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Empirical Research in Statistics Education

Parte de: ICME-13 Topical Surveys

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Mathematics Education; Learning; Statistics

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No requiere 2016 Directory of Open access Books acceso abierto
No requiere 2016 SpringerLink acceso abierto


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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Tabla de contenidos

Erratum to: Secondary Analysis of Electronic Health Records

MIT Critical Data

There are several open access health datasets that promote effective retrospective comparative effectiveness research.

Pp. E1-E1

Objectives of the Secondary Analysis of Electronic Health Record Data

Sharukh Lokhandwala; Barret Rush

Clinical medicine relies on a strong research foundation in order to build the necessary evidence base to inform best practices and improve clinical care, however large-scale RCTs are expensive and sometimes unfeasible. Fortunately, there exists expansive data in the form of electronic health records (EHR).

Part I - Setting the Stage: Rationale Behind and Challenges to Health Data Analysis | Pp. 3-7

Review of Clinical Databases

Jeff Marshall; Abdullah Chahin; Barret Rush

There are several open access health datasets that promote effective retrospective comparative effectiveness research.

Part I - Setting the Stage: Rationale Behind and Challenges to Health Data Analysis | Pp. 9-16

Challenges and Opportunities in Secondary Analyses of Electronic Health Record Data

Sunil Nair; Douglas Hsu; Leo Anthony Celi

Electronic health records are increasingly useful for conducting secondary observational studies with power that rivals randomized controlled trials.

Part I - Setting the Stage: Rationale Behind and Challenges to Health Data Analysis | Pp. 17-26

Pulling It All Together: Envisioning a Data-Driven, Ideal Care System

David Stone; Justin Rousseau; Yuan Lai

An Ideal Care System should incorporate fundamental elements of control engineering, such as effective and data-driven sensing, computation, actuation, and feedback.

Part I - Setting the Stage: Rationale Behind and Challenges to Health Data Analysis | Pp. 27-42

The Story of MIMIC

Roger Mark

MIMIC is a Medical Information Mart for Intensive Care and consists of several comprehensive data streams in the intensive care environment, in high levels of richness and detail, supporting complex signal processing and clinical querying that could permit early detection of complex problems, provide useful guidance on therapeutic interventions, and ultimately lead to improved patient outcomes.

Part I - Setting the Stage: Rationale Behind and Challenges to Health Data Analysis | Pp. 43-49

Integrating Non-clinical Data with EHRs

Yuan Lai; Edward Moseley; Francisco Salgueiro; David Stone

Non-clinical factors make a significant contribution to an individual’s health and providing this data to clinicians could inform context, counseling, and treatments.

Part I - Setting the Stage: Rationale Behind and Challenges to Health Data Analysis | Pp. 51-60

Using EHR to Conduct Outcome and Health Services Research

Laura Myers; Jennifer Stevens

Electronic Health Records have become an essential tool in clinical research, both as a supplement to existing methods, but also in the growing domains of outcomes research and analytics.

Part I - Setting the Stage: Rationale Behind and Challenges to Health Data Analysis | Pp. 61-70

Residual Confounding Lurking in Big Data: A Source of Error

John Danziger; Andrew J. Zimolzak

Big Data is defined by its vastness, often with large highly granular datasets, which when combined with advanced analytical and statistical approaches, can power very convincing conclusions (Bourne in Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 21(2):194–194, 2014). Herein perhaps lies the greatest challenge with using big data appropriately: understanding what is not available. In order to avoid false inferences of causality, it is critical to recognize the influences that might affect the outcome of interest, yet are not readily measurable.

Part I - Setting the Stage: Rationale Behind and Challenges to Health Data Analysis | Pp. 71-78

Formulating the Research Question

Anuj Mehta; Brian Malley; Allan Walkey

In this chapter, the reader will learn how to convert a clinical question into a pertinent research question, which includes defining an appropriate study design, select a population sample, the exposure and outcome of interest.

Part II - A Cookbook: From Research Question Formulation to Validation of Findings | Pp. 81-92