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Geometry for Computer Graphics: Formulae, Examples and Proofs

John Vince

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

Computer Graphics; Math Applications in Computer Science; Geometry

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer-Verlag London Limited 2005

Tabla de contenidos


John Vince

Efficient numerical techniques for the solution of constrained optimal control problems for the nonlinear heat equation are considered. The nonlinearity in the governing equation is due to the boundary conditions which cover the Boltzmann radiation boundary condition. With respect to numerical algorithms, variants of semismooth Newton methods are proposed which allow a convergence analysis in function space. For the latter aspect the concept of generalized (Newton, or slant) differentiability is invoked. The paper ends with a comparison of the proposed algorithms among each other and with a sequential quadratic programming method.

Pp. 1-71


John Vince

Efficient numerical techniques for the solution of constrained optimal control problems for the nonlinear heat equation are considered. The nonlinearity in the governing equation is due to the boundary conditions which cover the Boltzmann radiation boundary condition. With respect to numerical algorithms, variants of semismooth Newton methods are proposed which allow a convergence analysis in function space. For the latter aspect the concept of generalized (Newton, or slant) differentiability is invoked. The paper ends with a comparison of the proposed algorithms among each other and with a sequential quadratic programming method.

Pp. 73-168


John Vince

Efficient numerical techniques for the solution of constrained optimal control problems for the nonlinear heat equation are considered. The nonlinearity in the governing equation is due to the boundary conditions which cover the Boltzmann radiation boundary condition. With respect to numerical algorithms, variants of semismooth Newton methods are proposed which allow a convergence analysis in function space. For the latter aspect the concept of generalized (Newton, or slant) differentiability is invoked. The paper ends with a comparison of the proposed algorithms among each other and with a sequential quadratic programming method.

Pp. 169-323


John Vince

Efficient numerical techniques for the solution of constrained optimal control problems for the nonlinear heat equation are considered. The nonlinearity in the governing equation is due to the boundary conditions which cover the Boltzmann radiation boundary condition. With respect to numerical algorithms, variants of semismooth Newton methods are proposed which allow a convergence analysis in function space. For the latter aspect the concept of generalized (Newton, or slant) differentiability is invoked. The paper ends with a comparison of the proposed algorithms among each other and with a sequential quadratic programming method.

Pp. 325-332


John Vince

Efficient numerical techniques for the solution of constrained optimal control problems for the nonlinear heat equation are considered. The nonlinearity in the governing equation is due to the boundary conditions which cover the Boltzmann radiation boundary condition. With respect to numerical algorithms, variants of semismooth Newton methods are proposed which allow a convergence analysis in function space. For the latter aspect the concept of generalized (Newton, or slant) differentiability is invoked. The paper ends with a comparison of the proposed algorithms among each other and with a sequential quadratic programming method.

Pp. 333-334