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DevOps for Digital Leaders: Reignite Business with a Modern DevOps-Enabled Software Factory

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

DevOps; continuous delivery; software lifecycle; concurrent parallel testing; service management; ITIL; GRC; PaaS; containerization; API management; lean principles; technical debt; end-to-end automation; automation

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No requiere 2016 Directory of Open access Books acceso abierto
No requiere 2016 SpringerLink acceso abierto


Tipo de recurso:


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

Fecha de publicación

Tabla de contenidos

DevOps in the Ascendency

Aruna Ravichandran; Kieran Taylor; Peter Waterhouse

In 2016, Formula 1 (FI) racecars, the ultimate in four-wheeled technology, are awash in wireless sensors and transmitters.

Part I - DevOps: Conflict to Collaboration | Pp. 3-14

IT Impasse

Aruna Ravichandran; Kieran Taylor; Peter Waterhouse

Ever since we flipped the switch on commercial computers back in the 1950s, IT departments have been struggling to keep up with an insatiable demand for software applications and services. Of course many technologies like commercial of-the-shelf software packages, virtualization, and cloud computing have helped along the way, but generally IT delivery has been slow and uncoordinated.

Part I - DevOps: Conflict to Collaboration | Pp. 15-26

DevOps Foundations

Aruna Ravichandran; Kieran Taylor; Peter Waterhouse

Blink during a Formula 1 pit-stop and you’ll probably miss it. But this wasn’t always the case. Fifty years ago, a pit-crew would take over a minute to change the wheels and refuel. Today, anything more than three seconds is considered a fail.

Part I - DevOps: Conflict to Collaboration | Pp. 27-47


Aruna Ravichandran; Kieran Taylor; Peter Waterhouse

In the digital economy, building application programming interfaces (APIs) is essential for executing ideas quickly and seizing new business opportunities. They are the building blocks of digital transformation, enabling organizations to deliver exceptional customer experiences, create new revenue streams and connect employees, partners, apps, and devices to data—anytime, anywhere. APIs are not necessarily a new technology, but in today’s digital world, they have risen in prominence and become important to every facet of the enterprise. This in turn has increased the demand for effective API management.

Part II - Essential DevOps Tooling | Pp. 51-67


Aruna Ravichandran; Kieran Taylor; Peter Waterhouse

The volume and velocity of software innovation afforded by DevOps is perhaps the biggest driver of IT’s shift to this new method of delivery. But when organizations neglect quality in the head-long rush to DevOps glory, the glass can only ever be half empty.

Part II - Essential DevOps Tooling | Pp. 69-85


Aruna Ravichandran; Kieran Taylor; Peter Waterhouse

To keep pace with demands for new features and application updates, digital transformation must be driven by continuous delivery—the ability to rapidly and reliably release software across the pipeline at any time.

Part II - Essential DevOps Tooling | Pp. 87-103


Aruna Ravichandran; Kieran Taylor; Peter Waterhouse

In traditional enterprise IT, developers code and operations manage what comes "over the wall" to production. While DevOps regards this as the ultimate divisive anti-pattern, this practice has still been conducted for decades—but why?

Part II - Essential DevOps Tooling | Pp. 105-122

Practical DevOps

Aruna Ravichandran; Kieran Taylor; Peter Waterhouse

In enterprise computing, DevOps will never operate in a vacuum. Over many years businesses have invested, adopted, and adapted many other methodologies and practices. For DevOps to be successful, this means many practices and existing roles (beyond development and operations) should be carefully reviewed and, if necessary, adjusted to drive improvements across the DevOps-enabled software factory.

Part III - Tuning and Continuous Improvement | Pp. 125-137

DevOps and Real World ROI

Aruna Ravichandran; Kieran Taylor; Peter Waterhouse

During the 2016 Formula 1 season, it’s not unusual for pit-stops to hover somewhere around the three-second mark. In rare instances, such as for the Williams F1 team at the 2016 European Grand Prix, the feat has amazingly been accomplished in less than two ticks of the clock.

Part III - Tuning and Continuous Improvement | Pp. 139-150

DevOps Finetuning

Aruna Ravichandran; Kieran Taylor; Peter Waterhouse

Congratulations, you’ve read this far and are ready to floor the DevOps accelerator. Like a Formula 1 driver in pole-position at the start of a race, you’re eager to get the green light and hit the gas. Hopefully, you’re part of a team with a winning culture, managing to business outcomes and building the strategies needed for continuous improvement.

Part III - Tuning and Continuous Improvement | Pp. 151-169