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Multimedia Database Retrieval: A Human-Centered Approach

Paisarn Muneesawang Ling Guan

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

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Institución detectada Año de publicación Navegá Descargá Solicitá
No detectada 2006 SpringerLink


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ISBN electrónico


Editor responsable

Springer Nature

País de edición

Reino Unido

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© Springer Science+Business Media, LLC 2006

Tabla de contenidos


Palabras clave: Support Vector Machine; Relevance Feedback; Visual Content; Video Retrieval; Retrieval Accuracy.

Pp. 1-10

Interactive Content-based Image Retrieval

Palabras clave: Radial Basis Function; Query Image; Relevance Feedback; Learn Vector Quantization; Sonar Image.

Pp. 11-46

High Performance Retrieval: A New Machine Learning Approach

Pp. 47-73

Automatic Relevance Feedback

Palabras clave: Discrete Cosine Transform; Discrete Wavelet Transform; Query Image; Relevance Feedback; Discrete Cosine Transform Coefficient.

Pp. 75-105

Automatic Retrieval on P2P Network and Knowledge-based Databases

Pp. 107-125

Adaptive Video Indexing and Retrieval

Video database applications require a suitable indexing technique to capture the time-varying nature of video data, together with a high performance retrieval strategy. This chapter presented an adaptive video indexing (AVI) technique and its integration with the specialized neural network model, which impressively satisfies these requirements. The template-frequency model (TFM) demonstrates very effective representation of the dynamic content of video, at various levels, and offers retrieval-by-video-clip to facilitate retrieving video groups and stories. Since TFM model addresses the difficulty in capturing spatio-temporal information, it allows relevance feedback analysis to capture information on the dynamic content, rather than spatial information offered by key-frame based modeling techniques. Unlike previous video database search attempts, we incorporated a self-learning neural network to implement an automatic relevance feedback method, which requires no user input for its adaptation. Based on a simulation study, this adaptive system, utilizing the TFM and automatic-RF retrieval architecture, can be effectively applied to a video database, with promising results. This approach combines many new features, which may help to usher in a new generation of video database applications.

Pp. 127-156

Movie Retrieval Using Audio-visual Fusion

This chapter presents applications of adaptive video indexing (AVI) technique for movie retrieval. AVI is demonstrated by an online multimedia search engine for retrieval using the query-by-video clip method, and compared to other popular video indexing and retrieval techniques. The search engine implements AVI in both user-controlled and self-organizing relevance feedback processes, which provides very high accuracy retrieval results as well as quick query response time. The chapter also presents an integration of AVI with an audio-visual fusion model that can support high-level concept queries. This was successfully applied for retrieval of movie clips from a large digital collection.

Palabras clave: Video Clip; Relevance Feedback; Video Retrieval; Music Video; Audio Feature.

Pp. 159-172