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Paleontology in the 21st Century

Resumen/Descripción – provisto por la editorial

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Palabras clave – provistas por la editorial

REE; Tyrannosaurus rex; molecular paleontology; geochemical taphonomy; diagenesis; bone; protein; collagen; Hell Creek Formation; cuticle; Eocene; Fur Formation; insects; melanin; mo-clay; pigment; Stolleklint Clay; structural coloration; Ølst Formation; fossil; dinosaur; paleoproteomics; porphyrin; keratin; feather; taphonomy; degradation; microbes; CO2; apatite; paleontology; China; history; 20th century; 21th century; paleobiology; history and philosophy of paleontology; twenty-first-century paleontology; paleobiological revolution; technoscience and global issues; fossil proteins; rare earth elements; soft-tissue preservation; geochemistry; soft tissues; molecular preservation; Hornerstown Formation; shallow marine; glauconite; hybridization; introgression; ancient DNA (aDNA); hominin paleontology; paleoanthropology; Brachylophosaurus; Judith River Formation; ELISA; RIA; Venta Micena site; VM-0; VM-1960; taxonomy; morphometrics; phylogeny; evolution; morphological clock; molecular clock; biodiversity; palaeobiogeography; macroevolution; primates; Cercopithecidae; monkeys; genotype:phenotype mapping; dentition; Equidae; Equinae; hipparionini; protohippini; equini; paleoecology; paleoclimatology; biochronology; steroids; diet; coprolites; Gryphaea dilatata; crystallographic texture; pole figures; neutron diffraction; recrystallization; thick-walled shells; molecular taphonomy; fossils; preservation; mass spectrometry; dinosaurs; Neanderthal; Combe-Grenal; juvenile; mandible; periodontitis; tooth; tartar; SEM analysis; n/a; terrestrialization; artrhopods; Cambrian explosion; molecular clocks; palaeontology; phylogenomics; teeth; enamel; microanalysis; Purussaurus; Neoepiblema; miocene; ICP-MS; MEV; microscopy; magnetic resonance imaging; micro-computed tomography; radiocarbon dating; DNA barcoding; synchrotron; bone remodeling; elemental analysis; diagenetic alteration

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