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Advances in Spatial and Temporal Databases: 9th International Symposium, SSTD 2005, Angra dos Reis, Brazil, August 22-24, 2005, Proceedings

Claudia Bauzer Medeiros ; Max J. Egenhofer ; Elisa Bertino (eds.)

En conferencia: 9º International Symposium on Spatial and Temporal Databases (SSTD) . Angra dos Reis, Brazil . August 22, 2005 - August 24, 2005

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No detectada 2005 SpringerLink


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Springer Nature

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© Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2005

Tabla de contenidos

Selectivity Estimation of High Dimensional Window Queries via Clustering

Christian Böhm; Hans-Peter Kriegel; Peer Kröger; Petra Linhart

Query optimization is an important functionality of modern database systems and often based on estimating the selectivity of queries before actually executing them. Well-known techniques for estimating the result set size of a query are sampling and histogram-based solutions. Sampling-based approaches heavily depend on the size of the drawn sample which causes a trade-off between the quality of the estimation and the time in which the estimation can be executed for large data sets. Histogram-based techniques eliminate this problem but are limited to low-dimensional data sets. They either assume that all attributes are independent which is rarely true for real-world data or else get very inefficient for high-dimensional data. In this paper we present the first multivariate parametric method for estimating the selectivity of window queries for large and high-dimensional data sets. We use clustering to compress the data by generating a precise model of the data using multivariate Gaussian distributions. Additionally, we show efficient techniques to evaluate a window query against the Gaussian distributions we generated. Our experimental evaluation shows that this approach is significantly more efficient for multidimensional data than all previous approaches.

Palabras clave: Storage Cost; Query Optimization; Window Query; Selectivity Estimation; High Dimensional Data Space.

- Query Optimization and Simulation | Pp. 1-18

Spatio-temporal Histograms

Hicham G. Elmongui; Mohamed F. Mokbel; Walid G. Aref

This paper presents a framework for building and continuously maintaining spatio-temporal histograms (ST-Histograms, for short). ST-Histograms are used for selectivity estimation of continuous pipelined query operators. Unlike traditional histograms that examine and/or sample all incoming data tuples, ST-Histograms are built by monitoring the actual selectivities of the outstanding continuous queries. ST-Histograms have three main features: (1) The ST-Histograms are built with (almost) no overhead to the system. We use only feedback (i.e., the actual selectivity) from the existing continuous queries. (2) Rather than wasting system resources in maintaining accurate histograms for the whole spatial space, we only maintain accurate histograms for that part of the space that is relevant to the current existing queries. The rest of the space has less accurate histograms. (3) The ST-Histograms are equipped with a periodicity detection procedure that predicts the future execution of the continuous queries. Hence, the query processing engine can continuously adapt the continuous query pipeline to reflect this prediction. Experimental results based on a real implementation inside a data stream management system show a superior performance of ST-Histograms in terms of providing accurate operator selectivity estimations with no extra overhead.

Palabras clave: Grid Cell; Large Data Base; Execution Plan; Query Optimizer; Continuous Query.

- Query Optimization and Simulation | Pp. 19-36

GAMMA: A Framework for Moving Object Simulation

Haibo Hu; Dik-Lun Lee

Simulating user mobility is crucial for mobile computing and spatial database research. However, all existing moving object generators assume a fixed and often unrealistic mobility model. In this paper, we represent the moving behavior as a trajectory in the location-temporal space and propose two generic metrics to evaluate a trajectory dataset. In this context, trajectory generation is treated as an optimization problem and a framework, GAMMA, is proposed to solve it by the genetic algorithm. We demonstrate GAMMA’s practicability and flexibility by configuring it for two specific simulations, namely, cellular network trajectory and symbolic location tracking. The experimental results show that GAMMA can efficiently and robustly produce high quality moving object datasets for various simulation objectives.

Palabras clave: Genetic Algorithm; Cellular Network; Voronoi Diagram; Mobility Model; Mobility Pattern.

- Query Optimization and Simulation | Pp. 37-54

Medoid Queries in Large Spatial Databases

Kyriakos Mouratidis; Dimitris Papadias; Spiros Papadimitriou

Assume that a franchise plans to open k branches in a city, so that the average distance from each residential block to the closest branch is minimized. This is an instance of the k - medoids problem, where residential blocks constitute the input dataset and the k branch locations correspond to the medoids. Since the problem is NP-hard, research has focused on approximate solutions. Despite an avalanche of methods for small and moderate size datasets, currently there exists no technique applicable to very large databases. In this paper, we provide efficient algorithms that utilize an existing data-partition index to achieve low CPU and I/O cost. In particular, we exploit the intrinsic grouping properties of the index in order to avoid reading the entire dataset. Furthermore, we apply our framework to solve medoid-aggregate queries, where k is not known in advance; instead, we are asked to compute a medoid set that leads to an average distance close to a user-specified parameter T . Compared to previous approaches, we achieve results of comparable or better quality at a small fraction of the CPU and I/O costs (seconds as opposed to hours, and tens of node accesses instead of thousands).

Palabras clave: Leaf Node; Near Neighbor; Node Access; Minimum Bound Rectangle; Residential Block.

- Advanced Query Processing I | Pp. 55-72

The Islands Approach to Nearest Neighbor Querying in Spatial Networks

Xuegang Huang; Christian S. Jensen; Simonas Šaltenis

Much research has recently been devoted to the data management foundations of location-based mobile services. In one important scenario, the service users are constrained to a transportation network. As a result, query processing in spatial road networks is of interest. We propose a versatile approach to k nearest neighbor computation in spatial networks, termed the Islands approach. By offering flexible yet simple means of balancing re-computation and pre-computation, this approach is able to manage the trade-off between query and update performance. The result is a single, efficient, and versatile approach to k nearest neighbor computation that obviates the need for using several k nearest neighbor approaches for supporting a single service scenario. The experimental comparison with the existing techniques uses real-world road network data and considers both I/O and CPU performance, for both queries and updates.

