Catálogo de publicaciones - revistas
Título de Acceso Abierto
Drug Safety: Case Reports
Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial en inglés
Drug Safety - Case Reports is an online, open access journal specialising in the publication of case reports and case series relating to suspected adverse drug reactions. As well as reports of any unintended or adverse effects following administration of a medicinal product (or products), the journal welcomes reports of cases involving `near misses' (for example, medication errors detected before harm is done) and cases involving the lack of efficacy of a therapeutic product.Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial
International; Electronic; Adverse drug reaction; medication error; drug misuse; lack of drug efficacy
Institución detectada | Período | Navegá | Descargá | Solicitá |
No requiere | desde ene. 2014 / hasta dic. 2019 | PubMed Central | ||
No requiere | desde dic. 2014 / hasta dic. 2024 | SpringerLink |
Tipo de recurso:
ISSN impreso
ISSN electrónico
País de edición
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