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Education and Society in Hong Kong and Macao: Comparative Perspectives on Continuity and Change

Mark Bray ; Ramsey Koo (eds.)

Second Edition.

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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Reino Unido

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© CERC and Comparative Education Research Centr, The University of Hong Kong 2005

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Mark Bray; K O O Ding Yee Ramsey

This Introduction has provided some background, an overview of broad areas of education and society, and an indication of the structure of the book. Hong Kong and Macao are similar in their colonial histories, ethnic composition, geographic location, and status as SARs of China. However, significant differences exist within their social, political and economic systems. This pattern has an impact on education as well as on other sectors, and helps explain many aspects of continuity and change.

Underlying each chapter in the book are several common premises. They include the following:

Finally, although the first edition of this book took its subject much further than previous studies, and the second edition takes it further still with the addition of two chapters and thorough updating of the rest, a great deal remains to be done. Individual components of education systems could be examined in greater detail; and the processes of change will require continuing monitoring and analysis. It is hoped that scholars will take the book as the basis for further work, thereby extending exploration more widely and deepening understanding of the processes of continuity and change in education and society.

- Introduction | Pp. 3-11

Preschool Education

Wong Ngai Chun Margaret; Nirmala Rao

Mottling is one of the most significant defects in modern offset printing using coated papers. Mottling can be defined as undesired unevenness in perceived print density. Previous research in the field considered only gray scale prints. In our work, we extend current methodology to color prints. Our goal was to study the characteristics of the human visual system, perform psychometric experiments and develop methods which can be used at industrial level applications. We developed a method for color prints and extensively tested it with a number of experts and laymen. Suggested approach based on pattern-color perception separability proved to correlate with the human evaluation well.

- Levels and Sub-sectors | Pp. 15-34

Primary and Secondary Schooling

Bob Adamson; Li Siu Pang Titus

Mottling is one of the most significant defects in modern offset printing using coated papers. Mottling can be defined as undesired unevenness in perceived print density. Previous research in the field considered only gray scale prints. In our work, we extend current methodology to color prints. Our goal was to study the characteristics of the human visual system, perform psychometric experiments and develop methods which can be used at industrial level applications. We developed a method for color prints and extensively tested it with a number of experts and laymen. Suggested approach based on pattern-color perception separability proved to correlate with the human evaluation well.

- Levels and Sub-sectors | Pp. 35-59

Higher Education

Yung Man Sing Andrew

Mottling is one of the most significant defects in modern offset printing using coated papers. Mottling can be defined as undesired unevenness in perceived print density. Previous research in the field considered only gray scale prints. In our work, we extend current methodology to color prints. Our goal was to study the characteristics of the human visual system, perform psychometric experiments and develop methods which can be used at industrial level applications. We developed a method for color prints and extensively tested it with a number of experts and laymen. Suggested approach based on pattern-color perception separability proved to correlate with the human evaluation well.

- Levels and Sub-sectors | Pp. 61-72

Teacher Education

Li Siu Pang Titus; Kwo Wai Yu Ora

Mottling is one of the most significant defects in modern offset printing using coated papers. Mottling can be defined as undesired unevenness in perceived print density. Previous research in the field considered only gray scale prints. In our work, we extend current methodology to color prints. Our goal was to study the characteristics of the human visual system, perform psychometric experiments and develop methods which can be used at industrial level applications. We developed a method for color prints and extensively tested it with a number of experts and laymen. Suggested approach based on pattern-color perception separability proved to correlate with the human evaluation well.

- Levels and Sub-sectors | Pp. 73-85

Lifelong Learning and Adult Education

Leong Man Wai Aliana

Mottling is one of the most significant defects in modern offset printing using coated papers. Mottling can be defined as undesired unevenness in perceived print density. Previous research in the field considered only gray scale prints. In our work, we extend current methodology to color prints. Our goal was to study the characteristics of the human visual system, perform psychometric experiments and develop methods which can be used at industrial level applications. We developed a method for color prints and extensively tested it with a number of experts and laymen. Suggested approach based on pattern-color perception separability proved to correlate with the human evaluation well.

- Levels and Sub-sectors | Pp. 87-96

Church, State and Education

Leung Kit Fun Beatrice

Mottling is one of the most significant defects in modern offset printing using coated papers. Mottling can be defined as undesired unevenness in perceived print density. Previous research in the field considered only gray scale prints. In our work, we extend current methodology to color prints. Our goal was to study the characteristics of the human visual system, perform psychometric experiments and develop methods which can be used at industrial level applications. We developed a method for color prints and extensively tested it with a number of experts and laymen. Suggested approach based on pattern-color perception separability proved to correlate with the human evaluation well.

- Political, Economic and Social Issues | Pp. 99-108

Higher Education, Imperialism and Colonial Transition

Hui Kwok Fai Philip; Poon Lai Man Helen

Mottling is one of the most significant defects in modern offset printing using coated papers. Mottling can be defined as undesired unevenness in perceived print density. Previous research in the field considered only gray scale prints. In our work, we extend current methodology to color prints. Our goal was to study the characteristics of the human visual system, perform psychometric experiments and develop methods which can be used at industrial level applications. We developed a method for color prints and extensively tested it with a number of experts and laymen. Suggested approach based on pattern-color perception separability proved to correlate with the human evaluation well.

- Political, Economic and Social Issues | Pp. 109-125

Higher Education and the Labour Force

Ma Hing Tong William

Mottling is one of the most significant defects in modern offset printing using coated papers. Mottling can be defined as undesired unevenness in perceived print density. Previous research in the field considered only gray scale prints. In our work, we extend current methodology to color prints. Our goal was to study the characteristics of the human visual system, perform psychometric experiments and develop methods which can be used at industrial level applications. We developed a method for color prints and extensively tested it with a number of experts and laymen. Suggested approach based on pattern-color perception separability proved to correlate with the human evaluation well.

- Political, Economic and Social Issues | Pp. 127-139

Language and Education

Mark Bray; Koo Ding Yee Ramsey

Mottling is one of the most significant defects in modern offset printing using coated papers. Mottling can be defined as undesired unevenness in perceived print density. Previous research in the field considered only gray scale prints. In our work, we extend current methodology to color prints. Our goal was to study the characteristics of the human visual system, perform psychometric experiments and develop methods which can be used at industrial level applications. We developed a method for color prints and extensively tested it with a number of experts and laymen. Suggested approach based on pattern-color perception separability proved to correlate with the human evaluation well.

- Political, Economic and Social Issues | Pp. 141-158