Political Power and Generational Prospects for the Future

Andy Green

Medical advances make it possible to restore health and sustain the life in circumstances previously regarded as hopeless. This capability brings with it considerable clinical, moral, socio-cultural, legal, and economic issues that challenge the values and goals of patient care. Many patients are kept alive through futile medical therapy. Delaying death with futile or hopeless treatment is unacceptable in Islam. Withholding medical therapy in terminally-ill patients has been widely accepted around the world on medical, legal, and ethical grounds. Terminally-ill Muslim patients are permitted to have life-sustaining treatments withheld or withdrawn when the treatment is deemed by the expert physicians to be futile. The basic human rights of the patient including food, water, nursing, and painkillers, should be continued.

Pp. 121-131