Palabras clave: Road Network; Query Point; Spatial Network; Network Distance; Neighbor Query.

- Advanced Query Processing I | Pp. 73-90

Estimating the Overlapping Area of Polygon Join

Leonardo Guerreiro Azevedo; Geraldo Zimbrão; Jano Moreira de Souza; Ralf Hartmut Güting

Traditional query processing provides exact answers to queries trying to maximize throughput while minimizing response time. However, in many applications the response time of exact answers is often longer than what is acceptable. Approximate query processing has emerged as an alternative approach to give to the user an answer in a shorter time than the traditional approach. The goal is to provide an estimated result very close to the exact answer, along with a confidence interval, in a short time. There is a large set of techniques for approximate query processing available in different research areas. However most of them are only suitable for traditional data. This work is concerned with approximate query processing in spatial databases. We propose a new algorithm to estimate the overlapping area of polygon join using raster signatures. We executed experimental tests over real world data sets, and the results demonstrated our approach effectiveness.

Palabras clave: Query Processing; Exact Answer; Disk Access; Full Cell; Overlap Area.

- Advanced Query Processing I | Pp. 91-108

Density Estimation for Spatial Data Streams

Cecilia M. Procopiuc; Octavian Procopiuc

In this paper we study the problem of estimating several types of spatial queries in a streaming environment. We propose a new approach, which we call Local Kernels, for computing density estimators by using local rather than global statistics on the data. The approach is easy to extend to an on-line setting, by maintaining a small random sample with a kd-tree-like structure on top of it. Our structure dynamically adapts to changes in the locality of data and has small update time. Experimental results show that the proposed algorithm returns good approximate results for a variety of data and query distributions. We also show that it is useful in off-line computations, as well.

Palabras clave: Data Stream; Range Query; Average Relative Error; Local Kernel; Kernel Bandwidth.

- Spatial/Temporal Data Streams | Pp. 109-126

Change Detection in Time Series Data Using Wavelet Footprints

Mehdi Sharifzadeh; Farnaz Azmoodeh; Cyrus Shahabi

In this paper, we propose a novel approach to address the problem of change detection in time series data. Our approach is based on wavelet footprints proposed originally by the signal processing community for signal compression. We, however, exploit the properties of footprints to capture discontinuities in a signal. We show that transforming data using footprints generates nonzero coefficients only at the change points. Exploiting this property, we propose a change detection query processing scheme which employs footprint-transformed data to identify change points, their amplitudes, and degrees of change efficiently and accurately. Our analytical and empirical results show that our approach outperforms the best known change detection approach in terms of both performance and accuracy. Furthermore, unlike the state of the art approaches, our query response time is independent of the number of change points and the user-defined change threshold.

Palabras clave: Change Detection; Change Point; Time Series Data; Query Processing; Wavelet Domain.

- Spatial/Temporal Data Streams | Pp. 127-144

Evaluation of a Dynamic Tree Structure for Indexing Query Regions on Streaming Geospatial Data

Quinn Hart; Michael Gertz; Jie Zhang

Most recent research on querying and managing data streams has concentrated on traditional data models where the data come in the form of tuples or XML data. Complex types of streaming data, in particular spatio-temporal data, have primarily been investigated in the context of moving objects and location-aware services. In this paper, we study query processing and optimization aspects for streaming (RSI) data. Streaming RSI is typical for the vast amount of imaging satellites orbiting the Earth, and it exhibits certain characteristics that make it very attractive to tailored query optimization techniques. Our approach uses a Dynamic Cascade Tree (DCT) to (1) index spatio-temporal query regions associated with continuous user queries and (2) efficiently determine what incoming RSI data is relevant to what queries. The (DCT) supports the processing of different types of RSI data, ranging from point data to more general spatial extents in which the incoming imagery can be single pixels, rows of pixels, or discrete parts of images. The DCT exploits spatial trends in incoming RSI data to efficiently filter the data of interest to the individual query regions. Experimental results using random input and Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) data give a good insight into processing streaming RSI and verify the efficiency and utility of the DCT .

Palabras clave: Data Stream; Streaming Data; Continuous Query; Current Window; Query Region.

- Spatial/Temporal Data Streams | Pp. 145-162

The Optimal-Location Query

Yang Du; Donghui Zhang; Tian Xia

We propose and solve the optimal-location query in spatial databases. Given a set S of sites, a set O of weighted objects, and a spatial region Q , the optimal-location query returns a location in Q with maximum influence. Here the influence of a location l is the total weight of its RNNs, i.e. the total weight of objects in O that are closer to l than to any site in S . This new query has practical applications, but is very challenging to solve. Existing work on computing RNNs assumes a single query location, and thus cannot be used to compute optimal locations. The reason is that there are infinite candidate locations in Q . If we check a finite set of candidate locations, the result can be inaccurate, i.e. the revealed location may not have maximum influence. This paper proposes three methods that accurately compute optimal locations. The first method uses a standard R*-tree. To compute an optimal location, the method retrieves certain objects from the R*-tree and sends them as a stream to a plane-sweep algorithm, which uses a new data structure called the aSB-tree to ensure query efficiency. The second method is based on a new index structure called the OL-tree , which novelly extends the k-d-B-tree to store segmented rectangular records. The OL-tree is only of theoretical usage for it is not space efficient. The most practical approach is based on a new index structure called the Virtual OL-tree . These methods are theoretically and experimentally evaluated.

Palabras clave: Optimal Location; Query Range; Voronoi Cell; Query Performance; Close Site.

- Advanced Query Processing II | Pp. 163-180